The answer is no based on the current Department of Defense regulations. Speak to a local military recruiter for more questions about disqualifying health conditions. border-collapse: collapse; Speak to a local military recruiter for more information about disqualifying health problems, seeking a medical waiver, and MEPS. MEPS is managed by the Department of Defense with the same temporary and permanent disqualifications. You may also visit the Docket Management Facility in Room W12-140 on the ground floor of the Department of Transportation West Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. However, a broken foot will heal and with time the problem is no longer existent. 552(a) and 46 U.S.C. They simply need to wait and let time heal the problem. Once a doctor at MEPS makes the recommendation its passed to a recruiting commander for the military branch you are seeking to join. An official website of the United States government, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), Health Safety & Work Life Regional Practice, Office of Operational Medicine and Quality Improvement(CG-1121) - Manuals, Instructions and Forms, COAST GUARD AUXILIARIST SUPPORT TO COAST GUARD HEALTH CARE FACILITIES, MEDICAL EXAM OF APPLICANTS FOR ACADEMY, ROTC, & USUHS (JOINT PUB), COAST GUARD PERIODIC HEALTH ASSESSMENT (PHA), PUBLIC HEALTH AND DISEASE CONCERNS RELATED TO COAST GUARD OPERATIONS, COAST GUARD ANTHRAX VACCINE IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM (AVIP), IMMUNIZATIONS AND CHEMOPROPHYLAXIS (JOINT PUBLICATION), COAST GUARD HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV) PROGRAM, COAST GUARD SMALLPOX VACCINE PROGRAM (SVP), AEROMEDICAL EVACUATION, A GUIDE FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS (JOINT PUB), MEDICAL REGULATING TO AND WITHIN THE CONTINENTAL U.S. (JOINT PUB), USING THE ARMED FORCES REPOSITORY OF SPECIMEN SAMPLES FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF REMAINS (AFRSSIR), HEALTH SERVICES ALLOWANCE LIST, AFLOAT (CAC Required), HEALTH SERVICES ALLOWANCE LIST, PART III (SHORE UNITS AND VESSELS), Civilian Human Resources, Diversity and Leadership Directorate (CG-12), Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4), Shore Infrastructure Logistic Center (SILC), Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, The Office of Information Management (CG-61), Assistant Commandant for Acquisitions (CG-9), Surface Acquisitions Logistics Center (SALC), Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Operational Medicine and Quality Improvement Division (CG-1121), Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense Med, Health Systems Administration Division (CG-1122), Medical Publications, Directives and Forms, Work-Life Manuals and Commandant Instructions, A Contemporary Approach to Supporting the Modern Coast Guard Family, Mental health and taking care of yourself, UPDATE: Government Shutdown FAQs, CGMA loan information, TRICARE and You: New vision plan for active duty family members, Hosted by Defense Media Activity -, INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM FOR COAST GUARD HEALTH CARE FACILITIES AND WORKERS, STANDARDIZED HEALTH SERVICES TECHNICIAN DRUG FORMULARY (CAC Required), COAST GUARD WEIGHT AND BODY FAT STANDARDS PROGRAM MANUAL, MILITARY PERSONNEL CASUALTIES AND DECEDENT AFFAIRS, SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION AND REPONSE PROGRAM (SAPR), INFORMATION AND LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT MANUAL, EVALUEE'S STATEMENT REGARDING THE FINDINGS OF THE MEDICAL BOARD REPORT, THIRD PARTY COLLECTION PROGRAM/ MEDICAL SERVICES ACCOUNT/ OTHER HEALTH INSURANCE, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ACTIVE DUTY/ RESERVE FORCES DENTAL EXAMINATION, AUTHORIZATION FOR DISCLOSURE OF MEDICAL OR DENTAL INFORMATION, REQUEST TO RESTRICT MEDICAL OR DENTAL INFORMATION. border-width: 1pt; Hello Objee . Regardless, you need a military medical waiver to receive permission to enlist. However, many conditions allow you a closer medical examination where a qualified doctor can determine if you are still fit for service. Related Article Military Dental Requirements and Disqualifications. The office of the Coast Guard Commandant recently overturned the denial by the National Maritime Center ("NMC") of a waiver request from a mariner with a condition of seizure disorder. You may review a Privacy Act system of records notice regarding our public dockets in the January 17, 2008, issue of the Federal Register (73 FR 3316). Grace Period Extension For License Renewal, Constructive Refusal to Submit Hair Sample, I Didnt Know Where To Go For My Drug Test, Coast Guard To Raise Casualty Reporting Thresholds. } Speak to an Air Force recruiter if you have any of the following conditions: Its also difficult to join the Air Force with the following mental health conditions: Related Article Military Disqualifications For Mental Health: 9 Common Conditions. <>
#1 Internet-trusted security seal. Drug And Alcohol Testing Regulations And Helpful Commandant And ALJ Rulings, Reefer Madness: Scandal-Triggering Pot Case Finally Snuffed, Properly Preserving Claims Of Bias Before A Coast Guard ALJ, Reports Of Coast Guard ALJ Appointment Raise Widespread Concern, Vice Commandant Appeal Decisions Of Interest: Shine. I just read the facebook message from the Commandant re-garding the historic first time ever that a servicemembers have not been paid. Disability Evaluation Branch - United States Coast Guard My Account, Forms in The list is not inclusive, but rather reflects the conditions that most commonly arise. Pediatric New Patient Form - Tampa Family Health Centers, MEDICATIONTREATMENT CONSENT FORM FOR SELF-ADMINISTRATION - Grps, Identity color: #666666; Medical waivers for OSA require submission of an annual sleep specialist evaluation that documents treatment efficacy, the patient's treatment compliance and an assessment for symptoms of daytime sleepiness. Mental and behavioral health conditions are no different. the material on is accurately displayed, consistent with endobj
border-width: 1pt; Those with a temporary disqualification do not need to apply for a waiver. There are several factors to take into account, and much of the timeframe depends on the type of medical condition and the severity of the issue. 2. Many service members that are fit for full duty and undergoing prolonged (greater than 12 months) treatment for mental and/or behavioral conditions will no longer require retention waivers and will not be subject to a medical evaluation board. Therefore, what is disqualifying in the Army is also disqualifying in the Navy. Information about this document as published in the Federal Register. Historical waiver information and electronic physical exam (EPE) data are ONLY accessible through AERO. Can You Join The Military With ADD/ADHD? offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day's QUESTION: What about Medical Waivers? border-bottom-style: solid; documents in the last year, 83 Medical Waivers For Coast Guard Judgment This also may have already happened. Coast Guard Modifies Medical Waivers For Mariners With ICD's Current or history of use of hearing aids. border-bottom-style: solid; In this regard, recommendations from agencies of the Federal Government operating government vessels, as well as owners and operators of private vessels, made on behalf of their employees, will be given full consideration. Copyright 2023 4. Reliable diagnostic criteria may include any of the following elements: Substantiated history of cough, wheeze, chest tightness and/or shortness of breath, which persists or recurs over a prolonged period of time, generally more than 12 months. Common Disqualifying Medical Conditions - United States Coast Guard Academy Expect your medical health conditions to be closely analyzed if you are in a position that requires a lot of trust or advanced physical fitness. } All Rights Reserved. But now comes news that the Coast Guard has modified the condition 81 standards for medical review considerably, such that if the mariners condition has recently improved within the limitations of certain medical criteria; or if the mariners condition has been longstanding with no deterioration, again subject to the application of certain medical criteria, the mariner now may be able to qualify for a waiver. border-color: #4F81BD; padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; The following disorders are generally automatic disqualifiers in the Coast Guard: However, the Coast Guard (like other branches) is starting to apply more waivers to anxiety and depression than in the past. Now, working with a Coast Guard Medical Certificate Form Pdf requires not more than 5 minutes. Submit an evaluation from the treating physician documenting interval history and two current glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels separated by at least 90 days, the most recent of which is no more than 90 days old. Horseshoe kidney or absence of one kidney, Active or difficult to treat genital herpes (even if asymptomatic), Bilateral kidney stones or single kidney stone in the preceding 12 months of the exam, Cardiovascular defects or other congenital abnormalities, History of recurrent or ongoing cardiopulmonary symptoms including, but not limited to syncope (fainting) and pre-syncope, History of pneumothorax within the past year if due to simple trauma or surgery, or a history within the past three years if spontaneous. font-size: 10pt; Related Article How To Join The US Army. Unfortunately, the Commandant has held that regulation changes are not to be applied retroactively unless expressly so stated in the regulation itself, APP. Can You Join The Military With Scoliosis? In some cases, mariners with these conditions were granted waivers; in other cases, the conditions were deemed an unacceptable risk and medical certification was denied. Publication Number. The recruiting commander will factor the recommendation of the doctor assigned to you at MEPS as well as the objectives of the specific branch. border-width: 1pt; The same recommendation is plausible in any of the military branches as MEPS falls under the command of the DOD. [QUOTE="S_Austin, post: 643219, member: 41419". years depending on the medical condition, condition status and the need for periodic medical evaluations. The U.S. Coast Guard follows the same guidelines as the other military branches. This important process will resume as soon as those employees return to work. Us, Delete Any defect or disorder of the extremities (including movement and range of motion) that produce noticeable deformity or interfere with normal daily functions Torn cartilage, unstable ACL or PCL, or surgical correction of any ligaments if unstable or symptomatic Chronic knee pain syndrome including, but not limited to patella-femoral syndrome The United States Army carries forward many of the same procedures at MEPS as the other military branches. The same guidance publishes the recommended evaluation data that should be submitted for each condition; however it does not specify the medical criteria that the Coast Guard will consider in evaluating whether the risks associated with these conditions are low enough to warrant a medical waiver. corresponding official PDF file on Violation of them with potential risks associated with uscga policy, or questioning does getting cleared me for coast guard medical waiver process for. 02/17/2015 at 8:45 am. margin-bottom: 10.0pt; provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. Individuals with these conditions may be denied medical certification unless they meet the criteria for a medical waiver. Note: Individuals with cardiomyopathy who have had an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) placed, will be evaluated under the criteria for condition #81, Anti-tachycardia devices or implantable defibrillators. services, For Small Unfortunately, recruits cannot appeal the decision for immediate denial of MEPS. The Coast Guard retains final authority for the issuance of medical waivers. This document is issued under the authority of 5 U.S.C. 4 0 obj
Medical Waiver "Reconsideration" - United States of America Service Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one specific type of sleep apnea and is, therefore, subject to further review under the same item number. 1. the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on font-family: Tahoma; padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; Guide, Incorporation Use of medications to reduce symptoms of ADD or ADHD within the previous 24 months. See 46 CFR 10.303. Related Article 20 Health Conditions That May Disqualify You From Military. { The criteria are summarized as follows: (1) The applicant does not have a diagnosis of a cardiac channelopathy affecting the electrical conduction of the heart (to include Brugada syndrome, Long QT syndrome, etc. Any waivers being granted? USLegal has been awarded the TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award 9 years in a row as the most comprehensive and helpful online legal forms services on the market today. Medical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction Into The Military Services, Military Dental Requirements and Disqualifications, Military Disqualifications For Mental Health: 9 Common Conditions, 20 Health Conditions That May Disqualify You From Military, How To Lose Weight For The Military: Your 30-Day Plan, List Of 9 Army Patches And Their Meanings, Army Sharpshooter Badge: 6 Things To Know, Army Service Ribbon (ASR): 5 Things To Know, Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): 8 Things To Know. on Every waiver requires varying levels of review for approval so its hard to give an estimate in terms of time. ), states that the conditions of cardiomyopathy, diabetes mellitus, narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnea[1] The Marine Corps is the most selective military branch with highly competitive basic training. Submit an evaluation from the treating physician documenting interval history and two current glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels separated by at least 90 days, the most recent of which is no more than 90 days old. These markup elements allow the user to see how the document follows the USLegal fulfills industry-leading security and compliance standards. } During his deployments onboard the USS Fort McHenry, he traveled to 23 countries on four continents, sailing roughly 42,000 nautical miles across 30 seas and five oceans. margin-left: 0in; NVIC 04-08, Condition # 179: Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Central Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, Periodic Limb Movement, Restless Leg Syndrome or other sleep disorders. Here are some frequently asked questions about military medical waivers. By Bill Hewig. Consequently, the Marine Corps (like other branches) does not allow enlistment without an approved waiver. "Mental and behavioral health conditions are no different. Assault On The Citadel: Recent Hopeful Developments In Coast Guard Handling Of Medical Waivers Requests. padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; } ALWAYS download the form to a location of your choice. Once again, speak to a recruiter if you have any of the following: The Coast Guard also needs to take into account mental health conditions that make it difficult for you to serve the country without elevated safety and security risk. from 36 agencies. border-left-style: solid; The Public Inspection page may also Links from these pages to non-Coast Guard sites are provided as a customer service and do not represent any implicit or explicit endorsement by the United States Coast Guard of any commercial or private issues or products presented there. For example, breaking a foot inhibits you from carrying out the functions for duty. border-bottom-style: solid; We use cookies to improve security, personalize the user experience, enhance our marketing activities (including cooperating with our marketing partners) and for other business use. The Next Phase Once this evaluation is complete, the mariner will receive an email and/or letter notification indicating Awaiting Information (AI), Approval to Test (ATT), or Approved to Print. If you are using public inspection listings for legal research, you } Coast Guard Medical Manual and Medically Related Instructions/Manuals (CG-112) Contact your local Health Safety & Work Life Regional Practice or CG SUPRT 24/7/365. Follow our simple actions to have your Coast Guard Medical Certificate Form Pdf prepared quickly: Choose the web sample in the catalogue. ( a) The Coast Guard may grant a waiver if, after review of all relevant supporting medical documents and consultation with the examining physician, as needed, an applicant does not possess the vision, hearing, or general physical condition necessary; and extenuating circumstances warrant special consideration. The Rule Of Continuing Jurisdiction A Case Of First Impression, Death Of A Mariner During The Pendancy Of A Coast Guard-Filed Appeal, Three Strikes And Youre Out For The Coast Guard, Close But No Cigar: An Unusual, And Almost Successful, Battle Of The Experts In An ALJ Case. Highest customer reviews on one of the most highly-trusted product review platforms. To submit your comment online, go to,, type the docket number (USCG-2015-0090) in the SEARCH box and click SEARCH. Click on Submit a Comment on the line associated with this document. (a) The Coast Guard may grant a waiver if, after review of all relevant supporting medical documents and consultation with the examining physician, as needed, an applicant does not possess the vision, hearing, or general physical condition necessary; and extenuating circumstances warrant special consideration. This list is provided to help you understand medical conditions that may be disqualifying for admission to the Coast Guard Academy. DEC. 2646, at 5 (McDonald)(2004), so the changes will likely not help the two mariners noted above. in Accounting and is a graduate student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, pursuing an M.B.A. in Finance. In determining whether a mariner having one of the aforementioned conditions warrants a medical waiver under 46 CFR 10.303, the Coast Guard seeks public input on whether the Coast Guard should consider the following specific medical documentation and medical criteria: I. NVIC 04-08, Condition #77: Cardiac decompensation or cardiomyopathy. Related Article Can You Join The Military With Scoliosis? daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial It made his day doubly special. Additionally, the Coast Guard does not consider the conditions Start Printed Page 8588of narcolepsy,idiopathic hypersomnia, or other hypersomnias of central origin, as low enough risk to warrant consideration for a medical waiver. An applicant may submit to the Coast Guard additional correspondence, records, and reports in support of a waiver. the Federal Register. Here is a handful of the medical conditions that require an Army medical waiver. Document Drafting Handbook The Coast Guard also discourages health waiver applications from students applying to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, though all waiver applications are considered in the context of a. vertical-align: top; NVIC 04-08, Condition # 193: Diabetes mellitus treated with insulin or with history of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). { Forms, Real Estate The Coast Guard is seeking public comment on the policy clarification proposed in this document regarding the specific medical documentation the Coast Guard will consider in determining whether a medical waiver is warranted for merchant mariners with cardiomyopathy, diabetes mellitus, or obstructive sleep apnea. Waivers are always considered on an individually basis, based on rating or officer specialty, time-in-service, world-wide deployability and needs of the service. 1 0 obj
The health condition is sometimes correctly through surgery or with medication. on Two Recent Developments In Medical Waiver Application Proceedings documents in the last year, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Abnormalities of the external ear requiring recurrent evaluation or treatment or that would interfere with proper wearing/use of military equipment, Perforated eardrum or surgery to correct perforation in the preceding 180 days before physical exam, History of thyroid disorders including, but not limited to hyper/hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, Any defect or disorder of the extremities (including movement and range of motion) that produce noticeable deformity or interfere with normal daily functions, Torn cartilage, unstable ACL or PCL, or surgical correction of any ligaments if unstable or symptomatic, Chronic knee pain syndrome including, but not limited to patella-femoral syndrome, Pes planus (flat-footed) when accompanied by symptoms, Knee ligament repair (ACL/PCL) within 12 months or recurrent repair of ligaments of the knee, Repair of the meniscus in the last 6 months, History of dislocation, subluxation or instability of one or more joints, Recurring stress fractures or single episode of stress fractures in the last 12 months, Uncorrected visual acuity worse than 20/400 in either eye, Distant visual acuity of any degree that does not correct to 20/40 in both eyes with corrective lenses, Refractive error exceeding plus or minus 8.00 diopters (spherical equivalent), Astigmatism exceeding 3.00 diopters and anisometropia exceeding 3.5 diopters.