After learning about EET (Expanding Expression Tool) through Pinterest and my fellow bloggers, I realized how perfect it would be for my students with word finding difficulties. In addition to the many sound decks (FOR EVERY PHONEME), it also includes TWO open end. By the end of the IEP, in small group, X will initiate conversation with a peer (by greeting, using non-verbal communication skills, commenting, or questioning), given one adult prompt, two times per 10 minute play scheme, as measured by observation, 3 data collection opportunities per grading period. What ages is the EET appropriate for? TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. We went through the beads colors and their meaning in kind of a sing-song method and they seemed to help them retain the information. The firsttimeI used it I wanted to see a before and after. You can find a lot of really good you tube videos as well. Would this work well for expanding vocabulary with a middle school student with autism who uses an iPad as the sole method of communication (no verbal expressive language)? By the end of the IEP, during large or small group activities, X will follow directives of peers in 3/4 opportunities measured by observation, given one verbal prompt, 3 data points per grading period. a pediatric speech-language pathologist and founder of speechy musings! What types of activities do you incorporate the EET into to? Expanding means enlarging something. . By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will connect simple sentences with and or because with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. Maximize your success with professional training. But until then, many of my blogger friends have used the EET in posts, with tons of great freebies & DIY ideas. By the end of the IEP, given verbal and visual prompts, when engaged in a structured activity, X will use signs/picture icons/speech to communicate needs and wants on 3/4 trials, based upon observation, 3 data points each grading period. Setting annual IEP goals: What you need to know - Understood You can check out more and ordering information on the website HERE. It is separated by domain, and each domain is separated by standard. Math Expressions and Equations Goals - Goalbook Toolkit In this article series, I've broken down four challenging sentence types and how to target them (described This IEP goal is for all 7th-9th grade students with IEP goals aimed at success in pre-algebra. By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will use regular plural -s in simple sentences with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. Expanding Expression Tool - 2nd Edition | Product Info By the end of the IEP, during structured language activities, X will use his speech generating device for 3 different functions per activity (request repetition, comment, label, request an item, refuse, request assistance, greet, ask a question, request clarification, etc.) IT'S THAT SIMPLE. Simply put, EET is a research-based tool to help expand a child's language. By the end of the IEP, when given a picture cue and a verbal model, X will produce the CH and /j/ sounds without stopping in a) words and b)phrases with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3/4 data points each grading period. By the end of the IEP, when engaged in an activity with peers, X will use appropriate nonverbal communication skills (establish eye contact, maintain proximity, etc. A capitalization goal for an IEP might look something like this: The student will correctly capitalize 80% of words that should be capitalized when writing a sentence. A really useful video, thanks for creating this Carrie. An activity created to expand both oral and written expression, as well as teach adjectives and expand vocabulary document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Whats Up Wednesday: Ideas and Resources for Servicing Dual Language Learners. Expanding Expression Tool VISUALS: Color and B&W! Share by Email, Im re-learning how to balance but I still lo, Scored this new picture book and I couldnt, Easy craft idea cut or tear some brown pieces a, Theres too many books for one little holiday in, This bear in the cave craft is one that I started, I still try really hard to not work on the weekend, This past week was the first week of therapy for t, My baby is turning 21 tomorrow!! [] great post I read this past week is from Shannon at Speechy Musings., Included in the kit are an instruction manual, one EET strand, classroom poster, student stickers with icons, foam dice with icons, and card deck with teacher icons, prompt cards, and picture cards. Or do you categories? with a freebie! expanding expression tool iep goalsleap year program in python using for loop. Wish I could help you more though. Expanding Expressions Tool: Editable Primary Writing Paper by LadybugsInk $2.75 Google Docs Writing paper with primary manuscript lines and visual prompts for use of the Expanding Expression Tool (Sara L. Smith, 2007.) By the end of the IEP, X will display increased in use of phrases at least four words in length containing a variety of word types (descriptors, labels, actions, location words, question words, time word, location words). **These visuals serve as a COMPANION to The Expanding Expression Tool. When it some to thinking ab. Happy Goal Writing! This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. While reading orally, STUDENT will demonstrate reading fluency by making no more than 2 errors in a one hundred word passage at instructional level 4 of 5 trials. In this file/Directions: The expanding expression tool (EET) is a kit developed by a speech-language pathologist from Michigan. So I decided to take the plunge! They seemed to be missing some connecting piece for their ideas, what information to include,andhow they are supposed to gettheir point across. It is important to assess prior knowledge before we begin new material. Students learn the code and from this code are able to provide detailed descriptions based on the following elements: Category the item belongs to Function of the item Appearance What the item is made of Parts of the item Location We made it! In this article, we are going to learn how to expand and simplify algebraic expressions. Expanding Expression Tool Printables Teaching Resources | TPT This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. 0
The Kit What makes Expanding Expression unique? This one features short bios on 40 amazing women in our history who will be inspirations to all of our children This is a great resource for therapy to work on nonfiction text, answering WH questions, using the EET to describe each woman, and discussions about character. By the end of the IEP, when engaged in a structured activity, X will mark final consonants in words with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term. The EET is a multisensory approach to improving oral ( expressive ) and written language. By the end of the IEP, when given a picture cue and a verbal model, X will include targeted final consonants (p,b,m,n,t,d,f,s) in 2 word phrases with 75% accuracy, as measured by observation, 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading period. Looking for more therapy ideas and resources to help you provide the BEST services to your clients? Each bead is a different color. Simplifying Radical Expressions Answers Algebra 1 The list includes goals for many skills used in writing. By the end of the IEP, when engaged in an activity with peers, X will use appropriate nonverbal communication skills (establish eye contact, maintain proximity, etc. By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will use irregular past tense verbs in sentences with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. Tags: Expanding Expression Tool Green - Group Blue - Do What does it look Like? I needed something concrete for them to use tounderstand. By the end of the IEP, given a picture cue and a model, X will label curriculum vocabulary including descriptions and pronouns, with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points/grading period. These game boards can also be used to help teach and practice each "bead" on the EET (Expanding Expressions Tool). -Student chooses a picture card and spins the spinner to determine which EET bead to use to describe the picture This tool had everything I needed: a concrete system, manipulatives, practice sheets, etc. When my students work on describing,using the fun activities I get from TpT,they use a system that has helped themleaps and bounds. By the end of the IEP, given a verbal or visual prompt X will produce targeted speech sounds without process errors in 3-4 word sentences with 80% accuracy measured through observation in 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term. How to use math worksheets - 4. Will this tool help them or will they have to be able to remember what each color/bead stands for? Using Strategies from the Expanding Expression Tool 0 comments. (client) will name 5 items from a category with 80% accuracy for 3 data collections. 130 Best Expanding Expression Tool ideas - Pinterest What I Learned Week 3: Snowed In - The Speech Place | The Speech Place,, My SLP New Years Resolution: Be Good, Not Great. Now that we have allstocked up on great new materials, I wanted to share one of my favorite programs that I use with my students. In the past I have mentioned that I use the Expanding Expression Tool in therapy. Vote. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Expanding Expression Tool is a color-coded system of symbols. MIght have to try a DIY version until I can convince someone to buy this for me. Kansas In-Service Training System and various other Govt-run IEPS follow the IEP goal list. Youre welcome . I had never seen them catch on to anything so quickly. By the end of the IEP, when engaged in play with a peer, X will make a contextually relevant response, given one adult prompt or question, 3 times per play scheme, as measured by observation, 3 data collection opportunities per quarter. If youre interested in structuring things this way, below are some game/activity ideas that I pair with the EET: I love doing things this way because it low to no prep, structured and motivating for my kiddos. save. It is super versatile! 2019 Ted Fund Donors Wisconsin's Framework for Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Supports (MLSS) includes links to a variety of resources. Using the Expanding Expression Tool (EET) for Speech Therapy You can use this test to determine the level of intervention/review that will be needed at the beginning of the year for your students. Sample IEP Goals, IEP Examples, What is IEP Suggest expectations that increase verbal intelligence with the implementation of mental exercises - like crossword puzzles, anagrams, code-breakers, rebuses, word searches and scrabble. Question, how would you write a describing goal for a student that you use the EET with? By the end of the IEP, In the school setting, X will greet his peers and adults during appropriate times, 3/4 opportunities. Those using these visuals should already have purchased the Expanding Expression Tool Kit. They can use the worksheet to write down answers and look at the visual of Etchy to help them! Yes, it targets writing too! I created this resource to prep 4th graders with some 5th grade skills. Welcome to the final installment of the Syntax Goals for Speech Therapy series, where I break down how to write the best speech therapy goals for syntax that focus on high-priority skills to build listening and reading comprehension. Its great for all your elementary level students, and I included some ideas that cost nothing at allincluding a Gruffalo Crumble. Keep in mind that objectives are usually built on top of one another. They love the concept of earning their own beads and ask each week what color bead we are learning about next.