But the current attacks on Gates and his foundation are now broadcasting the same themes to a massive global audience. that increasing vaccination rates in the developing world could slow population growth, since families in which more children survive to adulthood might have fewer children overall. Advance Family Planning launches with20+ partner organizations in 10 countries. The foundation has committed US$280 million per year from 2021 to 2030 to develop and improve contraceptive technologies, support family planning programs that reflect the preferences of local communities, and ensure women and girls are in control of their own reproductive health. Feb 27, 2023 Rumble | Telegram-Mirror | AwakenWithJP.com. We are a nonprofit fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world. Melinda Gates announced that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will funnel $375 million to population control efforts over the next four years. The Gates Foundation, the largest philanthropic foundation in the world, supports work in more than 100 . Protection was substantially lower for the omicron BA.1 variant and declined more rapidly over time than protection against previous variants. (A 2009 U.S. House bill titled the Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act was, But the strategy exploited the real and painful history of medical abuses against people of color in the U.S., from compulsory or coercive sterilization campaigns from the 1910s to 60s (including the sterilization of, of all Puerto Rican mothers between 20 and 49 years old by 1965) to unsafe contraceptives marketed to poor women of color from the 1970s to 90s. After the latter theory was adopted by South Africas former president, Thabo Mbeki, Harvard University researchers found it was responsible for more than 330,000 unnecessary deaths. The potential impact of such fantasies could be dire. Soon, powerful figures across Africa were making similar claims, undermining vital public health projects in the process. SEARCH (Sustained East Africa Research in Community Health) Study in Kenya and Uganda/ Gates. of natural causes in 2020 at the age of 94. Subsidizing the Common Core State Standards in English . Anti-vaxxer and Pizzagate proponents began sharing old C-Fam articles as proof that Gates Thinks There Are Too Many Africans. And the White House petition resurrected the old Kenyan controversy, informing new believers that Gates has already been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines., By Saturday, the Gates-population control narrative had. The impact of COVID-19 on funding, however, has been clearly negative. Funding Information: This study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Special access for subscribers! No matter what.. The woman mistakenly refers to the institute as the Institute for Population Control, but full video from the event shows that Zabin later corrects her and reiterates that it is the Institute for Population and Reproductive Health.. The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. Social media users are claiming thatbillionaire tech titanBill Gates is part of a conspiracy to depopulate the Earth. In Kenya, all 27 members of the nations Conference of Catholic Bishops declared that a WHO/UNICEF campaign to administer neonatal tetanus vaccines to women of childbearing age was really a disguised population control programme. According to the bishops, the vaccines were laced with a hormone that would cause repeated miscarriages and eventual sterility. Research Associate Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, Department of Population and Family Health Sciences, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. He pointed to a line chart in the video that showed an inverse relationship between the improvement of health care andthe annual growth rate of the world population between 1980 and 2100. The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health Celebrates 20 Years By reimagining existing products and developing new technologies, we aim to expand the range of contraceptive options available to women and girls, at a price they can afford. Billboards in Atlanta and Manhattan carried messages like, The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb. And federal and state legislators proposed a series of bills banning race- and sex-selective abortions in order to insinuate that abortion providers deliberately target communities of color. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines,health care, reproductive health services,we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent." The Institute begins training what now totals more than 1,000 scholars and fellows from 30 countries. USA TODAY found severalother remarks by Gates that provide further contextaround Gates'concept of population stability,whichhasnothing to do with depopulationthrough forced vaccination. Gates, the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, sat down with POLITICO in Munich to talk about finding not only more effective ways of combating Covid-19 but also how to better prepare . Dr. Short notes that "the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation got into trouble in Niger with some vaccination project being done on 180,000 African women." "The Gates know that the drug is . 2001-2023, Johns Hopkins University. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, accessed Jan. 20, About National Bureau of Economic Research, Dec. 2016, Population Growth and Carbon Emissions Lancet, July 14, 2012, Demographic change and . By Dave Bohon Its the Bill, Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health and its based in the school and of course, I stayed on as its founding director. The Gateses founded the William H. Gates Foundation in 1994, named for Gates father, according to the foundations website. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Fatimata Sy on partnering to expand access to contraceptives, Nothing for young people, without young people: Making family planning access youth-centered, Maternal, Newborn & Child Health Discovery & Tools. Gentside DE. Ensuring that women and girls have the power to decide whether and/or when they want a family is also critical to building more gender-equal communities. Its also a smart investment: Fully meeting the need for contraception and maternal and newborn health care would cost US$600 million less than only meeting the need for maternal and newborn health care. Write by: . Articles from The Associated Press and other news outlets in the 1990s corroborate that this was the name used at the time. This also requires reimagining contraceptive options, improving how family planning services are delivered, and improving outdated health systems. More than 200 million women and girls in low- and middle-income countries who want to avoid pregnancy arent using a modern method of contraception. COVID-19 had mixed impact on youth, including time with partner, change in control over healthcare, change in control over how to spend money, and ability to meet basic needs since COVID-19 restrictions; however, only change in control over how to spend money differed significantly by gender (more control: 40.4% of young men vs. 27.4% of young . Funding Sources . Sepulveda. But the reports real target, it seemed, was the Gates-backed health initiative in Navrongo. in April that vaccine-criminal Bill Gates had, African & Indian tribal children to experiment w/ non-FDA approved drug vaccines. Last week, she, that under no circumstances will I be getting any #coronavirus vaccine that becomes available. "The world today has 6.8 billionpeople," reads the quote. Our strategy. Your browser appears to be unsupported. on use of elevation-adjustedHb for anemia assessment and possible need for intervention among SAC. One factor concernspopulation sustainability, but it does not make up the entire solution, as the newspaper in the videoclaims. The lawsuit fizzled, but with help from a small U.S. nonprofit called the Rebecca Project for Human Rights, she shopped a series of stories to Ghanas tabloid press. Part 3 - Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid. Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has warned of a pandemic for years. The quote in the newspaper comes from Gates' 2010 TEDx talk "Innovating to Zero" about how to reduce worldwide carbon dioxide levels to zero. Back in the U.S., Fosu also worked with C-Fam to lobby delegates from African nations, with some success. The foundation in 1999 funded an institute at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health called the Bill, Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health. He is in league with Bill Gates who has pledged $100 million for Fauci to play with. In 2013, Fosu published another report, , Depo-Provera: Deadly Reproductive Violence Against Women. the life expectancy of a generation of black men by more than a year. , outlining what it claimed was a series of unethical U.S.-backed medical experiments in Africa. In April 2020, a photograph supposedly showing the words "Center for Global Human Population Reduction" inscribed on a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation building was widely shared on social media . And the legacy of those abuses could be profound. And a White House petition demanding the billionaires foundation be investigated for medical malpractice and crimes against humanity amassed half-a-million signatures in three weeks. priests around Kenya had already instructed their congregants to refuse the vaccine. The institute focuses on research in family planning, reproductive health and population dynamics. . The new narrative was that Gates was waging chemical warfare on poor women in a neocolonial effort to suppress African births. She. In an interview in 2012 and also in a YouTube video in 2018, he repeated the same point.. A portion of much-needed family planning resources and attention has been shifted to emergency COVID-19 response measures, and the economic impact of the pandemic is likely to linger for years to come. To empower women and girls to take charge of their own reproductive health, enable them to make informed decisions about family planning, and ensure their access to contraceptive options that meet their needs. The episode would mark the opening shot in a new war over birth control in Africa. Melinda French Gates opened up about her ex-husband Bill Gates' relationship with Jeffrey Epstein in an interview with Gayle King. Articles from The Associated Press and other news outlets in the 1990s corroborate that this was the name used at the time. The woman mistakenly refers to the institute as the Institute for Population Control, but full video from the event shows that Zabin later corrects her and reiterates that it is the Institute for Population and Reproductive Health., THE FACTS: Social media users are sharing the 14-second clip of Vassars then-alumni president misspeaking, falsely claiming it is evidence that the foundation co-chaired by the Microsoft founder and his ex-wife was once named the Institute for Population Control. the anti-Gates attacks reflect a larger global trend towards populism, characterized by profound distrust of the establishment and experts. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID, a division of National Institutes of Health, NIH) director Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was against using chloroquine, said in an interview with CNN's . ICFP in Kigaliconvenes 4,000+ participants from 119 countries for a program that features 1,600+ presentations. In response, were drawing on these lessons to inform innovative ways to make family planning products and information available to women and girls everywhere. His legacy contributes to scientific discovery, advocacy for global health initiatives, and training the next generation of leaders who will advance the many initiatives that benefited from . In 2010, a former staffer with a government health initiative in Ghana made a shocking claim: a project partially funded by the Gates Foundation had tested the contraceptive Depo-Provera on unsuspecting villagers in the remote region of Navrongo, as part of an illicit "population experiment."The woman making the charge was the Ghanian-born, U.S . But by the time the claims were debunked, priests around Kenya had already instructed their congregants to refuse the vaccine. 2:14. In Kenya, all 27 members of the nations Conference of Catholic Bishops. Rather than reckon with that reality, Republican leaders have argued that there are more important things than living and the public will have to accept massive new casualties. Its the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health and its based in the school and of course, I stayed on as its founding director. "Parents start making decisions based on the reasonable expectation that their children will live. The post generated over 1,000 likes in less than a week. The foundation's Family Planning team works to ensure that women and girls can access the contraceptives and family planning services they want and thus exercise their right to decide whether to have children and, if so, when and how many. We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity Created by C.S. Building on the Bloomberg School's global public health leadership, the Institute's work translates science into action . We also aim to overcome regulatory and policy barriers that slow the uptake and introduction of high-impact family planning interventions. At the same time, the Gates Foundation was undertaking a new mission to radically expand contraceptive access to women in Africa, including with a new, low-dose adaptation of Depo-Provera. His new allies began publicizing Fosus claims to a large audience of conservative activists. Genocide! Silk explained. The landscape of family planning and reproductive health shifted in 1999. The foundation in 1999 funded an institute at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health called the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health. There were fewer bloody fetus posters and more talk about how abortion and contraception violated womens safety and impeded racial justice. Nomi Fuchs-Montgomery leads the Family Planning teams work to sustainably scale up proven, high-impact practices. Genocide! Silk explained. It includes a strategic leadership program led by Henry Mosley and Ben Lozare. for more than 330,000 unnecessary deaths. The legacy of medical abuses against people of color helped give rise to HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories, Rosenblum noted, from claims that it was a government-crafted, to charges that life-saving medications were, . The case for closing the gap in modern contraception use is clear: When women and girls have access to contraceptives and care that enable them to make informed reproductive decisions, they are more empowered to live their lives as theynot otherschoose. Rather than reckon with that reality, Republican leaders have argued, there are more important things than living, superclusters of infection in the minority-staffed meatpacking industry as distinct from the threat posed to regular folks. One local California official.