She couldnt tell me what exactly the process is and how long it would take if Im at all in the queue. Add me. Dont worry further write C R Y P T O R E V E R S A L (at)g m I L []c 0 m for the perfect assistance. Bank of America froze the account, leaving Mosson unable to access the remaining funds. Ive spoken to countless agents on both sides and nothing has been remedied. Please add me to this lawsuit as well. Three months in a row funds where transfered with out my approval with Its been five months and Im still appealing my case with unemployment. is Mosson, et al. I am so frustrated with Bank of America. Thank you so much. I called filed a claim and was told it may take up to 90 days :(, Happened to me at 830am went to pull out money it was 0 called Bank of America at 9am I ask what happened where my funds they said I had an transaction at 830am in west Covina I live 50 miles away how can I be at 2 place at the same time I think bank of america stole the funds so I filed a claim. Two months go by and NOTHING! I am beyond frustrated, I am responsible for taxes on these funds, I cant find anyone who cares or can help. Get class action lawsuit news sent to your inbox sign up for ClassAction.orgs newsletterhere. I hate BOA. Needless to say I am disgusted with this bank and can not understand why this has been allowed to go on for so long. Then weeks later, they sent a letter sort of implying that I committed the fraud. Family in Fresno says their Bank of America EDD account was drained of Bank of America says it will not comment on pending litigation. I gave the person a call, to hopefully try to reason with them, told them how much they stole and that if they didnt return it, id call the police (I did). Your email address will not be published. They never returned any of the money !! I paid 10% of the recovered funds as his service charge after I got all my money back. I received a email from Bank of America alerting me that my edd benefits was withdrawn ( 2,539.58) from my account and was transfered to another account. The lawsuit seeks to hold [] No I have to go back and told the guys that we wouldnt be able to work because we didnt have enough fuel to go out and work and I wasnt able to pay them so they decided to go somewhere else and right after I spoke with customer service again. My account has been frozen since and since she never started a case, the hackers were able to take even more money out. I had same thing happen to me back around Christmas. I called them back and they said that they need to reopen the investigation and could take up to 45 days to resolve. This exact thing has happened to me! Bad enough EDD is more than 8 payments behind on my claim, when i do get a payment, someone fraudulently takes it and no help is given by BOfA. Bank of America was notified that my sons debit card had large purchases via the Internet without his consent. Back in October when I went to use my card I had a negative -$1,300 balance.!!! According to the suit, the bank has yet to reimburse the withdrawals or unfreeze the plaintiffs account, leaving her without access to $21,000 EDD has since deposited into her account. I called again and was told by an agent that they did not flag my account for urgency or some lame excuse and would do so. It is true! Please add me.. the same thing happened to me. Bank of America Sued for Failing to Protect Unemployment Insurance I even kicked my stepson out over this. they did not return the stolen funds and basically insinuated his report was fraudulent. Unemployment has done a fine job in helping me lose all I got and to not even be able to count on one of the most well known banks in our country. Add me. I think this is very unfair and I need help can somebody please contact me and tell me what I should do because whore $440 was stolen from me Thats really freaky because Im scared theyre going to try and steal more money from me again and I think its unfair that these people get to walk around with someone elses money and the banks not even helping me there against me. Not only was my account stolen, Bank of America kicked me when I needed help. Anyways in January I called to check the status and was told someone would contact me. Yes I too have been a victim of fraud. I have been asking to speak to a supervisor and have always gotten the run around from being forwarded to a busy line to long waits and asking if they could return my call in 1 business day. And that's how they made me feel," said Yick. I also had to remind the associate to send me a new card so the same thing wouldnt happen again. January 15, 2021 / 5:36 PM An investigation was started by BOA. I frozen out of my unemployment benefits. Essential: Remember your cookie permission setting, Essential: Gather information you input into a contact forms, newsletter and other forms across all pages, Essential: Keep track of what you input in a shopping cart, Essential: Authenticate that you are logged into your user account, Essential: Remember language version you selected, Functionality: Remember social media settings, Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Analytics: Keep track of your visited pages and interaction taken, Analytics: Keep track about your location and region based on your IP number, Analytics: Keep track of the time spent on each page, Analytics: Increase the data quality of the statistics functions, Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. The complaint alleges, Day after day, there are new reports of yet another EDD benefits recipient with a Bank of America EDD prepaid debit card who went to use their card only to discover that all the money in their Bank of America EDD accountoftentimes, the only money that they had to survivewas suddenly gone.. one thing i know for sure is the fact that, scams will not stop anytime soon, these guys keep developing new ways everyday to take peoples money from them, which is really terrible, but the question we scam victims should be asking ourselves now is, how do we get our money back or even bring this guys to justice, for me i was able to get some help, through a friend who introduced me to (INSTANTRECOVERY12 At gmail dot com), they helped me track down this scammer and helped retrieve my money from them, i am pretty sure they can help you too, and i really hope this helps. bogus email account made in my name. SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- 7 On Your Side has been helping scores of unemployed workers whose benefits were drained by scammers - and Bank of America rejected their claims to be reimbursed for the fraud. Farrell v. BOA - Home Weve had Representatives having private conversations in the background. Rebecca Quirin. This shouldnt happen to anyone. My account been frozen sense 09152020 for edd to check my identity everything back to normal with edd but bank card still frozen with money in the account as of 03092021, $2,600 was stolen from my BOA unemployment debit card. The still say its processing thats all they tell me at edd. In January, Yick found an attorney to file the first class-action lawsuit related to security issues, freezing of accounts, and denials of provisional credit. Let us know in the comments below. Bank of America has denied me 2xs with no explanation!! Edd says they cant do anything but send paper checks and boa says they cant do anything. Bank of America exposed unemployed California workers to fraud and suspended jobless payments after it failed to properly safeguard their benefits accounts, a federal class-action lawsuit. He says he needs that money returned for another surgery. Take a look at more stories and videos by Michael Finney and 7 On Your Side. 3:21-cv-00743 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Filed a claim with Bank of America rep. who said I will receive new debit card in 2-3 days. Do you hold an account with Bank of America? It has been frustrating because $500 is suddenly missing and all they do is give me the run around. I even emailed them at the corporate office and I assume I was passed along to asomeone else, because I never received a reply email either. Attorney General Eric Holder and Associate Attorney General Tony West announced today that the Department of Justice has reached a $16.65 billion settlement with Bank of America Corporation - the largest civil settlement with a single entity in American history to resolve federal and state claims against Bank of America and its former and sounds sweet but today is May 4th and the money still hasnt been placed in my account. Electronic Funds Transfer Act California Business and Professions Code California Consumer Privacy Act, New to Class Action Lawsuits Accusing Bank of America of Mishandling I know its BOAs fault and they do not want to fix the problems. Julie Hicks, Kuang Ting Chong, and Stephanie Moore filed a class action complaint in the Northern District of California on Tuesday against Bank of America, N.A . I proceeded to insert my card into the machine at teller booth and she said even my withdrawals are being declined and she has never seen anything like that happen. administrator or law firm. My card was froze after swiping. My husband is disabled and Im his caretaker and we are very low income as is so this just sent me on and emotional downhill spiral. California's Fiasco - Additional EDD Benefits for Some, Investigations I havent been paid in months. Theres NO WAY! "It is certainly a win for the plaintiffs. I am desperate, with no end in sight. This person asked who I was and then proceeded to say, Ah, this is 123-45-6789 (fake social) born on 01/01/1990 (fake dob). This person knew my social and dob. I sent it colored copies. When I check my EDD card when I got home I saw the missing money. I had to go 2 months without any income. Bank of America said it has improved customer service and reduced wait times on the phone, and is restoring money for those with legitimate claims. I had 300.00 taken out the same day my money was deposited. Then they froze my account and still cant get my money. The lawsuit alleges that widespread fraud affecting EDD debit cards as thousands of Californians were out of work during the coronavirus pandemic was rooted in Bank of America's failure to properly secure the debit cards with an "EMV" chip. Please add me to any claims. I checked my app to see the balance and my heart droppedit showed zero balance. Were actually no longer allowed to tell them a timeframe, because we have no clue, the representative said referring to refunds of stolen money, the complaint contends. Bank of America has been practicing unlawful and illegal practices for years, according to a recent class action lawsuit filed by thousands of borrowers. Bad enough u have to worry about exposure and not infecting my disabled husband, now Ive got this!! Now our identities are out in cyberspace, our credit is ruined, we have no money to pay bills, and we cant even get a loan for a penny! Hes arguing negligence and breaches of contract, among other things, after his Bank of America unemployment account was hacked and drained of all its money last year. Feb 28, 2022. They told me to call the fraud department which I did. In response to this latest class action lawsuit, a Bank of America spokesperson told Law360: We have added thousands of agents to answer phone calls and investigate claims for the areas of the program we are responsible for and, as a result, our average wait time for callers has dropped dramatically. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Mary Alexander & Associates filed a class action lawsuit in federal court in San Francisco on behalf of thousands of Californians against Bank. I just used it for gas. He called the bank and notified them. said Michael Conant of San Francisco said in an interview with 7 On Your Side last November. I was denied money from the atm my card was froze on Christmas Eve and not a dime had been on my card since. I still have not recieved any letter and still have no access to my account or any info on my money that was taken. They refuse to give my money back. I just gave up on this bank they stole 2000 from my account and the bank did nothing and closed my account now I am receiving emails stating that my account statement is ready on a card I dont even have I believe the fraudsters are working in the banks and remote workers and stealing peoples identity this bank is garbage. My other bank had declined the transfer and sent it back to my BofA account. Also, I am in a different state from where the withdraw took place.?! let me know if I can join this lawsuit. I waited literally 15 months for the EDD to finally approve my claim. She did not give me a reason. I still havent received my money. Said they would review the atm surveillance video, but that it would look better for me if I filed a police report as if I was the criminal. No investigation was even pursued. The order requires Bank of America to provide some urgently needed relief to Class Members who were frozen out of their accounts after the bank failed to protect them from fraud. Bank of America Sued for California Unemployment Fraud Scheme They took her money she had in her account , stopped her life insurance and will not speak to her about it. Californias Economic Development Department (EDD) has chosen to have its unemployment benefits distributed in the form of a prepaid debit card, issued by Bank of America, NA. Still waiting to get my funds back and my stimulus check I had wire transferred over to this account. Any help and getting this cleared up from anybody would be greatly appreciated numbers emails whatever cause the system is sickening. I even filed a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and nothing has been done as of yet. will look at it. Then the next agent assured me that the info about account closure was incorrect. my ui account was hacked forr $440 back in september i called and submitted a claim waited a week for a new card and when i received the new card i set up a new pin and noticed it had $20 on it, hmmm. I asked if their cameras work and she said yes. I just got in contact with swiftaccess37 (AT) gmail comjust two weeks ago when I was newly scammed, as soon as I reported my case, they moved into action swiftly and got it all sorted in a matter of days..They are as true as they say they are! BOA doesnt care about UE customers. Instead they gave cards without a chip, just with a magnetic stripe, which is easily subject to fraud," said attorney Brian Danitz who filed the suit. It was too much for me. I dont know whether to send in my EDD claim for benefits because now I have no active account. I called BofA claims to verify they received the reports only to be told that they failed to file my claim correctly when I called to report it the first time and they would have to start over and re file everything all over again. Here's where we stand, Armed carjacking suspect leads police on dangerous chase. On April 2, 21 my EDD debit card was denied when trying to buy groceries. So when I did that I pretty much wasted my whole time just being on the phone and going to Bank of America branches after branches verifying after verifying for f****** what Bank of America youre so f****** stupid I hope youre reading this s*** too Im so f****** pissed but anyway Im sorry bud I f****** hate Bank of America I love America but I hate Bank of America. Copyright 2023 KABC Television, LLC. "The bank stopped its normal procedures of conducting an investigation and started to use a flawed screening process," said Yick's attorney Brian Danitz with the law firm Cotchett, Petrie and McCarthy. I tried to do several website purchases just to see if it was one particular website malfunctioning. The EXACT same thing happened to me; Cannot take this anymore. Please review our FAQ here. So sad- and so broke. They closed my account after 283 dollars was stolen from another state while I was in the hospital. Click Accept if you consent. I told Bank of America that transaction was unauthorized by me and that I was never aware of any of this transaction. There were fraudulent charges in the amount of $1,819.06 on my BOA EDD debit card sometime back in July or August of 2020, resulting in a credit bring applied to my account in the same amount of $1,819.06 on August 3, 2020. What am I to do? Since the calendar line was super busy and I had already been there for about 45 minutes I asked the lady if I can just withdraw cash from her and she says that she cant give me cash because she has no cash for me to go outside to withdraw the money from the ATM. Please include me in this lawsuit! Now, a class action lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco on Friday claims Bank of America failed to stop scammers from stealing money off EDD debit cards of struggling workers. The email closed w., This update could have originated from your state agency. so I assumed it was fine especially since I logged in and didnt see anything wrong. . I called b of a and they had hung up on me or gave me the run around. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function. Called back and rep told me claim was closed on 4/7/21 and that she would have to reopen it and it would take at least 45-90 business days to investigate and my money wouldnt be credited back until their investigation is complete. I have been left on hold for up to an hour and a half at a time of which I hung up and passed back and forth from One customer service agent to the next just to get me off the phone. They open a claim only for me to call today the 21st for them to tell me my claim was closed. So, I migrate you figured out my problem what was it? I am currently trying to recover $1,880 that B of A refuses to put back on my account until their investigation is complete. And the BoA aTms she used and still my claim was closed until 3 different agents had to close and reopen it and told me it would take 45 days now for an investigation and a credit which I needed to take care of my daughter since I am a single dad. Despite the security concerns associated with magnetic-stripe technology, Bank of America allegedly failed to include far more secure EMV chips on EDD debit cards, which the case claims are the only cards issued by the bank without such technology. What a joke every rep told me something different. Yick v. Bank of America, N.A., 3:21-cv-00376, No. 1 (N.D.Cal. Jan. 14 Bank of America's Equity: Racial Discrimination, Elitism, Fraud, and Bank of America sent KPIX 5 the following statement in response to the lawsuit: "As California's unemployment program faces billions of dollars in fraud, Bank of America is working every day with the state to prevent criminals from getting money and ensuring legitimate recipients receive their benefits. I asked them how I get my account unfrozen and they said well you have to do a fraud investigation and so then I asked them well how do I get a fraud investigation of my account when its froze and they had no answer its extremely frustrating. I cannot pay my bills and cannot believe this is legal. I tried to make three transactions and they were declined. Bank of America class action alleges bank misleadingly marketed PPP loans to small businesses Read More. Its a never ending circle that keeps me locked out of my account and money. Please add me to this lawsuit! v. Bank Of America, N.A., Case No. But I call Monday April 5th told I would have provisional credits by today the 7th and now they said my claim was closed April 2nd. EDD fiasco takes a surprising turn: Bank of America wants out - CalMatters There are countless people who have been scammed not just by fraudsters but also by the bank! *Seven months have passed and Yick says her account still hasn't been credited, but she's not feeling helpless anymore. The San Francisco based realtor says Bank of America never helped her, after making multiple calls to report fraudulent charges that emptied her account last November. Before commenting, please review our comment policy. The injunction compels Bank of America to unfreeze accounts and reopen investigations into stolen benefits issued on prepaid bank debit cards in a fraud epidemic first exposed last fall by KPIX 5.