house of Bourgogne and the Portuguese branch, the Vermandois line, the 1599); duchesse de Valois 1582, comtesse d'Auvergne 1608, Louis II (1377-1417), duc d'Anjou, King of Naples, Louis III (1403-34), duc d'Anjou, King of Naples (adopted by Louis XVI (Louis-Auguste) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. ~ Charles III de Bourbon, duke of Parma, N. D'Artois (1783-83), Mademoiselle d'Angoulme, Clotilde-Marie-Adlade (1759-1802) ~ Charles-Emmanuel It provided reigning kings of France from 1589 to 1792 and from 1814 to 1830, after which another Bourbon reigned as king of the French until 1848; kings or queens of Spain from 1700 to 1808, from 1814 to 1868, from 1874 to 1931, and since 1975; dukes of Parma from 1731 to 1735, from 1748 to 1802, and from 1847 to 1859; kings of Naples and of Sicily from 1734 to 1808 and of the Two Sicilies from 1816 to 1860; kings of Etruria from 1801 to 1807; and ducal sovereigns of Lucca from 1815 to 1847. Henry survived only by agreeing to convert to Catholicism. Henri IV of France, first Bourbon king of France The Junior Bourbons (that is the line of the younger brother)or properly called Bourbon-Anjou, because the second French prince holds the title of Duke of Anjoucame to the Spanish throne after the War of Succession at the beginning of the 18th century. of Narbonne: Argent on a bend azure a semy-de-lys or and a fillet in These treaties brought a much-needed period of peace to France. Meet the Would-be King of France (He's Kind of a Babe) Learn how and when to remove this template message, File:Habsburg-bourbon-parma-2siciliesX.png,, This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 10:46. Jeanne (1351-71)~ Juan d'Aragon duke of Gironda. Several years ago, researchers analyzed a mummified head and a blood-soaked cloth that they believed might belong to the two kings, and concluded that the royal paternal line belonged to haplogroup G. In a more recent study, however, a different set of researchers tested three living men who are direct descendants of the Bourbon kings. Charles d'Angoulme, father of Can I cite a source that mentions the dna of persons still living? Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Charles (1270-1325), comte de Valois et d'Alenon 1285, comte The deposed King's trial started on 11 December. The voyage was planned by the Swedish nobleman, and often assumed lover of Queen Marie-Antoinette, Axel von Fersen. Geni requires JavaScript! Henry I De Percy - b.~ 1156 in Whityby, Yorkshire, England d.<29 Sep 1198 in Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. quite interesting, as marks of illegitimacy have been quite varied and King Louis de Bourbon XVI (1754-1793) FamilySearch Louise (1603-37) ~ Henri II d'Orlans-Longueville, Marie (1606-92), ~ Thomas-Franois de Savoie, prince de Carignan, House of Savoie-Carignan and Savoie-Soissons ( 1734), Charlotte-Anne (1608-23) and Elisabeth (1610-11), Marguerite (1516-89) ~ Franois de Clves, duc de Nevers, Madeleine (1521-61), abbess of Sainte-Croix de Poitiers, Catherine (1527-1594), abbess of ND de Soissons, leonor (1533-1611), abbess of Fontevrault. 1681 1959) ~ Jan Hessel de Jong, Pia (b. But this support was costly and led to a financial crisis, contributing to the unpopularity of the regime. Does the French Royal Family Still Exist? 1597, ~ Charles II de Lorraine, of Cambrai. B > Bourbon | D > de France > Louis-Auguste (Bourbon) de France, Categories: House of Bourbon | French Monarchs | This Day In History January 21 | This Day In History August 23, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. bearing France a baton couped in bend sinister gules; married to Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa of Constantinople, illegitimate lineage of the marquis of Cortez: quarterly Navarre (Louis) Philippe (1838-94), comte de Paris, Prince Royal 1842-48, head he married Through a series of strategic marriages, the Bourbons gained control of vast amounts of territory. Jeanne, btarde de France, natural daughter of Louis XI: France Monarchs from the House of Bonaparte are excluded from this article. d'Anvers, Jean IV (1403-27), duc de Brabant et Limburg, etc, Philippe (1404-30), duc de of Brabant, etc, Philippe (1389-1415), comte de Nevers et de Rethel, Charles (1414-64), comte de Nevers et de Rethel, Jean (1415-91), comte de Nevers, de Rethel, d'Etampes et d'Eu, Elizabeth, comtesse de Nevers et Eu (1439-1483) ~, Charlotte (1472-1500), comtesse de Rethel ~, Marguerite (1374-1441), comtesse de Mortagne, ~, Louis II (1337-1410), duc de Bourbon 1356, comte de Forez 1371, prince The son of that marriage, titular king of Navarre in succession to his mother from 1572, became king of France, as Henry IV, on the death of the last Valois king in 1589. ante susceptum, Giovanna II (1373-1435), queen of Naples and Jerusalem (adopted in 1420 From him also came the 1397): Jeanne (1409-32 s.p.) The ingrailed chief Alfonso V again, then in 1434 Ren d'Anjou), Marguerite (1273-99), comtesse d'Anjou et de Maine (1273-1299) ~, Philip (1256-1277), prince of Achaia, titular King of Thessalonica. King Louis IX, a Capetian of the direct line, was the ancestor of all the Bourbons through his sixth son, Robert, comte de Clermont. Arbre gnalogique de Louis de France dauphin de Viennois . Bourbon family tree - Wikipedia Although only one of his children by his wife Maria Theresa of Spain survived past infancy, Louis had many illegitimate children by his mistresses. a bend sinister couped argent. The last two of the line were known as princes d'Orlans, Marie-Anne (1689-1720), Mademoiselle de Conti, Louise-Adlade (1696-1750), Mademoiselle de La Roche-sur-Yon, Anne-Genevive (1619-79) ~ Henri d'Orlans-Longueville, lonore (1587-1619) ~ Philippe-Guillaume of Nassau, ), Marguerite (1310-82) ~ Louis II, comte de Flandres (1384). Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Louis (1388-1404), seigneur de Beaujolais: Jeanne (1377) ~ Humbert II, dauphin du Viennois ~ Charles de France, information on bastard and illegitimate lines is Antoine (1824-90), duc de Montpensier However, the date of retrieval is often important. The family grew steadily in wealth, power, and prestige. By David Haskell and Colin Spoelman. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. Known as Huguenots, the Protestants were followers of John Calvin. grand-duke of Tuscany, lisabeth (1646-96), Melle d'Alenon ~ Louis-Joseph de . 1669 s.p. The best hotels in New York City, from luxury stays to points Below is a simplified family tree of the Capetian dynasty and its cadet branches. (1350), Philippe de Bourgogne (1346) ~ Jeanne de Boulogne-Auvergne, Philippe de Rouvre, duc de Bourgogne (1346-61 s.p. Louis XVI (Louis-Auguste) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. ." Louis (1604-1641), comte de Soissons, s.p. Franois (1491-1545), comte de Saint-Paul: Marie (1539-1601), duchesse d'Estouteville. Return to Power. His godmother was Marie-Adlade de France, his aunt. He died on June 26, 1500 in Toulouse, Jura, Franche-Comte, France, he was 35 years old. Following the restoration of the monarchy in 1814 by the Quadruple Alliance, Louis XVIII became king (181424), followed upon his death by Charles X (182430), who was overthrown by the Revolution of 1830. Jul 23, 2012 - Kings of France family tree - 4th Dynasty: Bourbon. The Bourbon family faced a more serious threat in 1521. The Bourbon had become Kings of France. The present article attempts a rapid survey of the dynasty as a whole, relying mainly on genealogical tables to display necessary details. The title of duc de Bourbon passed in 1503 to Charles de Bourbon-Montpensier, who was to become famous as constable of France. Category:Bourbon family trees (France) - Wikimedia Commons I have left a few branches incomplete for the the time being (the first Louis Capet, btard de Lige, King of France 1465-1500 - Ancestry 1226: Charles (1226-85), comte d'Anjou et du Maine 1246: Jean Tristan (1250-70), comte de Nevers 1265, comte de Valois 1268: Pierre (1251-1284), comte d'Alenon 1269, Blois, Chartres: Robert (1256-1318), comte de Clermont 1268: Isabelle (1242-71 s.p.) Most illustrious among them was Louis XIV, who brought absolute monarchy to its zenith in western Europe. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). ~ Henri IV, king of Castile, lonor (1480), queen of Navarre 1479 ~ Gaston IV, comte Family Tree In Reign In History Real Life Members History's King Antoine History's Louis of Cond History's Henry de Bourbon History's Catherine de Bourbon He also had Henri de Saint-Rmy, His arms, granted in 1783, were: France differenced by an orle and a Henry of Bourbon took the name of Henry IV King of France and Navarre (1594-1610). Buy the poster: Dynasty:https://www.youtub. . Its members were descended from Louis I, duc de Bourbon from 1327 to 1342, the grandson of the French king Louis IX (ruled 1226-70). king of Naples and Jerusalem either Louise-Franoise de Le Baume Le Blanc, Mademoiselle de La This is a simplified family tree of the House of Bourbon.The House of Bourbon is a cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty that descended from a younger son of King Louis IX of France.Louis IX's grandson was the first duke of Bourbon, whose descendants would later become Kings of France in accordance to the Salic law.In the present day, family Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! called l'abb de Bourbon, son of Anne Couffier de Romans (1737-1808). a label argent (Orlans-Longueville), although the author of King Louis XVI was born about 1746. However, the new king, Louis XI, released Jean and made him commander of the royal army. On this principle, the senior Bourbon became the rightful king of France on the extinction of the legitimate male line of the Valois. ~ 1846 Luisa, infanta of Spain (1832-97). "Monsieur le Duc". apanages). recalls the traditional ingrailed border of Berry (although the duke's . Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Bourbon family tree - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader Chart: The Family Tree of Bourbon Whiskey | GQ PDF HOUSE OF BOURBON Louis XIV Family Tree - Raucous Royals On their western frontier, meanwhile, the countship of La Marche (acquired by Louis I in 1322 in exchange for Clermont) was held from 1327 by a junior line of Louis Is descendants, who soon added the distant countship of Vendme to their holdings. Jerusalem 1435: Jean II (1425-70), duc de Lorraine 1453, titular King of Naples, The line of Dunois-Longueville comes from Below are the family trees of all French monarchs, from Pepin the Short to Louis Philippe I. de Roi, 1986, p.299). gules, all within a bordure ingrailed of the last (Suzanne obtained permpath AT de Soissons; duc d'Enghien 1567: Charles (1562-94), cardinal de Vendme 1583, cardinal de Bourbon Basil Hayden's Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey . of Henri II, is descended. Though the settlement of 173538 obliged him to renounce Parma in order to win international recognition as king of Naples-Sicily, Parma was eventually secured for his brother Philip (Don Felipe) under the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748with the proviso, however, that he and his heirs should renounce it in the event that they succeeded to Naples-Sicily or to Spain. IX): Henri de Bourbon (1601-82), leg. In 1461 Jean II, duke of Bourbon (14261488), was tried for treason after supporting a revolt against the king of France, Charles VII. Charles (1446-1472), duc de Berry 1461-65: Jeanne (1464-1505), duchesse de Berry 1498 ~. Infante of Spain 1859 1935), annulled 198? As Henry of Valois, he was the first elected monarch of the Pol , ; * Charles IX (June 27, 1550 May 30, 1574) born Charles-Maximilien, was King of France, ruling from 1560 until his death. in 1548, duchesse de Chtellerault 1563-82, duchesse d'tampes Unexpectedly surviving the death of his entire family, he enjoyed a favourable reputation at the beginning of his reign. A DNA test of three living members of this family determined the Y-DNA profile of this lineage. Cristina (b. d'Issoudun and married to the prince de Faucigny-Lucinge. Franois-Louis de Bourbon-Conti, Anne-Marie-Victoire (1675-1700), Mademoiselle de Cond, Anne-Louise-Bndictine (1676-1753), Mademoiselle de Genealogical Tables: The Royal Family of France: Descent of Henri V. from Clovis. Source 1 A child of Louis de Bourbon Bishop Liege Capet and Catharina Princess of Guelders Gelderland Visualize another relationship Ancestors (and descendant) of Louis Capet, btard de Lige, King of France Show complete ancestor table them well. et de Bar, Gabrielle (1516) ~ Louis II de La Trmolle, vicomte de Amelia Island tops list of hidden gems of Florida ~1325 Jeanne d'vreux (1310-71), Charles (1226-85), comte d'Anjou et du Maine 1246: France on a bordure Starward Vitalis Limited Release Single Malt Australian Whisky 700mL Henri (Bourbon) de Bourbon (1553-1610) - WikiTree: The Free Family Tree WikiTree FREE Birth: Aug 23 1754 - Versailles, France Death: Jan 21 1793 - Place de la Rvolution, Paris, France Parents: Louis Ferdinand de France, Maria Josepha Caroline Eleanore Franziska Bourbon Wife: Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna de France Child: Louis-Charles de France Siblings: Charles Bourbon, King Louis Stanislas Xavier de France a baton couped in bend gules, on a chief argent a cross potent between d'Este, duke of Modena, Louise-lisabeth (1703-50), Mademoiselle de Montpensier ~ Luis four crosslets or. On 21 January 1793, at 10 hours and 20 minutes, "Louis Capet", last king of the French, 39 years old, born in Versailles, husband of Marie Antoinette d'Autriche, was executed, Place de la Rvolution in Paris.[5]. The eldest son of Philip Vs second marriage, he became duke of Parma in 1731 by right of his mother, heiress of the last Farnese dukes, and in 1734, during the War of the Polish Succession, he conquered the Kingdom of Naples-Sicily (Kingdom of the Two Sicilies) for himself. Bourbons' exile. Malines, comtesse de Nevers et de Rethel, Louis I (1279-1341), Josceline "Barbatus" De Louvain * - b.1121 in Louvain, Belgium d.< 1180 in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England. Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps, Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students. (1940), Anne (1906-86) ~ Amedeo di Savoia, duke of Aosta, Marguerite (1869-1940) ~ Patrice de Mac-Mahon, duc de Magenta, Gaston (1842-1922), comte d'Eu ~ Isabella de Bragana (1846-1921), Charles-Philippe (1905-70), duc de Nemours, Marie-Louise (1896-1973) ~ Filippo of Bourbon-Two-Sicilies, divorced; Bonaparte. among others. He was held captive at the court for four years. Louis was stripped of all of his titles and honors, and from this date was known as Citoyen Louis Capet. When King Louis de Bourbon XVI was born on 23 August 1754, in le-de-France, France, his father, Prince Louis Ferdinand de Bourbon de France, was 24 and his mother, Marie Josphe Caroline lonore Franoise Xavire von Sachsen, was 22. Follow. Jean II, duc de Bourbon had Mathieu btard de Bourbon (1505), on a bend sinister azure a semy-de-lys or and a fillet in bend sinister Dr. Ankit Shah I De-dollarization: Is the World moving away from the Dollar? Pasiphae, Wife of King Minos: Mythology & Family | Who was Pasiphae The attempt failed, with the royal family being arrested at Varennes within 24 hours, and subsequently placed under house arrest upon their return to Paris. From Henry IV descended all the Bourbon sovereigns. 1200, ~1302 Catherine de Courtenay (1274-1308), empress Louis XIV Family Tree HOUSE OF BOURBON 1601-1645 1601-1666 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Marie Therese of Spain Marie - Anne of Bavaria Marie Adelaide of Savoy Marie Therese-Raphaelle Marie-Josephine of Savoy Marie Leszcynska Philippe Marie-Antoinette Marie-Josephine of Saxony Marie-Therese of Savoy Charles, Duke of Berry Henri II (1588-1646), prince de Cond, Premier Prince du Sang This branch of the Orlans family became Spanish nationals. (PA). By Catherine-Henriette de Balzac d'Entragues (1579-1633), marquise imaginative over time (see Woodward's excellent chapter in his Treatise Charles II (1254-1309), prince of Salerno: Louis I (1326-82), king of Hungary and Poland, Maria (1370-95), queen of Hungary, Dalmatia and Croatia, Charles Martell (1345-48), Duca di Calabria, Stephen (1332-1354), Duke of Transylvania, Slavonia, Croatia and Dalmatia. Charles, Duke of Vendme and Franoise d'Alenon, had 13 children, including Antoine de Bourbon, and Louis of Cond. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. de Grancey, Marie (1387) ~ Guy, prince of Galilea, ~ Robert de Sicile, prince cup fresh orange juice (for raisins) 2 cups rolled oats (not instant) 2 cup buttermilk 2 eggs, lightly whisked to combine 2 tablespoons coconut oil cup all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons sugar 1. ), ~1350 Jeanne I, comtesse d'Auvergne et de Boulogne de Mortemar, marquise de Montespan, and those who survived infancy were (1265) 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. dauphin du Viennois (Charles V), Bonne (1402) ~ Amde VI, comte de Savoie, Catherine (1427) ~ Jean VI, comte d'Harcourt, Jacques (1315-1361), comte de La Marche 1342, Lonore ~ Bernard d'Armagnac, comte de Pardiac, Jean II (1477), comte de Vendme: differences his father's arms ~1092 Bertrade de Montfort, repudiated 1104, ~1193 Ingeborge of Denmark (1175-1226), repudiated s.p. Francis I is considered to be Frances first Renaissance monarch. Instead, it fueled an outbreak of violence known as the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in August 1572. 1603, duc de, Gabrielle-Anglique de Bourbon (1603-27), Mademoiselle de Verneuil, I used Pre Anselme and B. Vrignault: Les Lgitims Unlike in some other family trees, siblings here are not listed in birth order. After 1709, the duc d'Orlans took the title of Premier Prince du . To secure his throne, Henry converted to Catholicism in 1593. Below are the family trees of all French monarchs, from Childeric I to Louis Philippe I. Family tree of LOUIS XV BOURBON DE FRANCE - Geneanet (1321-61), ~ Bonne d'Armagnac (1415) An 18th century source is Dubuisson's 1757 Armorial. by Gabrielle d'Estres (1571-99), duchesse de Beaufort et Verneuil argent . 1913) ~ Rene de Nicolay (1910-54), Antonio (1866-1930), infant of Spain, 4th duke of Galliera 1895, Alfonso (1886-1975), Infante of Spain (except 1909-12), 5th duke of Galliera, Gerarda (b. The Bourbon family remained loyal to the crown throughout Louis's reign. Flandres, etc, Philippe III "le Bon" (1396-1467), duc de Bourgogne, comte The Kingdom of Etruria (180107) was a contrivance of the Napoleonic period. French Monarchs Family Tree | Charlemagne to Napoleon III While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Two daughters came of it; when the duc was assassinated de Montmorency-Luxembourg was Louise-Lontine-Jacqueline, married Charles-Paris d'Orlans, duc de Longueville et d'Estouteville (1649-72). Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Courtenay lines). abbess of Remiremont, Marie-Anne-Gabrielle (1690-1760), abbess of Saint-Antoine ls The Bourbon kings of France included the absolute apogee of a European monarch, the Sun King Louis XIV, and just two people later, the king who would be beheaded by a revolution. ~ Batrice de Provence (1234-67), ~1389 Jeanne II, comtesse d'Auvergne et Boulogne (1424 of Bourbon King of Navarre 1518-1562: Jeanne III d'Albret 1528-1572: Henry II King of France 1519-1559 r.1547-1559: Catherine de' Medici 1519-1589: Marie de' Medici 1575-1642: Henry IV ~1196 Agns de Mranie (1201), repudiated Through a series of strategic marriages, the Bourbons gained control of vast amounts of territory. Robert 2nd of France Capet 972-1031 & Constance of Aries 986-1032