As a student, I was concerned about the price of gas and carbon footprint of a car within my price range, but I was able to avoid these issues through this great program. Please send us the dealerships and sales representatives contact information once you have selected a particular vehicle. Asking for rides and being at the mercy of others and their time was probably the most frustrating thing Ive had to deal with in a long time. I couldnt have gotten my Chevy Volt without DCAPs help. MCE is offering workplaces and multifamily residences up $5,500 in rebate money for every installation of an electric vehicle charging station. Helmets can prevent severe injury and are highly recommended for use by all age groups. Improving indoor air quality, health, and safety. California residents, businesses, non-profits, and government agencies can receive rebate of up to $2,500 toward the purchase or lease of electric plug-in vehicles. Ensuring that the San Francisco and San Pablo Bays, and the Delta, are healthy and vibrant is important to Contra Costa Countys quality of life and economic vitality. It does not necessarily represent the views of the Energy Commission, its employees, or the State of California. Lea estosconsejos de seguridad de la baterapara obtener ms informacin. The grant amount varies depending on gross household income and the vehicle type (BEV vs FCE vs. PHEV vs. HEV). Fill out an interest form here, if interested. Due to high demand for DCAP grants, our processing time is taking approximately 12 weeks. Clean Vehicle Rebate Project | 511 Contra Costa While I am gainfully employed I hardly make a living wage in this very expensive state. See here for program details Healdsburg - The City of Healdsburg is offering ebike rebates of up to $700 for residence. CCTA launches electric bicycle rebate pilot program Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Contra Costa and Santa Clara counties offer up to $300 rebates. Low-income residents would receive $300 rebates.E-bikes are valued as a clean alternative to using an internal combustion vehicle for short to medium distances on local streets.The rebates are applicable to e-bike purchases beginning Thursday, and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. I am a single mother with a 15 year old daughter and two very busy schedules to keep up with. Choose the car you want. 4 Ways to Get Financial Help to Buy an E-Bike - CalBike The air is expected to get a little cleaner in Contra Costa County over the next two years. Nios menores de 18 aos, estan obligados legalmente a utilizar casco al momento de andar en bicicletas, monopatines y patinetas. News Home Energy and Improvement Programs | Contra Costa County, CA Official Esto permite que sean fciles de utilizar al momento de subir colinas o para viajar ms rapido y ms lejos. El cuidado inadecuado de las bateras de las bicicletas elctricas puede provocar incendios. Embarcadero Media I am so grateful for this program for believing in me and giving me this opportunity to stay working to provide for my children. This vehicle will help me transport my daughter to school, help me increase the amount of hours at my job in order to earn more. Senior Planner - Energy Efficiency Programs, Bay Area Multifamily Building Enhancements, US DOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Page, Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN). First published on April 12, 2022 / 10:39 AM. That adds up to $2,328 per year.. That's 3% lower than the national average electric bill of $2,404.The average electric rates in Contra Costa County, CA cost 26 /kilowatt-hour (kWh), so that means that the average electricity customer in Contra Costa County, CA is using 745 kWh of electricity per . Time to read: about 1 minutes. Terms of Use Buying from a local bike shop is recommended but not required. We offer two services: a grant of up to $5,000 (amount depends on income level and the vehicle type) and financing of up to $30,000. "E-bikes offer several key benefits as an alternative to driving -- they reduce congestion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, eliminate parking dilemmas, and can help bridge those first and last mile trips to transit -- plus they are just really cool," said Contra Costa Transportation Authority Executive Director Randell Iwasaki.Kirsten Riker, project manager with 511 Contra Costa, said one of that transportation program's goals with the rebates is to introduce Contra Costa residents to e-bikes and to make them easier to obtain.The rebate program is funded by Measure J transportation tax revenues. Thank you for all the support that you offer to me during my car purchase. Kirsten Riker, project manager with 511 Contra Costa, said one of that transportation program's goals with the rebates is to introduce Contra Costa residents to e-bikes and to make them easier to obtain. Maximum of TWO rebates per home address. Residents of Contra Costa County can now receive cash rebates for new electric bicycles, or e-bikes, through a pilot program launched by 511 Contra Costa. Las bicicletas elctricas usadas califian para el reembolso? I have learned a lot from this program. All new, adult Class 1, 2, and 3 e-bikes with pedals qualify for rebates. A&E Applicants can check the status of their application by emailing us atDriveEVgrants@communityHDC.orgor call us at 510-685-4303. Class 1, 2, or 3 + professionally installed conversions and electric mopeds with max speed <30 mph. If you are receiving unemployment benefits, you can submit a 1099 form or Unemployment Benefits Award Letter, both of which can be downloaded from the unemployment website. Contra Costa Water District1331 Concord AvenueConcord, CA 94520General: 925-688-8000Emergencies: 925-688-8374Email Us, Smart Irrigation Rebate Terms & Conditions, Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Application, Multi-Family and Commercial Clothes Washer Rebates, Commercial Flushometer Toilet and Urinal Rebate. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from building operations (i.e., by eliminating the use of natural gas-powered space heating, clothes dryers, and stovetops); Lowering construction costs of new buildings since natural gas infrastructure (plumbing, metering, and venting) are not needed; Implementing the County Board of Supervisors, Advancing the Countys Climate Action Plan greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals; and. Used vehicles must meet the following restrictions: Unfortunately, no. I am so grateful to now have a car that is reliable, runs on clean energy, and still fits my lifestyle needs. First, you must complete an application packet and submit all of the required documentation listed in the application. The Renewable Resource Potential Study will move us toward this goal. County officials announced Tuesday that over the next two years, the California Energy Commission is giving $3.5 million to the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and MCE, a Bay Area clean . lineamientos de la Gua Federal de Niveles de Pobreza, reembolso de bicicleta elctrica de $ 150- $ 300 de 511 Contra Costa. Open to all Contra Costa residents over 18. Si vive en el condado de Contra Costa, pero no vive dentro de una de las comunidades de prioridad de equidad, an puede ser elegible para unreembolso de bicicleta elctrica de $ 150- $ 300 de 511 Contra Costa. Commuters are six times more likely to drive an electric vehicle if their residence or workplace provides a charging option, according to MCE and the transportation authority. The County is working to develop more clean energy in Contra Costa County. So, if you dont live in the counties listed above, come back soon to check again. Charge Up Contra Costa already offers EV car sharing in Richmond through Miocar. Richmond Community Foundation will support the outreach for locating electric vehicle carshare in low-income communities throughout Richmond. I was able to budget appropriately, unsubscribe to things I didnt know I was paying for , consolidate my debt, and The coordinator will be the direct point of contact moving forward approving your for the grant and/or loan. EV Charging Station Incentives in California EV Connect MARTINEZ (CBS SF/BCN) County officials announced Tuesday that over the next two years, the California Energy Commission is giving $3.5 million to the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and MCE, a Bay Area clean energy nonprofit, for electric travel. Debo hacer algo despues de obtener mi reembolso? Contra Costa Water District has updated the Lawn to Garden Rebate Program to encourage participation and help customers save even more water by removing water-thirsty lawn and replacing it with low water-use water wise plants. Not only did I qualify for the down payment assistance I also received credit and budgeting counseling information that actually increased my credit store. Up to $30,000 in low-interest auto loans from (Travis Credit Union) and up to $5,000 in grant funds from the State of California Air Resources Board. After you have finalized your purchase, we can refer you to Grid Alternative for the EVSE charging grant. For San Diego County, Peninsula-Silicon Valley, Inland Counties, South Central Coast, and all future projects, applicants that receive funds reserved status on or after 9/1/21 will be required to use Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training . step-by-step through the process to make it easy. Zoning Info. I have wanted an electric vehicle for quite some time. PDF Electric Bicycle Rebate Pilot Program Eligibility, Rules, Terms and The program will provide rebates for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, and promote electric vehicle car sharing, eBikes and workforce development. budget. Rebate Statistics; Events and Webinars; Find Rebates . My my coordinator was always available to answer my questions and concerns. BayREN Home+ offers cash rebates for home energy efficiency improvements for duct sealing/replacement, insulation, high efficiency furnaces/air conditioners, high efficiency heat pump systems, water heating systems, electrification appliance rebates and more. Charge Up Contra Costa also offers rebates for eBikes for qualified customers, and it is partnering with RichmondBuild and Future Build to develop the county's clean energy workforce. Working with the Driving Clean Assistance Program was a game changer for us financially! On January 18, 2022, the Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. Limits: One rebate per person. Ebike Rebates and Incentives Programs in the USA Im able to make my VA doctor appointments and visit my 13 year old without blowing my budget or worrying about an unexpected and unknown repair expense. Special Pubs Energy and water are essential for life. MCE Launches Electric Vehicle Programs, Offers Competitive Rates The opportunity to climb higher ladders of success and provide for my three boys while contributing to our environment is a blessing that I am grateful to have acquired. Alameda County; Contra Costa County; . Richmond Build will enable workforce Development in Richmond to provide classes to individuals looking to build job skills in the installation, repair and maintenance of electric vehicle charging stations. Because of this program I now have a reliable vehicle to get to work. Our rebates are available to all customers served by CCWD and municipal systems in our service area, except Flume see details below. The eligible applicant must own the property where the charger will be installed or provide evidence from the property owner allowing the applicant to install and operate the charger. We are a point of sale program, which means you would have needed to apply before the purchase of the vehicle. To be eligible for the charging grant, you must have successfully purchased a BEV or PHEV with the DCAP grant. If you have any questions about the program, please let us know. Argument Preceded Fatal Santa Rosa School Stabbing: Police, Group to Hold News Conference, Addressing Firing of Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong, Don't Push a Slower Friend Down' If You See a Bear, National Park Service Says, Team of Volunteers Escort, Protect Hot Dog Vendor Attacked Outside SAP Center, Los Gatos Mom Accused of Hosting Alcohol-Fueled Teen Parties Attacked in Jail, Hospitalized. I really hope lots more people get the benefits of this program. Learn more about the Contra Costa Clean Water. Read thesebattery safety tipsto learn more. Debo comprar mi bicicleta elctrica en una tienda local o la puedo comprar en linea? Zip Code California Only. There are several major brands offering electric cars for around $27,000 and that's before credits and rebates of $10,000 or more that would put . Los solicitantes elegibles de Reembolso de bicicletas elctricas de Contra Costa Charge Up recibirn un reembolso de $500 en la compra de una nueva bicicleta elctrica. (GRID Alternatives website). Im very happy because, Im able to help the planet, and environment to The rebate is raised to $300 for low-income households. My previous van was in need of all new tires, and some very expensive repairs and wasnt going to last much longer. My children and I will forever be grateful. If you are a contractor who offers residential energy efficiency improvements in the Bay Area, consider becoming a BayREN Home+ Participating Contractor. MCE and the transportation authority are providing $840,000 in matching funding. Also, this vehicle will help me gain an independence I havent had for some time. Our counselors will help you find affordable financing options that work for you while working with our local banking partner, Travis Credit Union. Homeowners can sign up for an Online Home Energy Evaluation through the Energy Advisor. Do I have to purchase my e-bike at a bike shop, or can I shop online? Im a working single mother of 2 and for the last year Ive been without my own car. The Weatherization Program is a Federal and State-funded program whose purpose is to assist low and/or fixed income people in making their homes more energy-efficient. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. The car that I was driving was on its last leg it would have cost me more money to fix the car then it was worth. References List of Incentives/Programs: Grants received do not have to be repaid however, there are conditions. Commuting around town & not relying on public transport or my bicycle has been like night and day. Maximo DOS Reembolsos por Direccin. The associates within DCAP were extremely helpful in guiding me through the steps to be taken in order to access the PHEV grant towards a vehicle that perfectly fits my needs. FAQs What if my e-bike costs less than $500? Rebates are allocated to different regions of the county by population. We could not have purchased a new Hybrid vehicle for our family if it was not for DCAP. To learn more about rules, resources and current rebate availability by city, visit However, you are not required to go through these dealership. reembolso de bicicleta elctrica de $ 150- $ 300 de 511 Contra Costa. This program has provided us with the funds to purchase a car for our family that would allow us to easily buy groceries and for me to get to work on Driving Clean Assistance Program - Community Housing Development But when I got the call saying I was approved was the greatest feeling in the world. Failure to adhere to this mandate will constitute fraud and the grant received by the applicant will be forfeited and liable to being paid back to the administrators of the grant. A limited number of $150 rebates ($300 for low-income residents) are available for residents of each Contra Costa city to assist in the purchase of e-bikes, e-bike conversion kits, and electric mopeds (with a maximum speed of less than 30 mph). Low interest loans will require repayment. If I purchase an electric vehicle, can I get funding for a home charger? Charge Up Contra Costa - Contra Costa Transportation Authority Since getting this vehicle it has given me a peace of mind to be able to get to work and home safely. Los reembolsos sern distribuidos equitativamente hasta agotar los fondos destinados a este programa. Your contribution matters. This would include children, spouses, partners, etc. Eligible Charge Up Contra Costa E-Bike Rebate Program applicants will receive a $500 rebate on the purchase of a new e-bike. No, los reembolsos estn disponibles nicamente para bicicletas elctricas o kits de conversion. BayREN Home+ also offers free technical assistance with an Energy Advisor for residents interested in participating in the rebate program. For those who do not want to buy a new e-bike, participants can receive a rebate by purchasing and installing a new e-bike conversion kit on an existing traditional bike. Select any new or used electric vehicle model and make. E-bikes have rechargeable, battery-powered electric motors that make it easy to ride up hills and allow people of all ages and fitness levels to go faster and travel farther without breaking a sweat. Uploaded: Tue, Oct 6, 2020, 1:17 pm Also check your local city, county, air district and utility company for rebates that may not be listed here. Are rebates available for e-scooters or traditional, non-electric bikes? "E-bikes offer several key benefits as an alternative to driving -- they reduce congestion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, eliminate parking dilemmas, and can help bridge those first and last mile trips to transit -- plus they are just really cool," said Contra Costa Transportation Authority Executive Director Randell Iwasaki. Note, to qualify for any rebates, you must use a BayREN Home+ participating contractor. Smart Irrigation Controller RebateSpruce up your sprinkler system with some help from us. Peace of mind is a blessing. I loved my experience, working with such caring people was a blessing. The best part of this process was the transparency and fairness. We received a grant that allowed us to afford a vehicle that we would not otherwise been able to purchase on our To submit the application, you can either click on the submit button on the application itself, email a copy, mail a copy, or text us pictures of the application. After you receive a conditional grant and/or loan approval letter, you will be permitted to go car shopping. Richmond, CA 94801, COMMUNITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2021 l All Rights Reserved. DCAP handled the process in a very friendly and at the same time professional manner, and answered all my questions without delay. "We want to make it easier and more convenient for our residents to own and operate an EV and save hundreds of dollars in fuel every year," said John Gioia, MCE board director and supervisor in Contra Costa County, in a statement. Stacking with any CARB funded equity program (other than CVRP) is strictly prohibited. It definitely has been a great joy to work with DCAP. Check out our mulch coupons to help you reduce the amount of water that evaporates from your soil. 2023 Energy Efficiency. Call the Driving Clean team for more information. Adults are not legally required to wear helmets while riding Class 1 or 2 e-bikes, but Contra Costa Transportation Authority strongly recommends the use of helmets for all riders. An applicant may apply for just one service or both. However, you would not be eligible for our loan. With PG&Es EV Savings Calculator, find out instantly how much youd save on the purchase of a specific make and model of EV. Additionally, MCE can help qualifying customers combine this rebate with Federal, State, and local incentives for a total discount of up to $12,000 for a new EV or $9,000 for a used EV. Energy and Water | Contra Costa County, CA Official Website I was driving a car that could not pass the smog test and now have the opportunity to drive a zero-emission vehicle. It was a wonderful experience. Get more info on MCE's rebate program to save money while reducing your carbon footprint in the SF Bay Area. Right now in Sonoma County, you can get a discount up to $1,000. We know youre busy. As of April 2018, the majority of Contra Costa residents are buying electricity from MCE, a not-for-profit clean energy provider. us quite a bit in gas money. On March 24, 2020, the Board of Supervisors voted to go Deep Green 100% renewable with MCE for the majority of the Countys accounts. User responsibility. The County is committed to ensuring Contra Costa residents have access to clean, affordable energy and water, as well as providing rebates and programs to help you make your home and business more resource efficient. Incentive Search | DriveClean - California Our rebates are available to all customers served by CCWD and municipal systems in our service area, except Flume - see details below. Most likely, you would still be eligible for the grant even if you are unemployed. Walnut Creek, CA: Residents of Contra Costa County can now receive cash rebates for new electric bicycles (e-bikes) through a pilot program launched by 511 Contra Costa (511CC). I would like to say thank you for the very professional and patient processing of my application and subsequent working out all the details with the dealership. Important Note:The Flume program is available to single-family residential customers in the Contra Costa Water District's (CCWD) retail service area who receive a water bill directly from CCWD. After being introduced to DCAP, I began the process that now has me back on the road. Please check each programs website for eligibility, requirements, and how to apply. Este documento fue preparado como resultado del trabajo patrocinado por la Comisin de Energa de California.