[2] She is a love interest of the superhero Matt Murdock / Daredevil, but her violent nature and mercenary lifestyle divide the two, before she ultimately becomes the second Daredevil in 2020. A fight erupts and just when Elektra tried to reach out to Matt, the Demon of the Hand finally possesses him. For an arc characterized by tragedy, this ending was a sincere demonstration of Matt's love for Elektra, while simultaneously allowing her to grow asan individualcharacter past all the hardships. He refused, saying she was a killer and had to prove herself. It was a devastating moment and a defining one in Matts life. After they both agree, Stick declares Daredevil and Elektra the new King and Queen, aka husband and wife, of the reformed Fist. That seems to be how things worked out for Elektra Natchios. Elektra jumps into the alley and battles Nico, only to find that another hit man named Carmine is also attempting to kill her with a sniper rifle from a rooftop. But it skipped over the incident that ultimately put Matt and Elektra on wildly different paths. Elektra was born on the island of Cyprus, near the Aegean Sea, to Hugo Kostas Natchios and his wife Christina. Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto's current run on the series is both excellent and a great jumping-on point for newDaredevilfans. The MCU's Daredevil in the series has differences from the comicsbut largely pays tasteful homage to the source material. His skills and senses had dulled during his brief retirement from Daredevil, and he needed help to get them back. Psychic predictions: stunning research results revealed, X-Men Monday #189 Benjamin Percy Talks X-Force, Wolverine, and Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance, DC Studios outlines ten new projects as Chapter 1: God and Monsters, The Flash: One-Minute War Special #1 is a sci-fi delight. This 'Daredevil' Season 2 Recap Will Help You Keep Up With - Bustle Many ended in heartbreak and tragedy, but some were good while they lasted. She later broke away from them and became an independent agent, and in this role she again encountered Matt Murdock, who was now active as Daredevil. While she would never choose this path on her own, her time working with Matt has persuaded her to abandon her life as an assassin and join teams like the Thunderbolts and the Heroes for Hire. Relive a few of Rogue and Gambit's best moments as a couple before they swing into their new series by Stephanie Phillips and Carlos Gomez this Wednesday. She is a master hand-to-hand fighter who wields a long sword and a pair of sais. However, the duo is tighter than ever in the pages of Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto's Daredevil series. She took the position of field director when Phil Coulson left the group. When nine-year-old Elektra was assaulted by kidnappers, the men were all killed by Orestez, who had grown into an accomplished martial artist after leaving home. #35, titled "What If Bullseye Had Not Killed Elektra?" James Gunn Reveals New Superman, Batman Movies and More, Daredevil and Elektra in a romantic embrace, Daredevil and Elektra Finally Take the Next Logical Step in Their Relationship, Epic Games Store Gives Out First Free Game for March 2023, Xbox Game Pass' Big New Game Is Getting Controversial Reviews, Classic Dungeons & Dragons Game Free for a Limited Time, Nintendo Switch Online Surprises GameCube Fans With Freebie, The Penguin HBO Max Series Adds Clancy Brown as Major Batman Character, PlayStation Plus Subscribers Getting New Day-One Release in March 2023, New PS Plus Free Game Makes Xbox Live Gold Look Really Bad, Attack on Titan Series Finale Part One Now Online. While it is true many great relationships are started in the workplace, it might be even more common for people to meet the love of their life during their college years. branding, Elektra becomes a member of Red Hulk's Thunderbolts. Elektra Natchios (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom agents enter the fray and shoot Nico, but are ambushed and killed by Wolverine before they can finish Elektra off. He also told Kitty that Elektra was no threat so far. Daredevil and Elektra have had a long, drama-filled relationship over the years, from being lovers to enemies and back again on several occasions. She overpowers Paladin and chokes him by spitting her broken tooth down his throat. In Daredevil #4, the two must survive a ceremony today. Jonathan Majors is Kang the Conquerer, the biggest challenge for the Super Heroes of the MCU. Stick, Daredevil and Elektra's former mentor, pulls out The Fist prophecy that includes the revelation that The Fist has dual Beasts, a King and Queen. On the rare occasion I thought I had a legitimate angle to use her, Ralph was cool to the idea. yet? Elektra then jumps out the side window, along with The Hand to drive off the police and FBI. You've been warned. Elektra's conscience caught up with her, and she knew that if she killed Foggy, Matt would be destroyed, and he'd never forgive her. soldiers to attack. She even refrained from killing, because it wasnt what Matt would have wanted. All rights reserved. Having a romantic partner can make superheroes vulnerable. Based on her relationship with Logan and her ties to the Hand, Nick Fury hired Elektra to lead the mission, paying her in excess of $200,000, . Of course, she also had an ulterior motive. She reconsiders when she witnessed the broadcast of Daredevil killing Bullseye. 15 Best Daredevil Love Interests, Ranked - CBR She gets in a quarrel with Luke Cage, and quickly exits the scene at Matt's request. Years prior to that story, she had been a member of the Chaste - a group that opposed the Hand - under Stick, Murdock's mentor. In her brief role in that corresponding story arc, she fought one of Daredevil's arch-enemies Bullseye over who would be the Kingpin's top assassin. She met and began dating Murdock while they were both attending Columbia University. They've left New York to reform The Fist, the ancient group that opposes The Hand. Hired by the Kingpin, Elektra set out with the assignment of terrifying reporter Ben Urich on the crimelord's orders. RELATED: Kingpin's Best Quotes In Netflix's Daredevil Series. They fought off many ninjas and were victorious. When they put aside their differences, they're perfectly matched. "Someone's Assassin:" Subverting Femme Fatale Tropes and Why Elektra Stick asks Daredevil and Elektra if they relinquish their old lives to lead The Fist. The pair date in college, but they . Matt couldnt let that happen, which set up a showdown in, As a consequence of Elektras redemption and resurrection, her darkness manifested as Erynys, and she was essentially Elektras spiritual evil twin. Much like Matt Murdock used Daredevil to help cope with his doubts and guilt, Elektra used the mantle to prove that she was more than a mercenary. She is resistant to pain and extreme heat and cold. Elektra proved that, despite selfish pursuits in her dark past, she believes in Matt's mission, understands what drives him, and is willing to risk her life to protect the city he loves. The film is impressively dark and gritty, but the melodrama and Daredevil's relationship with woman warrior Elektra (Alias' Jennifer . used the powers of Kobik to turn her into Sheriff Eva. [23] She worked to stop Wolverine from killing others as well as to try to turn him back to his normal self. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Copyright 2023 ComicBook.com. DAREDEVIL: Matt and Elektra's Relationship Explored in - FilmBook Gorgon used his power on her neck and she collapsed. Instead, he chose to trust Elektra. What Foggydoes for Matt is comparable to what Alfred does for Bruce Wayne, but Elektra brought Daredevil someone he both loved and could relate to on a level very few could. On the rooftop, Carmine is murdered by Bullseye (in the guise of Hawkeye), who was sent by Norman Osborn to kill Elektra. Daredevil Is Finally Going to Marry Elektra - CBR When their enemies stay out of their way, and when their interests align, these two are perfectly matched. During the Secret Wars storyline, there are two different Elektras that exist in Battleworld: Elektra appears in Marvel's Netflix television series, portrayed by lodie Yung as an adult[82] and by Lily Chee in flashbacks.[83]. Their tempestuous romance is a fan favorite for many reasons. Star of action fiction series Daredevil, Charlie Cox has revealed the 'one thing' which could see his character split up with Elektra. headquarters intending to kill Elektra for $82million. Elektra's death was tragic, but Matt's love for her gave the story a bright, beautiful ending. Writer and artist Frank Miller quickly established that Matt and Elektra had a relationship in their college years before they fought in the streets of New York against emerging underground evils. to free her conscience of the deaths of the passengers of the crashed Black Hawk. [50] Elektra is an Olympic-level athlete, strong in gymnastics and swimming, with a high level in athleticism, human strength, speed, stamina, agility, dexterity, reflexes and reactions, coordination, balance, and endurance. Daredevil is notorious for being a hero with a no-kill policy. Prior toElektra's brutal death, she was New York's top assassin before Bullseye's intervention. For the first time, Elektra was up against a foe she couldn't beat. David Brooke October 12, 2022 Spoilers ahead for Daredevil #4. 2 #1417 (October December 2009). [volume&issueneeded], Outside the Night Nurse's medical office, reporters and police gather. Elektras presence was intoxicating to Matt, and she clearly wanted to lure him in by encouraging him to let go of everything that was holding him back. At least there was a lot of blame for Elektra 's failure to go around. In my mind, it's always been her to whom the title refers.[9]. [volume&issueneeded], It was revealed that Elektra actually helped Kingpin gain all the needed information back when she was Daredevil's enemy, and she returned because she felt an obligation to help Matt out of the trouble for which she felt responsible. However, Daredevil was suddenly shot by Paladin (who was working for FBI operatives) and was left bleeding profusely in Elektra's arms. Any superhero would prefer to have a love interest that can defend himself/herself. Let us know your thoughts on Daredevil and Elektra's marriage in the comments. While Matt languished in prison, Elektra assumed his mantle and fought by his rules. Superheroes can also become distracted when the lives of their loved ones hang in the balance. [32], The Mighty Avengers #16 reveals that Elektra was selected to be replaced by a Skrull imposter named Siri. When they put aside their differences, they're perfectly matched. These two women could not be more different. Now, in DAREDEVIL (2022) #4, writer Chip Zdarsky and artist Rafael De Latorre have delivered another important milestone in the lives of Matt and Elektra. An everyday woman vs a master assassin, DD fell in love with each of these women for very different reasons. [37], Elektra climbs to the top of the building to confront the third assassin, only to be taken aback when she discovers that he is Bullseye. She explained that being killed by The Hand was all part of a plan she had from the beginning. When Nelson recognized Elektra as Matt's college girlfriend, she was unable to kill him. They have to defeat all of the undead souls to complete the trial, and the overwhelming odds make it look like the heroes may not succeed. Trained as an assassin and raised to kill, Elektra and Daredevil's relationship always seemed to be fraught with sorrow and sadness with Elektra dying on him on a few occasions. When their goals align, they make a formidable team, and Elektra is one of Daredevil's strongest allies. Daredevil's updated costume has spikes coming out of the fists, and a red hood covering the majority of his face. Years of counseling and medication had convinced her this was a false memory, but the doubt remained. After fighting off several assassination attempts, Elektra flees to Matt Murdock's brownstone home. The Kingpin was furious and put out a hit on Elektra. Its ironic since Daredevil isnt tied down in the recent She-Hulk episode, but thats an entirely different universe. [30] She kills, resurrects, and imprisons the vigilante Maya Lopez, intending to use her as a weapon. Matt, as Daredevil, went to prison for accidentally killing a thief. June's 'Scarlet Witch Annual' #1 will serve as a prelude to 'Contest of Chaos,' an interconnected saga that will run across various Marvel Comics annuals this summer. Her abilities are identical to that of her mainstream version. [26] Gorgon, however, attacked Elektra and threw off her mental blocks, enabling him to read her thoughts and see where Fury was being treated for his injuries (he also discovered that the Vatican also hired her, to kill him). A lot of superheroes struggle to maintain romantic relationships. After all the trauma Daredevil had been through over the course of the story, there was one bright light he had to take away from these events. Miller didn't intend for this to be the case, but Marvel Comics quickly took the opportunity to bring the character back. It also shows that deep down, Elektra does believe in Matt's fundamental mission. And because Matt had no faith in her, Elektra resolved to prove herself worthy by becoming the new Daredevil in DAREDEVIL (2019) #25. That sort of grace really shows how strong their love is. As his alter-ego Daredevil, the blind lawyer's reputation with women is infamous. [54], She can see glimpses of future events across precognitive visions. When Daredevil is on trial for accidentally murdering someone, he sees Elektra Daredevil overhears Elektra saying she bought Hell's Kitchen from the Stromwyns because she cares for him, and she knows his identity. A comic book fact about Daredevil and Elektra's relationship is the fact that Elektra got started as a supervillain. How Did Elektra Die On 'Daredevil'? Quick Refresher Before 'The Elektra stays close to Scotty, protecting him from repeated assaults by his mother, the Goblin Queen, and her brainwashed allies. Later upon rejoining the Hand, Elektra visits Daredevil and Typhoid Mary at Bullseye's grave intending to resurrect him. [20], HYDRA and The Hand joined forces, killing off various heroes and resurrecting them into their possessed warriors, including the X-Man Wolverine, who became their killing machine. Orestez advised his father that Elektra needed to learn self-defense. 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A Skrull named Pagon took Elektra's place since Siri was killed by Elektra. In the process of doing so, Daredevil intervened and fought Elektra, stopping her. When she failed, the Kingpin angrily ordered Elektra to get revenge on Daredevil. [volume&issueneeded] She was later put into a coma when Moon Knight threw one of his crescent blades at her, hitting her in the head when she was about to kill Black Cat. 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