Ice camouflage is referred to as "Diamond" in the Italian version of the game. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Tbh, I've asked enemies to equip them so I can get the challenges. Using a Sniper Rifle, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout. For multiplayer, you can unlock Gold, Diamond, and Dark Matter camos, and for Zombies, you can unlock Golden Viper, Plague Diamond, and Dark Aether. How to unlock all Zombies Camos in Black Ops Cold War Managing to dodge incoming undead attacks 10 times for the Conviction camo sounds near-impossible, but maybe that's down to my slow reflexes. Get 25 First Blood medals (first kill of the Match). Practice Makes Perfect: Shoot a bullseye at the Firing Range from 90 meters (Location: Firing Range) Within Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, weapon camouflages are unlocked alongside tiers of the Weapon Level system, which unlock a section of Camouflage types with a unlock criteria tied to that section of camouflages. Reach Level 10 in Multiplayer, Level 10 in Zombies and Echelon 5 in Blackout. #3 Play a suitable game mode. The challenges are applicable for all the weapons in the same class. Using a Light Machine Gun, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout. Dare you be one? No. You get the Backfires by killing an enemy with the knife, picking up their gun and killing them again with their own gun. Here are all of the camo challenges for the FTAC Recon Battle Rifle: Get 50 kills - Torn Scales. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Must have weapon equipped. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Force Recon, File:Arcane Fire Camouflage Supply Drop Card BO3.png, File:Atomic Fire Camouflage Supply Drop Card BO3.png, File:Bloody Valentine Camouflage Supply Drop Card BO3.png, File:Hive Camouflage Supply Drop Card BO3.png, - June 8th, 2016 - CALL OF DUTY XP, THE BIGGEST CALL OF DUTY FAN EVENT IN HISTORY, COMES TO LOS ANGELES SEPTEMBER 2-4, CharlieINTEL - June 9th, 2017 - New Community Headshot Challenge now live in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Twitter - January 20th, 2017 - Treyarch Studios on the completion of Cosmic Community Challenge, Twitter - May 16th, 2017 - CharlieINTEL on the Dragon Fire Headshot challenge, - October 27th, 2017 - Black Ops 3 celebrates Halloween with new camo and Quad Feed, Twitter - July 4th, 2018 - CharlieINTEL on Watermelon Camouflage, CharlieINTEL - August 30th, 2016 - New Call of Duty World League Team Camo Packs available in Black Ops 3, - February 8th, 2017 - New Bloody Valentine camo available in Black Ops 3 Black Market now through Feb 16, Twitter - February 14th, 2018 - Treyarch Studios on Bloody Valentine Camouflage 2018, CharlieINTEL - July 11th, 2017 - Days of Summer has arrived in Black Ops 3: New weapons, camos, and more, CharlieINTEL - July 31st, 2018 - Days of Summer in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Live through August 28, - August 15th, 2017 - Two new weapons, new limited edition camo available in Black Ops 3 Black Market, Youtube - September 16th, 2018 - EMPIRE CAMO IS BACK! Awarded to all active players from October 27th, 2017 to November 1st, 2017. Please note, for any future DLC weapons that are included, you will not have your Dark Matter revoked if you havent unlocked it on them. Camouflages then can be applied under the Customize tab of Gunsmith . Round 3: Use melee only. Mega Killer: Get a Mega Kill medal (6 rapid kills) without using scorestreak rewards. Please note all the challenges are the same for all weapons excluding the Launchers and Knife. Get 10,000 kills with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Oppressor, Strobe Light. Black Ops Cold War Zombies Camo Guide - Attack of the Fanboy Should the player fail a challenge or go down while participating, they will not only receive a strike, but the round will also reset. There are four Tactical Rifles in total: Type 63, M16, AUG, and DMR 14. Easy, Thats just dumb tho not fair on my team to give them streaks. Increases melee speed and can fire the blade as a projectile." Create-a-Class description. Wasteland/ Amphibian/ Boundary/ Threshold/ Banished. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. Limited camouflages are time limited camouflages available primarily through Rare supply drops or Camo Bribes for a short duration and are unlocked for all weapons, whereas the other qualities are permanent additions to the pool unlocked individually for each base game weapon. Press J to jump to the feed. There are three LMGs in total: Stoner 63, RPD, and M60. Get 20 or more consecutive kills with the knife without getting hit 2/4/6/8/10 times. Similarly to Halcyon camouflage, the traditional Chinese characters "" are written in the background. Alongside Gold and Diamond, Dark Matter will be flexed by the best all-around players on the game. Its 50 kills with all attachments, 50 with no attachments, double kills, and bloodthirsty kills (5 kills in a life), and Longshot kills. All guns have the same technical challenges. Making it all the way to the Mastery level rewards us with animated skins, which are bound to turn a few heads in matches. Get 5 kills on your Nemesis in a single game. Targets can be found in the northwest of the Firing Range - using a scoped long range weapon will make this easier to complete. All the weapons in Call Of Duty: Warzone have the exact same camo, but the requirement to unlock it differs from one weapon class to another. Weapon Camouflage/Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) All rights reserved. 50 kills using a suppressor - Beached. Some challenges like hip-fire kills can be made easier by equipping the correct attachments. North of the Blast Doors you should see two cylindrical towers with a walkway between them - in the middle of the walkway is a button to open the doors. If youd like to preview all the weapon camos in video form, below is a video from YouTuber AC Omega. Put to the Quest: Complete all three main Easter Eggs. Check your friend stats and compare them with yours! There are five SMGs in total: MP4, Milano 821, AK-74u, KSP-45, and Bullfrog. Geometric - Destroy 50 ground-based streaks in multiplayer. There is just one Melee weapon: Combat Knife. Round 2: Kill Zombies with equipment only. Use Special Issue Weaponry or Special Issue Equipement to shut down an enemy that is using their Special Issue Weapon 50 Times. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 See Me camouflage has the phrases "NOW U SEE ME" and "NOW U DON'T" written in alternating white, grey and black text. Pick up a weapon and get 5 EKIA without dying, with all kills coming from that weapon and at least one of them is the enemy who dropped the weapon. As PC Gamer's guides writer, Emma is usually juggling several games at once. He is better known to many as Mr Trophy, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 500 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. Inside the main building of Array, look for a console with a green button to activate and trigger the Emergency Broadcast. PC Gamer is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Since launchers in Modern Warfare II take time to reload between shots, players will have to . The grind is more time consuming than difficult. ARs and Tac Rifles require longshots, while Snipers, SMGs, LMGs, Pistols and Shotguns require revenge kills. Some camouflages are placed upon weapons that are Pack-a-Punched, being the only way to apply camouflages on non-weapon kit weapons in Zombies. Get 15 kills with the Knife against enemies who are affected by Frost Blast or Ring of Fire or while you have Aether Shroud active. Get three or more critical hit kills rapidly with your weapon 5/10/15/20/25 times. You need to complete certain challenges with each weapon in order to unlock the desired camo for that weapon. Get 50/250/750/1500/2500 kills with your weapon. The trickiest camo challenge appears to be in the 'Infection' category, which requires us to score 20 or more consecutive kills with our weapon without taking damage. For the Hellion Salvo you need to destroy 25 Tac Deploys, Razor Wires or Barricades, 5 streaks in one game, 5 mantis, sentries, attack choppers, sniper's nests or gunships, 10 direct hit kills on players and 2 streaks rapidly. TIP: When going for launcher kills camo challenges melee also counts as launcher kills. Get 30 kills while crouched - Desert Cat. The Dark Matter camo is exclusive to Black Ops Cold War's finest players, akin to the Damascus from Modern Warfare. Get 2/4/6/8/10 elite eliminations with the knife. Grunge - 1500 kills. Seen below is the complete list of challenges for Unsinkable: Round 1: Survive the Round without taking damage. Liquid - Get 2 or more kills rapidly 50 times. In Black Ops Cold War, there are two sets of mastery camos. Get 50/250/500/1000/1500 kills with your weapon. For these, you will have to do the following for each weapon. It is worth mentioning that the Gauntlet Challenges will remain the same every game, however, it's said that certain rules may change depending on the round. Awarded to all active players on July 4th, 2018. All guns have the same technical challenges. Contents 1 Global Challenges 2 Multiplayer Challenges 2.1 Operations 2.1.1 Boot Camp 2.1.2 Killer 2.1.3 Humiliation I ended up having to boost for those challenges too, such a pain in the ass. Seen below is the complete list of challenges for the Hard Mode Unsinkable Gauntlet: How To Unlock All Secret Songs In Zombies, How To Find Every Jump Scare In Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Zombies, Blackout Map Changes After the Operation Grand Heist Update, Death-Con Five (Classified) Gauntlet Challenge List, Super Blood Wolf Mood (Dead of the Night) Gauntlet Challenge List, Labours of Hercules (Ancient Evil) Gauntlet Challenge List, Hard Mode Unsinkable Gauntlet Challenges List, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Hellcatraz (Blood of the Dead) Gauntlet Challenge List, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Black Ops Cold War has its own camo set for Zombies. TIP: When going for launcher kills camo challenges melee also - reddit Camouflages can be applied in conjunction with a custom Paintshop skin. Also whilst you're here, make sure you check out everything we know about the next chapter in the Call of Duty franchise CoD: Vanguard, such as release dates and all the leaks! Get 10 kills with an enemy weapon pickup. Earn 10 Quad Feed medals (4 uninterrupted kills in the kill feed). Get 10,000 kills with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Double Tap, Penta Burst, Long Burst, Bolt Cylinder. Topography - Get 10 kills rapidly 10 times. The research and technical writing skills he earned throughout his time in the university have allowed him to contribute to the gaming community by creating in-depth guides for gamers all over the world. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. For these, you will have to do the following for each weapon. Get 10 double kills - Haunting. Nuked Out: Earned a Nuclear medal (30 killstreak) in FFA without using scorestreak rewards. 5 Assault rilfes, 5 SMGs, 3 Tactical Rifles, 3 LMGs, 4 Snipers, 3 Pistols, 2 Shotguns, 1 Rocket Launcher And 1 Knife. Bot Lobby - Broken Lobbies 15 kills go across all the camos. Theyre fine since i can actually go for them. Obtained: Earned Dark Matter Camo by earning Diamond on all weapons in the game. Get 10,000 kills with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Strelok, Belt-Feed, Cross Bar. Black Ops 4 - Zombies Camo Tracker | Zombacus Camo Tracker Acidic/ Gunrunner/ Forecast/ Cartographer/ Sunder. Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Southwest of Estates towards the road you'll find some basketball hoops, so interact with a ball and try to score some points. I had to message a player on the enemy team to run power core for my 100% calling card. Leave one of your favourite guns until the end. But who is the Undead Warlord standing in their way? Get 25 Revenge medals (killed the enemy who killed you). You have 13 Dark Ops Challenges to complete in Zombies mode, which is unlucky for some including anyone wanting to unlock them all right now. Using a Pistol, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout. Get 10,000 kills with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Dual Wield, Fat Barrel, Dragon Breath, Skull Splitter. Stay on target with these Cold War guides, RuneScape player finally pulls off ridiculous ironman challenge he set himself 8 years ago: 'Life? So, try getting some extra kills when you are out of ammo. 9 comments 56% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up Sort by: top (suggested) level 1 J-THR3 Royal camouflage has the word "INTEGER" written in blue text, with the characters "R1", "R2" and "L3" in black text. Camouflages in Zombies can only be applied on weapons available in weapon kits, regardless of their feature in multiplayer or the campaign. Decadence/ Bravado/ Funkadelic/ Boutique/ Maniac. Art of War - 5 Revenge Medals - Kill the enemy that just killed you. Huntsman camouflage has the word "ADVANTAGE" written in white text. Growl/ Scavenger/ Zebra/ Blue Tiger/ Rising Tiger. Get 10 Shutdown medals against enemies who are using Gravity Slam by killing them before they impact. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Kill an enemy shortly after healing at least 50 health 10 times. Tryarch please don't include launcher camos in BO4 they rely on the enemy getting the streaks and its really not fair on good players at the very least make them easy and doable regardless of what streaks the enemy is running. Stroke/ Glacier/ Grudge/ Bloodshed/Rotten. Black Ops 4 will be the most robust, refined, and customizable Call of Duty PC shooter experience ever created . We also have a breakdown of the Black Ops 4 Zombies Dead of the Night Easter eggs (opens in new tab) from the first DLC map. Completing them will earn you plenty of rewards, just like the other challenges in Black Ops 4. 25 kills against enemies that are on land when you are shooting at them from underwater with a primary or secondary weapon, Survive a direct hit from an enemy RC-XD and kill the enemy who was driving it in the same life, Kill an enemy that is using the purifier with a molotov, Get a shutdown medal by killing an enemy that has activated Grav Slam while they are still in the air after using the Grapple Gun, In the diner west of Array, interact to play the jukebox, At Cargo Docks at either end of the ship is a buoy with a loot box, At Fracking Tower, north of the blast doors is a small platform with buttons to interact with, At Firing Range shoot a bullseye from 90m or more, Pay your respects to Tanbor Fudgely. Gem and Monochrome camouflages have the traditional Chinese character "" (Mu) written in blue and orange, translating to "seek". You can support the channel by using the link above to shop as you normally would and small percentage goes my way at no extra cost to you! Get to Round 20 in a Classic Match without being hit. Red Light, Green Light: Find and be the first to loot the underwater supply stash at the Cargo Docks (Location: Cargo Docks) Get 10 EKIA against enemies who are using Reactor Core. Fire with Fire: Kill an enemy that is using the Purifier with a Molotov. : r/modernwarfare 3.4K votes, 219 comments. Gold: You get a Gold camo for a specific gun once you have completed all the camo challenges for that particular gun. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Call of Duty: BO4 | What you need to do is simple to explain but difficult to do. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game released Advertisement Coins 0 coins For these, you will have to do the following for each weapon. Get 2,000 Headshots using a 3rd Weapon with Mule Kick, Get 500 Kills using the Electric Burst Melee Buff, Get 1,000 Kills using the Deadshot Damage Modifier, Get 500 Kills using the PhD Slider Explosions, Get 2,000 Headshots using Stone Cold Stronghold, Complete the Main Quest on Voyage of Despair with no downs, Complete the Main Quest on IX in under 99 minutes, Complete the Main Quest on Blood of the Dead using zero Perks, Complete all 3 Main Quests on the first 3 Maps. He graduated with a degree in engineering from the National University Science & Technology (formerly known as Caledonian College of Engineering). Get 25 Backfire medals (killed the enemy with their own weapon). For these, you will have to do the following for each weapon. The MOTD for Luck of the Irish camouflage, The Community Challenge screen for Cosmic camouflage. Just gotta get care packages and give them to your opponent. The 5mW laser and the Merc Foregrip increase hip-fire accuracy, which will help you massively when trying to complete this. Run an engineer and play combined arms/dirty bomb and destroy as many streaks and vehicles. MP5 class loadout Cold War (opens in new tab): Top builds 1.4M subscribers in the modernwarfare community. Below is a full guide on all the camo challenges to obtain the Zombies mastery camo. The camo is a just reward for how long it takes to unlock, and seeing it on your Kill-Cam creates a sense of awe for the person who owns it.