To this end, the Integrated Contractor Management (ICM) program was set up to develop inclusive systems and processes to make it safer and easier for our contractors to work with BHP. 24 Jun . Ive been asked to complete a maintenance Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: Surgical Treatments - Cleveland Clinic <>>> We promote the reporting of events so that we can learn and improve. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. This model considers the work scope, risks and contract arrangements in the assessment. The REP Program maintains the Radiological Hazards Annex for Fixed Nuclear Facilities to the NYS Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan to support the program procedures. qj[tuV{tp6"#,.Gy%U64NH+E$Q8"fW})Etj 8/58%=mYvzgax. TUIP is most successful on men with smaller prostates. The reactors overheated, damaging the nuclear fuel and producing chemical explosions that allowed radioactive elements to escape into the environment. This is facilitated through active working groups made up of participants from all operated assets where aviation operations, aerodrome operations and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) activities are conducted. Q: Ive recently been diagnosed with a medical condition and my doctor has prescribed medication to help me with it. The task has a work instruction which requires a specific tool CBR radio training - download the CBR radio training presentation (PowerPoint 3.2MB). Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. Through this engagement, we can identify positive behaviours, at-risk behaviours and opportunities for process and system improvements. Stay in the car. FIFO personnel will be offered accommodation and meals in a BHP operated camp, as well as airfares from Perth to site and return. <> NYC Emergency Management CERT Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) rev. To assess environmental radiation contributions in more detail from some of the largest of these tests, conducted by China in 1976 and 1977, EPA produced two key reports using RadNet data. If youre unable to resolve the matter with your line leader, contact your 2Up leader or a member of the Health, Safety and Environment function. It is intended to be used at the point at which an. During FY2022 we: Keeping all of our people safe and well is our most important priority at BHP. Policymaking officials and key staff with emergency management responsibilities identify and resolve problems in the emergency plan. By your continued use of this site you accept such use. Your healthcare provider will help you decide which type of prostate surgery is best for you. targets are met. Verified and validated laboratory data, and analyzed trends. Plan and deliver training sessions, knowledge sharing and scenario-based activities for volunteer ERT members other staff. Our aviation assurance framework uses the three lines model to define the roles of different teams across the organisation in managing risk. ~xY{l[WOMvjX0ADVed%,/KIfd4f"iSAZm&XcV`]KGmvp?u7\{w~{}(2c~gy~xsOOkvf'}T(BE1`!aRswBr`"jx~^*b+T /g0 wH_%.R-zTbn_x9r|H:gXPz_B8L$3A. EPA took air samples at 24 locations around the Hanford facility, including populated areas immediately adjacent to the facility and up to 80 miles away, and on tribal lands. S( ( ( ( ( ( ( z*S:E W?>TJYqPc@r_\?fzk y2R@ GS%>UYtZ0l3Qo)FX]@GvS0jwGZ[*OfgBC5d(ThG?;%_}3o7.Ai>-S/4?4p|&!6EamD#79i~Y=%+XO{V% VIbvg=RdKQ"QvO[MG;mu9rt-q?3EsH +WGF*PP anonymously via EthicsPoint. Please click here to see any active alerts. endstream endobj 735 0 obj <>/Metadata 44 0 R/Outlines 122 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 730 0 R/StructTreeRoot 181 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 736 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 737 0 obj <>stream Emergency Communications System Life Cycle Planning Guide: CISA collaborated with practitioners to develop the System Life Cycle Planning Guide to assist with design, implementation, support, and maintenance of public safety communications systems. Our Scope of Work Library Resource Centre: Supporting users to build improved scopes of work with helpful guidance and support materials. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. Our Code of Conductand EthicsPoint processes are designed to support and encourage event reporting and to protect our workers against any potential reprisals from doing so. Emergency Response Organization* (if available within 30-minute response time) Emergency Response Organization(s): . An inability to hold urine (incontinence). We do this through our strategy to deliver long-term value and returns through the cycle. Risks after procedures can include those related to urine: Benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery has a very high success rate. Monitoring crews go out into the field to practice radiation measurement and sample collection. PDF EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN - Evolution Mining This is an office-based therapy and is performed under a local nerve block. hbbd`b``xCLV312g` Su Organizing a response to an emergency 3. Sustainability is integral to how we contribute to social value creation. The New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program coordinates with various State agencies, nuclear counties, and fixed site nuclear power plants to ensure the safety of its residents. Our assessment of safety risks also includes, where relevant, consideration of potential community impacts and controls to manage these broader impacts. Nine Mile Point and James A. Fitzpatrick are located in Scriba, NY in Oswego County. This creates an environment where everyone feels safe to report any potential threats to their own safety or the safety of others, including supporting workers who stop a job due to a safety-related concern. Our strategy is to focus on creating a safe work environment where our employees feel strongly connected to our values and objectives, and where the capability of our people is key to our success. Our mandatory minimum performance requirements for health, safety, environment and community reporting requires all HSEC events to be reported and recorded in our Event Management System. Stay in touch with the latest news, stories and insights from BHP. One of the key pillars of the ICM strategy is to deliver sustainable systems including a Global Contractor System, to provide a solution for data administration related to contractor on-boarding and management. EPA deployed members of the Radiological Emergency Response Team with the mobile command post and air samplers to support the response. 2. Unless directly involved in the emergency response: 1. Commit to ongoing development of skills and qualifications to maintain competencies and clinical scope of practice. ;s0CAAn>tC B]C In a hallway, drop near an interior wall away from windows. stream Within BHP, we have trained and qualified personnel with specific responsibilities to manage our approach to safety. C ^" It is unlawful for an ambulance or medical rescue service, or any of its personnel or agents, On March 11, 2011, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck northern Japan. .HRP3/p5mE&lc!ac'/'5KL|ATYvMaMu sg2$bhG%goGa;=8&y]X#ZgePA To manage risks to psychological safety and well being, Risk and Control owners are supported by the Risk, Health, Safety and Environment teams. TRIF has decreased by 9 per cent since FY2018. 0 q A new window will open. `>Ul]Uj.m>;)XP * |OwH>h#` R@ *|e'?8nMGnDg 61?7-k:\#z(qCf?7}c*a'B?Nj h)7I7*.R@ Q Interagency exercises also allow the personnel of various agencies to become familiar with each other and learn to coordinate and operate together. A life-threatening medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Beginning in 1943 until 1987, the site was used to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. endobj EPA supported the launch of NASAs nuclear reactor powered spacecrafts, Galileo and Ulysses. Surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia is common and generally very safe. Radiological Emergency Response: Planning and Past Responses Procedures for keeping the emergency response plan up-to-date through review and modification. Type of disasters or emergencies addressed in the plan. Based on the preliminary screening analyses from the RadNet system, no radiation levels above background were found in any samples of gamma spectrometry and gross alpha/beta count, which was similar to the initial offsite results obtained by DOE monitoring. Ultimately, the fire did not reach the laboratory and EPA did not find increased levels of radioactive material in the air. Event and investigation processes are governed through our global standards for event and investigation management (in addition to any local regulatory requirements). Above all, your positive attitude and willingness to learn is integral to the success of the team. During Steady State Operations,the REP Program is responsible for maintaining many elements, including the following: During Radiological Emergency Response Activations, the REP Program is responsible for the following: The above map displays the nuclear power plants that could impact New York State. Our leaders support the implementation of the Our Requirements standards in order to strengthen our controls and build capacity within our systems. This solution will bring a number of benefits for both our vendors and our contractor workforce, including utilising only one system across all BHPs operations and functions, simplifying onboarding and reducing duplication of work. Inspected the inventory tracking system for wastes temporarily stored in Texas pending re-opening of WIPP. you must not engage in disrespectful behaviours contrary to this Code - these behaviours can cause harm. Emergency Response Procedure PDF 385326( - << /Length 6 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> In early 2021, ICM issued a global document which outlines the mandatory minimum performance requirements for contractor management (including subcontractors and consultants). During the planning process, emergency response organizations determine how to respond to each type of incident and the resources needed. Opportunities for improvement focus on contributing factors so that we may strengthen controls. Earthquake - Fire Safety & Emergency Planning We have a sustained focus on managing our risks through new and existing programs of work, including: We also continue to build our culture, capability and leadership through supporting the BHP Operating System (BOS) and initiatives related to inclusion and diversity, and mental health. spy wednesday images pitt law grade distribution bhp emergency radio response procedure. EPA participated in the Cobalt Magnet full-scale exercise in February 2019 in Florida in which many agencies responded to a simulated launch anomaly of a spacecraft carrying an MMRTG. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. hb```b``zAb,@2!aO)N}z*B\5@Pi=S*3OL``h``h` ZQY@A[ g&bj "KViFWB` 4r Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP): This is a similar procedure to TURP. Based on more specific analyses conducted during the Hanford fire, several radioactive materials were detected at concentrations above typical background levels in the air near the Hanford site, including plutonium, strontium-90, and gross alpha and beta. line leader has told me to get the job done. endstream endobj startxref endstream endobj 83 0 obj <>stream Management of resources, such as people, equipment, facilities, services, etc. ^PAq=IAK#R L}OBXVb,_hEJk]yx-O*C8~qici. %PDF-1.6 % This procedure describes the requirements on emergency preparedness and responses to ensure prompt and safe action in case of any emergency or disaster situation. Policy. injuries, illnesses, hazards, near misses and actual events New York State is home to four fixed site nuclear power plants covering seven counties, as well as two low-level Naval nuclear facilities. BPH is the most common prostate problem in men over age 50. A rare but serious complication of GreenLight HPS photoselective vaporization of the prostate: Prostatic capsular perforation with bilateral thigh urinomas and osteitis pubis. Ginna is a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Nuclear Power Plant with an output of 583 MW. endstream endobj startxref We are currently on the look-out for motivated and capable Emergency Services Officers to join the HSE team across our WA Iron Ore (WAIO) Operations. In FY2020, we enhanced our Event Management System to allow events to be recorded in more detail to enable deeper analysis and continuous improvement. The five Cs of radio communication serve as a helpful guide to delineate the key points for how to use a two-way radio: Conciseness - be brief. How to Report an Emergency: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow 4.2 Emergency radio procedures In the event of an Emergency situation, the following steps must be followed. EPA works with federal, state, local and international agencies to develop radiological emergency response plans and procedures. This is why it is called transurethral. Maintain operational emergency response equipment; Maintain site security access systems, and complete daily front of house duties including drug and alcohol testing. MF`/&n #aw+I>%aEiR#+mk/' PDF Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 Mining and Quarrying Safety and Safety | BHP These results were also within or below the EPA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) dose limits and limits set by the State of Washington. All radio operators are encouraged to use this This page is available in other languages, ABOUT RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program Responsibilities, New York State Nuclear Power plant with Emergency Planning Zones, Radiological Hazards Annex for Fixed Nuclear Facilities. We focus on the context in which an event happened and organisational factors are examined to consider whether they contributed. ;|tK@Cy7DH4m, ()d8\HL$!vSH3N;pI{GR7D#b3EUDBU({o*p$:V;9w wFx During the planning process, emergency response organizations determine how to respond to each type of incident and the resources needed. & _~ 595 0 0 842 0 0 cm The Global Contractor System is powered by MyPass, and fully integrated with internal BHP Learning, Medical and Site Access Systems will provide a standardised solution for data capture related to contractor on-boarding and management, including functionality related to qualifications, verification, mandatory training status, site readiness and will enable individual contractors to be assigned to Scopes of Work or a Project. This prostate procedure uses local anesthesia and doesnt require a hospital stay. 3 0 obj A healthy and safe workplace | BHP For more information about BHPs Global Contractor System and MyPass contact or Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Cayuga County, New York E-911 Emergency Communications Policies and Assist the site HSE team to execute a variety of health and safety related projects. Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Interoperable and Emergency Communications. If you have any questions regarding local requirements or procedures speak to your line leader or HSE business partner. As part of the recruitment process, there are a number of checks which may be conducted to demonstrate applicants suitability for a role including police / criminal background checks, medical, drug and alcohol testing, due diligence checks, right to work checks, and/or reference checks. A second line assurance review process is managed by the HSE function to provide greater line-of-sight into the management of aviation risk . Here are some genuine emergencies you should report: A crime, especially one that is currently in progress. MyPass, an Australian Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector vendor has been selected as the technology solution provider for the Global Contractor System and Worker Skills Passport. These plans defined the arrangements for various field response and corporate support teams based on the location and type of event. We provide the materials for essential infrastructure, enabling better standards of living and facilitating greater prosperity. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br A car crash or reckless driving. RERT staff took the lead in maintaining the air sampling network and analyzing samples, which showed no evidence of a health danger from radionuclides stirred up by the fire. Where applicable, our operated assets and functions conducted assessments against the recommended controls and prioritised their implementation. . A list of anticipated conditions (e.g., availability of resources). Radiation detection equipment is used to determine where radiation may be located on an individual, vehicle, or equipment. ?pm03N$Phz _F$e-#yZSgm\\.hG&;)V*] C hbbd``b`z$ r$f About half of men in their 50s and as many as 90% of men in their 70s and 80s have enlarged prostates. Accessed 12/30/2020. endobj In April 2021, Indian Point was officially closed and began the decommissioning process. %PDF-1.5 % We provide the materials for essential infrastructure, enabling better standards of living and facilitating greater prosperity. This includes the many thousands of contractors who represent an important part of our total workforce. % A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Provide the highest possible standard of pre-hospital emergency care, adhering to treatment procedures, accurately completing documentation, and applying the correct operational procedure in response to the situation presented to them. endstream endobj 84 0 obj <>stream 79 0 obj <> endobj EPA's Regional Radiation Programs also review emergency response plans for state, local and tribal emergency response programs. During this procedure, your urologist will insert a rigid instrument called a resectoscope into the urethra. It is core to our strategy and sits at the heart of everything we do. We do this through our strategy to deliver long-term value and returns through the cycle. Being fit for work means being able to perform your role * (Wu@|#S.H ; There was a loss of coolant accident, meaning that cooling water that surrounds the core and keeps it cool was lost. OHS-DOC-08-2 Emergency Response Procedure - Issuu This booklet is designed for all New York State residents who live within 10 miles of a fixed-site nuclear power plant. EPA, DOE and the State of New Mexico requested RERT staff to conduct air sampling and analysis. By their nature, our working environments potentially expose our workforce and the communities where we operate to risks. 1 0 obj Test and update all plant data connections in the assessment and evaluation room; Ensure the State OEM REP instrument shop certifications and safety classes are performed; Maintain inventory and proper calibration of all NYS radiation detection equipment; Coordinate with counties to ensure proper public information has been provided; Plan, coordinate, and conduct federally evaluated radiological exercises. We believe the future is increasingly clear and our strategy, portfolio, capabilities and approach to social value position us to play an important role in meeting the twin objectives of an accelerated energy transition, and continued economic development and improvement in living standards. Stay in touch with the latest news, stories and insights from BHP. Near-miss and injury events with fatality potential have minimum investigation requirements based on event severity. James A. Fitzpatrick is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Nuclear Power Plant with an output of 838 MW. Park up at a safe location away from the incident that does not impede emergency response vehicles. In FY2022, our total recordable injury frequency (TRIF) performance increased by 8 per cent from FY2021. James A. Fitzpatrick is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Nuclear Power Plant with an output of 838 MW. High-potential injury trends will remain a primary focus to assess progress against our most important safety objective, eliminating fatalities. 0PpuA Our highest priority is the safety of our workforce and the communities where we operate. A: Safety procedures must never be compromised.Dont start the task until a safe system of work is established and you can access the right tools and equipment. procedures for Radio Emergency Service operators at the national and as well as with local radio networks. Undertake work unless you are trained, competent, medically fit, free of alcohol and drugs and sufficiently rested and alert to do so. Undertake any work that appears unsafe, including if the required personal protective equipment is not available. Consume any drugs, be intoxicated or consume more than the local alcohol limit at a BHP accommodation village, while participating in a BHP organised event or representing BHP. Take prescribed or non-prescribed drugs without understanding and declaring the impact on your ability to safely do your job. Have illegal drugs or property in your possession on BHP sites. Bring firearms onto BHP premises without an approved firearms management plan in line with the Our Requirements for Security, Crisis and Emergency Management standard and Business Continuity Plans. We set global safety priorities in FY2016 that continue to guide our decision-making and approach to safety. Cindolo L, Ruggera L, Destafanis P, Dadone C, Ferrari G. Vaporize, anatomically vaporize or enucleate the prostate? On the following day, an aboveground exhaust air monitor on the WIPP site detected very low levels of airborne americium and plutonium venting to the environment. Emergency radio training - Department of Health The Our Requirements for Safetystandard requires the implementation of controls to manage identified risks using the hierarchy of control (elimination, substitution, separation, engineering, administrative, personal protective equipment) in: We believe having the right controls in place to manage risks that have potential safety impacts will lead to improved safety outcomes. In June and July 2011, the largest wildfire in New Mexicos history, the Los Conchas Fire, threatened to spread to portions of the Los Alamos National Laboratory where radioactive waste was located. Disaster Preparedness and Management Unit (DPMU) Training and Development team Email: Phone: 9222 4090 The highest number of events with potential for one or more fatalities was related to vehicle and mobile equipment accidents. Our high-potential injuries (HPI) frequency rate decreased by 30 per cent from FY2021. Introducing BHPs Global Contractor System (powered by MyPass). Emergency Response Procedure Guide - Tooele Technical College Assist the site HSE team to execute a variety of health and safety related projects It spread to part of the Hanford Reservation in eastern Washington State and burned approximately half of the sites 560 square miles. The monitors were set up and tested before the first radionuclides from Fukushima were expected to arrive on the winds from Japan. The REP Program relies on effective technology to communicate and evaluate notifications and safety precautions as required. Support available also includes emergency accommodation, emergency financial help and the implementation of safety and security plans. %PDF-1.3 Over the past two years, more than 2 million field leadership activities involving our workforce were completed, which demonstrates that the program is being embedded into our daily leadership routines. Galileo was launched in 1989 on a six-year, 2.4 billion mile journey to survey Jupiter. R.E. In 1989, DOE, EPA, and the Washington State Department of Ecology entered into an agreement to clean-up the Hanford Site. PDF Emergency Response Procedure Guide - Tooele Technical College task before the end of the day that is critical to ensure our daily production At a minimum, our operated assets and functions must meet the Our Requirements standards (where applicable) and assess and implement further controls in accordance with their local risk profiles, standards and regulatory requirements. 734 0 obj <> endobj be used when carrying out the task however the tool is not available and my endstream The Emergency Response and Security Supervisor is the responsible person for amendments to this emergency response plan. The program seeks to integrate with existing programs of work where possible and primarily focuses on improving: A suite of over 64 recommended controls were identified comprising new controls and material improvements to existing controls. h0S0PwqH)BDKP5/9?%3/pqsO ( MAQ.I The RERT and other emergency response organizations test preparedness and response plans in exercises that simulate a radiological emergency. During this procedure, your urologist will insert a rigid instrument called a resectoscope into the urethra. xXn8}W Yn&F"&bGN\$vjY{CI,g*3}7)ME_iEN[*K\>cq_%b\VQBrA#S p6SZNA(S!v6c's\Tx-_h1&-n6*Qv$y;*vF/@D423sXh?p.UH:Kl,K&bM{ghq4 aGhJamWnz>y\u66!7amo+# 0p&>]/O0| ?4 At a global level, we monitor and manage Group-wide performance against our risk appetite. Changes in these conditions could affect plan implementation. work and comply with applicable alcohol limitations at x}QMk0tu,;f@Vv( %zldeIzA27- If you are concerned about a colleague, please talk to a leader or contact the Employee Assistance Program. 1. endobj <> Formal joint leadership and worker health and safety committees exist within a number of our operated assets and functions and are driven by local regulatory requirements. What should I do? You will be required to: Respond to mine site emergencies. enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of supervisor time in the field by integrating the BHP Operating System (BOS) process confirmation and field leadership planned task observation processes into a planned task confirmation, continued to improve the quality of field leadership activities by increasing coaching and delivery of field leadership engagements, conducted field leadership activities to support the verification of risks that have the potential to result in fatalities across our operated assets, embedded the global, standardised field leadership procedure designed to increase the effectiveness of field leadership activities across the business, conducted field leadership on COVID-19 controls, designed to sustain effectiveness within the changing environment. The REP Program plans, trains, and exercises with shareholders in compliance with State Executive Law Article 2-B, and develops exercises following mandated criteria of NUREG-0654 and the FEMA REP Program Manual. Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), while not cancer, can causes symptoms such as bladder stones, blood in the urine and an inability to urinate. Independently modeled public dose projections using the DOE data. Protect the back of your head/neck with your arms. The Agency identified a number of areas needing improvement regarding DOE's ambient environmental air sampling network, laboratory procedures and incident response protocols. These include: GreenLight laser: Photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) is a treatment that vaporizes prostate tissue to create a channel in the urethra for free urination. 1. Established a group to provide advice on preventing contamination of the food supply and protecting public health. WELCOME! Nine Mile Unit 1 is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Nuclear Power Plant with an output of 620 MW.