Luna is a 6 year old grade red dun mare. Investigators witnessed feedlot personnel hitting the horses hard on their face and head with wooden sticks/flags. Trucking Available. Petie has a spirited personality and is very full of himself. It was aired Opening Day of Del Mar Races, July 2016. April 10, 2010 Pet-a . We pay for unlimited rights only. Aziz is said to have been ridden years ago, but it appears he would need considerable refreshing/retraining. Thank you, Anne and Rachael, for understanding that such horses still have a lot of love to give and value to offer! Riding Through Trauma: how horses can help people reconnect and recover. Consequently, a large number of horses selling at auction are bought by kill buyers. Oct. 2011 we bought him from a slaughter feed lot in . He has been used on a large working ranch and feed lots. **THIS HORSE IS LOCATED IN Charleston. She had suffered extended neglect, but after a few months of good hoof care and dentals, Carmelita made an amazing comeback. The feedlot has now bypassed working with rescues and has their own Facebook page where they post pictures and offer some of the horses for sale. Lacy is a 2006 (est) mare that was obtained from a Reno auction by a backyard pony breeder. Fairbury, Nebraska 68352. More info to come! Horse Rescues in Fallon Nevada - Equine Now Over in Fallon our rescue team drove by the feedlot. Tank and Star were rescued from a NV feedlot in July 2012. She required an experience handler and found one with her new owner. Buttercup is a very sweet little mini that came to AAE in 2013 after unfortunate family circumstances. Click here to download the Equine Wellness Top Health Tips eBook. fallon feedlot horses. For additional consideration please submit videos of your current riding level. Please include your name, address and telephone number or email address, along with your animals name, sex and age (if known) and a short description of the photo. fallon feedlot horses - Feed Lots Horse Classifieds by, part of the, LLC group of websites. All Rights Reserved. Only 2-months-old when he arrived, Carson initially was weak and thin, but with good feed and volunteer care, he soon turned around. SPONSOR A HORSE AT SAVING HORSES, INC. For many years animal advocate groups have been calling for an end to the slaughter of American horses for human consumption. May 29, 2010 Daisy and Aztec in Best Friends' article . There was plenty of room for her in the tack box, so we couldn't leave her behind. Shiloh Horse Rescue: The Newest Fallon Feedlot Horses - Blogger Lucky Girl has remained in the care of Saving Horses, Inc., and Flicka was adopted by Alex Simpson, who gentled and broke the feral mare. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Broken Arrow Wild Horse Holding Facility, Fallon, NV 5/20/14-5/24/14 ALL 41 beautiful, robust, healthy horses are in a few small pens, waiting for Jan 9th to be auctioned. June 6, 2011 News from Shiloh Horse Rescue. He is going to be a big boy. Dan-x- August 10, 2010 at 2:15 PM Miss Green said. At three years, Zia is a petite girl with a big personality. AAE took in this pretty all-black Paso Fino mare and two other small horses in early November 2012 from a county animal controldepartment that needed to place some of the animals in its care. She gave birth to a precious little buckskin colt, Sparky, about a month before coming to AAE. This handsome guy found his forever home in June 2012 when he met June and Marlin, who were looking for just such a sweet, wise mature horse to call their own. AA has reported this incident to USDA & DOT for follow up. Horse rescue is expensive. Skye is a beautiful mare that came to All About Equine from a former Arabian breeding ranch after the last member of the family passed away. We sav. He is 3.5 approx years old and a beautiful dark bay, 14.2 and still growing. EU BAN on Horsemeat Coming from Mexican Slaughterhouses. Unlike many of the feedlot horses, Moola came with papers showing her registry: appendix QH # X0557731; bred by Coates Hugh Ranch in Brackettville, TX; bloodlines include Rocket Wrangler, Dash For Cash, Gallant Jet on top, and Doc Bar, Son Of a Doc, Colonel Freckles on bottom. We rescued some pregnant mares and foals. Her tear ducts were also flushed recently. The feedlot video evidence from Bouvry-owned lots in Canada and the US confirm that horses are fed concentrated feed rations that make them obese. Every attempt is made to return photographic material, but it is advised that you keep copies of your images. Its sad how little snow there was across the top of the mountains. Perform any additional tasks (liking a Facebook page, captioning a photo, submitting a story, etc.) Peterborough, ON, Canada K9J 2T8. Thea was part of the 2011 November Rescue Miracle coordinated by Stinkin' Rose Ranch where 71 mares and young horses were rescued from a NV feedlot. He is youthful, has beautiful movement, and would love to share his golden years with someone that will give him regular attention. Cute and photogenic, h, Born at AAE in early May 2012, Aspen inherited the striking blaze and lovely movement of her feedlot-rescued dam, Willow. Please consider a tax-deductible. He was gelded shortly after intake. Visit one of our corrals using the links in the menu. . These are photos of the 8 new rescues on the Fallon Feedlot. Kinjii was reunited with her former owner in November of 2013. Carson and his mother, Takela, were 2009 feedlot rescues. The family member (prior owner) reached out to AAE for assistance because they were unable to provide support for two horses (out of money and out of feed), especially in the condition they were in. Among them were two large Belgian Drafts that had been sold for $1500 to a private individual via the Facebook page run by Zena Quillans daughter (Fallon Feedlot Sales). Jazzmin was part of a collaborative rescue effort in Fallon, NV that saved more than 30 horses from purchase by a slaughter buyer. She was planned for our youth programs, but due to her tenancy to be a very easy keeper, and gain considerable weight, we are unable to keep her with general population. McGraw, born around April 2014 (est.) Kona has a quiet, gentle demeanor and a curious eye. Hutchs mother, Kansas, arrived at AAE in March 2012, after being rescued from a Nevada feedlot as part of the November Rescue Miracle by Stinkin' Rose Ranch. Just download or print the Feedlot Entry Form. We would like to have your feedback about how you feel about us going to Nevada to purchase horses at the auction who are, without a doubt, going to ship to slaughter if they are not rescued. A very cute 3 year old Thoroughbred gelding. However, once he loosened up, Chief tended to move out with energy, making him a good candidate for light riding in the arena or on trail. . Red Dun. He is small but mighty, with confidence and a work ethic that is ideal for. var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? $3000 Starting bid Our Horses- Mysterious Breeds From Everywhere Our Horses- Appys and Paints From Everywhere Our Horses- Arabians From Everywhere Our Horses- Babies, Babies From Everywhere Our Horses- Drafts From Everywhere Our Horses- Gaited From Everywhere Our Horses- Mares & Foals From Everywhere Horses in Fallon - Equine Now He was obtained from BLM by an adopter who planned to train Montana ashis riding horse, but circumstances changed when the adopter became chronically ill. Montana was eventually relinquished to AAE with the hope that Montana would find a loving home where he would get the attention and training he deserved. Bambi was the tallest and I suspect the oldest of the horses and was the leader of the pack, thus the first to walk in the squeeze., Family Safe, Confidence Builder, Ranch or Trails, Red Roan,, Trick Horse, Peptoboonsmal X Color Me Smart, Trail / Ranch Horse,, Luna - Online Auction - Good Looking Heavy Built Red Dun Trail, Ranch & Roping, Online Auction Good Looking Heavy Built Red Dun Trail, Ranch & Roping,, Sophia - All Around Horse 12 Yr Old Brown Cob Mare,, UB Zoomin - Online Auction - All Around Quarter Mare - Ranch, Roping, Trails, Barrels, Online Auction All Around Quarter Mare Ranch, Roping, Trails, Barrels,, U B Zoomin - Online Auction - Beautiful 2018 AQHA Mare Ranch, Barrels, Trails, Online Auction Beautiful 2018 AQHA Mare Ranch, Barrels, Trails,, Blueberry~Big Stout Pretty & Gentle*Family / Trail QH Gelding~, Blueberry Big Stout Pretty & Gentle Family / Trail QH Gelding,, I, too, like the 3 year old QH/Arab. Metabolic Support for Your Horse Could Be Easier than You Think! We also rescued this horse that was going to go to auction if we didnt take her. A 15 year old pregnant Thoroughbred mare. You may submit articles either by our online contact form, or by mail to: Equine Wellness Magazine She was a former barrel racing horse that was rescued from slaughter by her former owner. Shiloh Horse Rescue: New Fallon Feedlot Horses She has a very kind personality, enjoys people and loves her grooming! This is a clear risk to public safety due to overtired drivers. upcoming funerals at cambridge crematorium; fallon feedlot horses; 29 Jun 22; langley township noise complaints; fallon feedlot horseswhat happened to herr starr's ear Category: . Please do not send multiple submissions (articles that have been sent to more than one publication) unless you have received confirmation that the story will not be used by another magazine. Email Seller Video Chat. Kona was unhandled when she came to AAE in late March 2012. Post some killpen/feedlot horses with a very creative lying post, but it didn't yield the financial results she expected. BIDDING IS OPEN NOW. She and her month old colt (Sparky) came to AAE in July 2009. All About Animal Rescue, CA - Adopted Horses She seems to have a hard time walking on one of them as the toe of the hoof rotates up and down unnaturally. Send a digital photo, scanned at a minimum of 5 x 7, at 300dpi resolution in a jpeg, tif or pdf format to, or send a good quality hard copy original photo (not a color photocopy) to: Photo Contest, Equine Wellness Magazine She is a sweet, loving horse and acts like a puppy. He is, Grandson of Paddys Irish Whiskey, this beautiful 9 year old buttermilk buckskin has a frosted mane and tail and built with a substance. A former PMU mare, Kasper came to AAE from another equine rescue, where she learned to lead, tie, trailer, lunge, and drive. Feedlot Horses for Sale - Equine Now There are 7 horses in the kill pen, and they seem a little down on the number of ppl sponsoring/adpoting/donating to spring these poor things from jail this load. I saw a link on craigslist to this site. While her filly was adopted in short order, Moola is still waiting for her forever home. Kewpie recently spent some time at the Monty Roberts International Learning Center where she received several weeks of handling, desensitizing, and socializing.