Tune in for a live pre-show 30 minutes before Chris set, followed by an aftershow. We know what to do. If we could reduce that food waste, it would go a long, long way to making a more sustainable agricultural system. It's really well known for its biodiversity of plants and of animals, including bats, and they live in these incredibly complex colonies. Get a weekly digest of the weeks most important transcripts in your inbox. Our consumption of beef drives this, our consumption of poultry, and the products that are used in poultry, drives this. Soil should be teeming with life. Which means the smaller bodied species are the big winners. Get it wrong and we will be in deeply dangerous territory. Our Planet | How to save our planet In the Australian Wet Tropics, we're already seeing that with possums and birds that just can't handle the heatwaves. All of the calculations show we're on track for a three to four degree world. David Attenborough graces our screens again in his most poignant documentary yet. David Attenborough returns in this breathtaking documentary showcasing life on Planet Earth. "Why China's Climate Policy Matters to Us All" BBC News, Oct 29, 2021. bbc/news/world-asia-china-57483492. "[20], Will Gompertz of BBC also handed out a 4 out of 5 stars for the series, stating it "gives us some of the most dazzling images you are ever likely to view on TV. Watch the film with your children. Planet Earth. Choose deforestation-free palm oil products; and 5. We know how to stop the number rising and put it in reverse. Wed be in a much better position to talk to a person from a developing country about safeguarding the environment if: 1) we had reduced our own consumption and 2) our country or we ourselves had personally assisted them in attaining sustainable development in their country. The problem is we're now changing those ecological systems on a massive scale, right across the globe. Our Planet is a British nature documentary series made for Netflix. Driving around, we don't have moths, butterflies, bees, all sorts of insects on our windshield any more. What is your plan for how human beings are going to save the planetary ecosystem and how are you going to contribute to that effort? Yes, we are all complicit those of us in affluent societies with high-consumption lifestyles more so than anyone but there are greater powers at work. watch for yourself. And we're connected to that trade through things like the fashion industry. 31% of all emerging diseases have originated through the process of land use change. Our Planet Review: Netflix Pleads for Conservation in New - Collider My answer would be, yes, we have to. . This is that moment. They were on the brink of extinction. The world has been on pause during the pandemic, and as we begin to move forward, we have a moment, we can change the way we're running our world and make it better. Tony_G. Not everyone will be able to develop a comprehensive plan, but certainly we should be thinking about how we can change our lives to reduce our ecological footprint. It's basically scrub grasslands, scrub forests. And the expansion of agriculture was the only way for most people to survive. Update this biography Bibliography. Bearing Witness to make a statement acknowledging that something exists or is true; often it refers to stating what other people need to hear but what they dont want to hear. In this trailer, he talks about his documentary A Life on Our Planet. It could be a status symbol or it could be for medicinal purposes. David Attenborough A Life On Our Planet 2020 An important documentary that everyone should watch. In David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet, Keith Scholey of Silverback Films and Colin Butfield of the World Wildlife Fund bring us Sir David's witness statement. 7. When the assignments have been graded have the authors of the best read their essays to the class. When we had her blubber levels analysed for PCBs, they were quite shocking. We want cheap food and we want to have choice on offer all year round. David Attenborough Teaching Resources | TPT - TeachersPayTeachers In thisLearning Guide citations to Mr. Attenboroughs book, A Life on Our Planet My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future, written with Jonnie Hughes, will be to Attenborough with a page reference. "[24] Writing in The Independent, Lucy Jones stated that the most important aspect of the series, which set it apart from other nature documentaries of its type, was the depictions of the harsh realities of global warming, mass species extinction and environmental degradation which were woven into the narration that accompanied the breathtaking scenes and imagery, but she also argues it did not go far enough and should have been more radical given current ecological crises. It was an experience that has stayed with me, but it was tinged with sadness as I thought I might be seeing some of the last of their kind. Discussion Questions And so one of the most obvious ways that we're making it more likely that a virus would jump is that we're having lots of contacts with animals. Netflix supports the Digital Advertising Alliance Principles. See also Anchor Standard # 2 for ELA Speaking and Listening, CCSS pg. . Clean-up efforts are ongoing and are not expected to be completed until 2065. A Life on Our Planet is a masterpiece that explores the life and legacy of natural historian and national treasure David Attenborough. 'Try not to step on any toads!': David Attenborough's camera wizards on If we carry on like this, we will see more epidemics as bad as this, and some of them could even be worse. Theres every reason to believe that the answer can be yes. The Earths lifesupport machine had stuttered and the miraculous assemblage of fragile interconnections which held it together had collapsed. https://www.scripts.com/writer/david_attenborough/3824, Complete biography of David Attenborough , David Attenborough's Conquest of the Skies 3D, David Attenborough's Natural History Museum Alive. PDF 11 Explorations Into Life On Earth Christmas Lect Pdf (2023) Sir David Attenborough in "A Life on our Planet": The living world is a unique and spectacular marvel. Mr. Attenborough ends the film with a message of hope that with human birth rates going down all over the world well be able to establish a modern sustainable ecological balance halting the progress of the Sixth Mass Extinction. In yours, you could and should witness a wonderful recovery. Giant anteaters have been around for millions of years, but they have gone extinct from many areas. In a groundbreaking move, David Attenborough's Our Planet not only showcases the raw beauty of nature, but also forces viewers to acknowledge the devastating role they play in its demise. Stabilize the human population as low as we fairly can. All those examples can be done quickly, they are labour intensive and are strong economic multipliers. [6], In November 2018, David Attenborough was announced as the narrator, with the release date of 5 April 2019 also announced. 'David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet' review: The naturalist - CNN Over 50% has now been transformed into agricultural landscapes. So exactly the kind of things you need for a strong recovery. 4. They proliferate wildly. Show more Show more Shop the Netflix store. PDF David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - British Council The unprecedented impact we are having on the planet is not only putting the ecosystems we rely on at risk. Nature is a key ally. In the UK, we have one really striking example of that. The books listed in the Bridges to Reading section. For Attenboroughs reference to this, see A Life on Our Planet p. 226. We invented them in the '20s and then we began to ban them from the '80s onwards because we realised they had quite a serious and toxic effect on life. The body of this transcript consists of David Attenborough's narration from Extinction: The Facts. There were tensions between the park and communities. They're forced to move higher and higher where it's cooler, and eventually there's nowhere left to go. It will not surprise anyone who has watched the Planet Earth or Blue Planet series that Netflix's new nature documentary Our Planet (from Planet producer Alastair . Do the preparation task first. Many of these wonders seem set to disappear forever. See Helpful Background. However, the supply is becoming increasingly unpredictable for all manner of species. A Netflix original documentary series and groundbreaking collaboration between WWF, Netflix and Silverback Films, Our Planet showcases the world's natural wonders, iconic species and wildlife spectacles that still remain. be contributing towards loss of biodiversity. Under Title 17 U.S.C. the acidification of the Oceans; It was the worst nuclear disaster in history. Section 107, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. We call this abundance of life biodiversity. That's how HIV emerged. They are mother and daughter. The evidence is that unless immediate action is taken, this crisis has grave impacts for us all. This is Najin, the mother, who is 30 years old. The series is narrated by David Attenborough and produced by Silverback Films, led by Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey, who also created BBC documentary series Planet Earth, Frozen Planet and The Blue Planet, in collaboration with the conservation charity World Wildlife Fund (WWF). You can change your cookie preferences. And this is a particularly pretty little pangolin. Other scientists believe the number could be much larger. attenborough a life on our planet transcript life on earth the greatest story ever told david . Unfortunately, the most affected would be poor people in developing countries. Governments are recognising that they have to invest to drive out of it. Restore Biodiversity. David Attenborough calls for divestment from fossil fuels, and points out the irony of banks and investment firms investing pension funds in fossil fuels when it's these dirty fuels preventing the future that we are saving for. Exhilarating visuals and stunning footage of rarely-seen animals mix with somber truths about humanity's impact on the planet's habitats and species. It was figured out quickly that it was a coronavirus. It's easy to imagine that we're so far away from these diseases' origins that it's nothing to do with us. CCSS pp. Speech-to-Text API for pre-recorded audio, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition engine. The body of this transcript consists of David Attenborough's narration from Extinction: The Facts. This pangolin's still got the little white tips at the end of each scale which shows his use. When Attenborough's narration tells the audience "We have destroyed half the forests on earth", she retorts "But, who is we? Government in all three countries, conservation organisations and local communities started to work together with an emphasis not just on the gorillas, but on the people that live with them. The Green Planet. David Attenborough: 10 Best Documentaries to Watch 3) Similarities between the world and the sealed petri dish are that: we are all alive (bacteria and human beings); in the process of living we create waste products that are toxic to us and harmful to the environment; we share the inability to control our populations; neither bacteria nor homo sapiens can our greed in grabbing more than our share of the available resources. Since 1970, vertebrate animals - things like birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles - have declined by 60% in total. In April 1986 a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine went into an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction and exploded. And it's threatening food and water security. At this moment, we do have the Paris Agreement that says all governments should try and limit climate change to no more than two degrees Celsius. Netflix and third parties use cookies (why?). While we're making some progress, to be quite candid, we probably will not meet any of the targets. Using the Movie in the Classroom Only now do I realise just how lucky I've been. And that is scary. I am caretaker of the northern white rhinos. The Green Planet | PBS - PBS: Public Broadcasting Service Footage - "As I sit here, there's more meaning and mutual understanding in exchanging a glance with a gorilla than any other animal I know". As a child, Attenborough enjoyed studying fossils. There's a wave of revolution going around, especially with young people. Our Planet Jungles Teaching Resources | TPT This is that moment. If we had acted more seriously, many species could have been saved and we would not be facing such serious threats as we're seeing today. Cameras follow desert elephants seeking sustenance, bison roaming North American grasslands and caterpillars living the good life underground. There is a path to sustainability. That's the problem. David Attenborough Netflix documentary: Australian - the Guardian Because they form the food chain for hundreds of thousands of other species. Fatu, no, come on. Portland Transcript - 1855 New York Magazine - 1993-11-22 New York magazine was born in 1968 after a run as an insert of Living on Earth: Our Planet 41 & 63. This change has not happened overnight, but if it can be achieved here, where human population pressure is so high, where the politics can be very complicated, especially among different states, I believe it can be achieved elsewhere as well. We are already in trouble. Examples combining (2) and (3), occurred on many occasions before the Civil War in the U.S. when Abolitionists would bear witness to the evils of slavery and the need for reform, calling attention to the nations original sin through public prayer services and vigils. Speaker 7: (05:55) Sir David Frederick Attenborough (; born 8 May 1926) is an English broadcaster and naturalist. Things come, they grow, their populations get huge and then they decline. Planet Earth II (2016) - episodes with scripts. David Attenborough Scripts But reports have suggested that up to 30% of the land's surface globally has been degraded and has soils of low biodiversity. urgency ? One of the big threats is the loss of insects. So if we lose the diversity of the soil, the consequences of that can be catastrophic. Ururabyo is actually the daughter of Poppy. That's the big prize. Big picture. long term, theyre not in our field of vision. The trade is highly profitable and it's unlikely to stop. And the population has recovered. Attenborough's warning came during a speech on Tuesday to the United Nations' Security Council (UNSC) a group of 15 world leaders responsible for world peace. Since the first cases of Covid-19 were identified in China and linked to a wet market in Wuhan, scientists around the world have been piecing together where and how the virus emerged. So a consumer walking into a supermarket may unwittingly. If enough people can see the path, we may just start down it in time. 48. But then as animals above them eat more and more of the small animals, they'll concentrate up the food chain. Often described as the first ever comprehensive series on the natural history of the world's oceans, this multiple award-winning series features jaw-droppingly beautiful underwater . How can we save our jungles? It's a question of finding the political will to do it. And here we can see the exports of soy from this area are predominantly going to China. This is a really big problem for the species of fish that prey upon the fish that we're harvesting, and this has huge impact for marine ecosystems. This year has shown the vulnerability of our societies. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - Transcript October 14, 2020 David Attenborough has seen more of the natural world than any other. Get it right and we still have the ability to pull back and rein in the collapse of biodiversity. So we shouldn't be demoralised, because we know how to do this stuff. David Attenborough - A Life on Our Planet 2020 - Archive But right now, the single biggest driver of biodiversity loss is the destruction of habitats. More of this and Our Planet might have been a meaningful addition to the canon of natural history series. And I've been involved in a study with the finance ministries and the central bank governors of the world in thinking through what the best ways out of this crisis are. Presented by Sir David Attenborough, The Green Planet takes viewers on a journey into the hidden world of plants, to experience it from their perspective and on their timescale . We had many poachers coming, setting snares, cutting bamboo. Then talk about ways to help reduce environmental degradation in your lives. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet review - stark climate emergency warning This terrifying documentary looks back over the 93-year-old's career - but at its heart is a short, sharp . Globally, there was a shock. All available episodes' scripts of Tv Show Planet Earth II . See Film Study Worksheet for a Documentary Seeking to Persuade the Viewer On a Matter of Political or Social Significance. Sir David Attenborough spoke about climate action at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow on November 1, 2021. We found that in China, we have about 16% left of what we had 120 years ago. There can surely be no more fitting location than this for the premiere of Our Planet. Killing? So, things have changed. There is no one correct response. David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet - Netflix - PODCAST Hey, Fatu. It's population, but it's also consumption. This unique feature documentary is his witness statement. National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance, Must bear witness, Studying the Holocaust. What is a mass extinction and are we in one now? Trees regulate water flow across landscapes. [26][27], During the COVID-19 pandemic, Netflix has made the series available for free streaming on YouTube as an educational resource.[28][29]. The minute we build a road in there, we start getting exposed. But this is about more than losing the wonders of nature. This film is one mans witness statement about the degradation of the worlds environment over his lifetime. We've transformed the forests and grasslands, we've converted 75% of the land that is not covered by ice. "[22] Kevin Yeoman of Screen Rant concluded the series as "stunningly ambitious", he wrote "Where Our Planet excels [Planet Earth and Blue Planet], though, is in its presentation. And everything that is in the path goes in. This part of Rwanda was one of the poorest and most densely populated in the country. Population growth is much, much higher in the developing world than in the developed. As the Cerrado is being cleared, anteaters can be driven into isolated islands of habitat. Speaker 6: (05:46) At every step of the process, we're bringing people closer in contact with wildlife and their viruses. We've learnt that many, many times, and yet we carry on making the same mistake. 'Breaking Boundaries' Netflix Review: Stream It or Skip It? - Decider It is sometimes called bearing witness. An example of (1) occurs in the New Testament when Jesus tells his disciples to bear witness about him and their faith. From Pripyat, a deserted area after the nuclear disaster, Attenborough gives an overview of his life. "[9], The first teaser trailer for "Our Planet" was released on 8 November 2018. Cultured meat, also called clean meat, is Meat for consumption produced as a cell culture of animal cells rather than from the slaughter of animals. 40 years ago, people consumed a good deal less in the United Kingdom, but there is no evidence that we were unhappier then than we are now. If a farmer can't produce stuff in exactly the right form, he has to throw it away. Unless science saves them, when Najin passes away, she'll leave the daughter Fatu alone forever. Writing Project 3 - Argumentative essay - ENGL 160 Prof. Baszak 03-29 the destruction of the Amazonian and other rain forests; Even in the UK, we've converted many areas that have been natural wetlands, which would absorb the water. With the Netflix Series "Our Planet," David Attenborough Delivers an It's a very productive form of plant protein that's widely used. Ururabyo means flower. Each one can consume 70 million ants a year. The other 95% are humans or the animals we farm. As well as the fossil fuel industry, where is the fishing industry? Lulu was a part of that pod. Buy wood and paper from well-managed forests. These are incredible places for viruses to spread. The complete series [HD DVD] / a BBC/Discovery Channel/NHK co-production, in association with the CBC ; . The majority of this is used to make feed for chickens that are sold by many British supermarkets. Students can be assigned to research and write essays on the current state of different parts of the environmental collapse and how that might affect our lives. One of the drivers for increasing demand is increased income in China, Vietnam or elsewhere. WWF-UK is a registered charity in England and Wales 1081247 and in Scotland SC039593 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 4016725. Were going to have to learn together, how to achieve this, ensuring none are left behind. We've been changing biodiversity in really critical ways that made this more likely to happen. aerosol spray or used in refrigerants were actually eating the ozone layer. the ridges extend for 28,000 miles, the largest mountain chain on Earth. Ultimately, all of us will feel the impact, some of which are now unavoidable. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - PG - 2020 Documentary 1h 23m - NETFLIX In his 93 years, Attenborough has visited every continent on the globe, exploring the wild places of the planet and documenting the living world in all its variety and wonder. Parenting Points Theres never been a better opportunity to take control. From ocean giants to the tiniest insects. Shop for sustainable fish and meat; english web preceded by life in cold blood david attenborough a life on our planet is a 2020 british documentary film 1 narrated by david attenborough and produced and directed by jonnie hughes 2 As I was preparing to talk to camera, Poppy was at my feet, trying to take off my shoes. For much of humanitys ancient history, that number bounced wildly between 180 and 300, and so too did global temperatures. Star David Attenborough See production, box office & company info Watch on Netflix S1 with subscription Add to Watchlist And indeed, in the months now, as we come out of the Covid crisis. The plastics industry? I want to tell our youth we have taken the lessons, that we will not allow any other species to walk this tragic road of extinction. We have completely destroyed the natural balance of fish in the world's oceans. Attenborough, David, 1926-2 Entertain (Firm) BBC Video (Firm) British Broadcasting Corporation; . If there are barriers to movement, this can cause very serious consequences. From a person that has seen just how quickly our natural world has disappeared in his own lifetime, at the present rate how little time could be left, what solutions, course to take. We have created a database that has world fisheries statistics, and we were the first ones to study fisheries on a global basis, and this global view shows that we have massive and widespread overfishing. Mass Extinction a loss of three-quarters or more of all species in existence across the entire Earth over a short geological. We've estimated 10% are at risk of extinction. And there I met some of the few remaining mountain gorillas, including a mischievous youngster called Poppy. Watch Our Planet | Netflix Official Site It's like our fingernails. Netflix and third parties use cookies and similar technologies on this website to collect information about your browsing activities which we use to analyse your use of the website, to personalise our services and to customise our online advertisements. Learn more about our use of cookies and information. Instructions Preparation David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | Official Trailer | Netflix Watch on Transcript Task 1 Task 2 Discussion Have you seen any of David Attenborough's films? David Attenborough: (00:48) Prehistoric Planet will be back for a second season. Try Fly Away Home (ages 10+) and Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (ages 13+). No-one will be a victim of poachers. Climate change. We call this abundance of life biodiversity. How to Save Our Jungles How can we save our jungles? The wildlife trade is at unprecedented levels. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. This is a challenge that we should try to solve in a quick way, but with a long term vision. From ocean giants to the tiniest insects. The light, comic touches that made for lovely little moments in Planet Earth are overshadowed if not spoiled entirely, by the traumatic lessons put front and centre. Research suggests that clean meat production has the potential to be much more efficient and environmentally friendly than traditional meat production, as it requires a fraction of the land, energy needs and water, and emits far fewer greenhouse gases per kilogram produced. Reducing fishing in an area can get a population back to sustainable levels. We need to think about meat and dairy consumption. We will reveal what must be preserved if we are to ensure a future where humans and nature can thrive. Exhaust gases, heat and effluents begin to accumulate and poison with increasing speed. "What were you thinking?!". These data indicate that the long-term trend of global warming is still ongoing. "[23], However, Ed Power of The Telegraph criticized the documentary series as "visually dazzling but very familiar." Poaching is a brutally cruel business. All groups in the natural world are in decline, which means their populations are getting smaller, day by day. It's not all species that are likely to make us sick. Another threat is the loss of diversity below ground. Switch to a clean energy provider; And studies suggest that some British waters, where industrial fishing begun, have been decimated. We actually have no control. How to save our planet, according to Sir David Attenborough Complete the sentences with words from the . David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | LearnEnglish And we've found we're behind every single pandemic and it's human impact on the environment that drives emerging diseases. Follow the true, surprising and unknown story of Rocco Siffredi, the superstar Italian porn actor who forever revolutionized the adult film industry. Only if we do that will we have any hope of averting disaster. That population has been studied for about 30 years. And also, we need to reduce the amount of chemicals, we've got to make sure we're not degrading our soils. And her daughter is Fatu. In addition to these threats, many ecosystems are increasingly feeling the impact of another driver of biodiversity loss. They are natural pest controllers. It was published on April 18, 2021 and updated on May 22, 2021. The consequences of these losses for us as a species are far-reaching and profound. The first step is to Make your diet as plant-based as possible. Why does he say this? 500,000 plants and animals and 500,000 insects. The bias toward normalcy is a big factor. She died due to entanglement in fishing gear. He is best known for writing and presenting, in conjunction with the BBC Natural History Unit, the nine natural history documentary series that form the Life collection, which form a comprehensive survey of animal and plant life on Earth.