An aluminum baseball bat is a great choice for people who are looking to buy an affordable, durable and effective tool. Adjust the amount of resin slightly less than the hardener to make the glue area less brittle. If the problem persists even after lubricating all of the joints, then it may be time for a new bat altogether. 2023 Louisville Slugger All rights reserved. The professionals at proof. Visit to track the shipment. Add to Cart. Si Louisville Slugger vient la conclusion que votre bton nest pas couvert par la prsente garantie limite, nous vous retournerons alors votre bton. If you are the prevailing party in an arbitration to which the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes applies, then you are entitled to recover attorneys fees as the arbitrator may determine. Thanks for reading this article. La soumission dune rclamation larbitrage obligatoire signifie que vous navez pas le droit davoir votre rclamation entendue par un juge ou un jury, soit individuellement ou en tant que partie dun groupe de consommateurs. Use an old rag to wipe away the excess glue. Or too heavy? How to Remove an End Cap on a Softball Bat | Healthy Living We recommend very little batting practice after the bat is altered. We stand by our service. Bat Rattle | Discuss Fastpitch Softball Community We keep using our bats that rattle. We will go the extra mile for our customers because our mission is to retain yo Hunt's has been servicing Utah for over forty years. Some bats may crack while rolling but that sound will be the hard-brittle epoxy some bat manufacturers use. Show me a HS umpire who legitimately checks bats for rattles before every game. Today when one of the boys was using it, the end cap came off. Rawlings, Easton, Miken, & Worth Warranty Information | Easton 2. Purchase bats in advance of postseason play to ensure they arrive in tip-top condition before games begin. Cricket Bat Repair EP-4 - Face & Toe Repair + Handle Replacement Just Bat Reviews, LLC DBA Bat Digest Company. ne sappliqueront pas, mais les rgles et les limitations du tribunal des petites crances sappliqueront. Cracking (webbing) happens only on composite bats and often when a bat has a dual-barrel construction, meaning the outer barrel is softer than the one-barrel construction bat. Shipments valued at CAD$200 and above and/or being imported to Canada for commercial purposes and/or subject to specialized clearance may incur additional fees. COMME MENTIONN, CERTAINS TATS (Y COMPRIS LE NEW JERSEY) ET PROVINCES NE PERMETTENT AUCUNE EXCLUSION OU LIMITATION DES DOMMAGES ANCILLAIRES OU CONSQUENTIELS; IL SE PEUT DONC QUE LA LIMITATION OU LEXCLUSION CI-DESSUS NE SAPPLIQUE PAS VOUS. Generally, most cracks are called webbing. We knocked it back in place. To begin the break-in process, hit 50 balls using ONLY HALF of your power off of the tee. For instance, a player orders a 32 oz. Our work is known for its quality which is why we. TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY DISPUTE, WHETHER IN ARBITRATION, IN COURT, OR OTHERWISE, WILL BE CONDUCTED SOLELY ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. Make sure area is completely dry.Step 3Apply a flexible epoxy to the inside of the barrel where the cap will seat into the barrel. Most sellers and brands have a warranty that covers a rattling bat. | @BatDigest. **Please Email us what bat you would like completed before shipping** Certain bats will have a special upcharge for service. Le prsent bton ncessite des soins particuliers, car il est fabriqu avec des parois minces conues dans le but damliorer la performance. How many hits is a composite bat good for? Dont forget about gloves they need to be fitted tightly enough to keep your hands from becoming sweaty and making noises while batting practice begins! Please call 1-888-MARUCCI (1-888-627-8224) during our normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CST), and a customer service representative would be happy to assist with the situation. Creating a batting box template out of PVC can be a fun and easy project for anyone looking to improve their batting skills. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator will be binding and final, except for any right of appeal provided by the Federal Arbitration Act, and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. Be patient while waiting for the lubricant to work its magic; usually it takes a few tries before the noise goes away. ! Inspect your bat regularly for cracks, nicks, dents, surface damage or excessive wear and replace the bat as needed. TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE DESCRIBED ABOVE. Make sure all connections between the bat and its frame are tight and properly aligned. LOUISVILLE SLUGGER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATA, COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOST REVENUE OR LOST PROFITS, OR OTHER INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF LOUISVILLE SLUGGER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND EVEN IF THE REMEDY FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. Once the replacement bat has shipped, an email with your UPS tracking number will be sent. CERTAINS TATS (Y COMPRIS LE NEW JERSEY) ET PROVINCES NE PERMETTENT AUCUNE LIMITATION LA DURE DUNE GARANTIE IMPLICITE; IL SE PEUT DONC QUE LA LIMITATION CI-DESSUS NE SAPPLIQUE PAS VOUS. Loose bats can be caused by many factors including weather and age. bat, but the cut came out at 32.2 oz. Question: What Does A Cracked Composite Bat Look Like, How To Tell If A Composite Bat Is Cracked, Question: What Are Composite Bats Made Out Of, Quick Answer: What Is A Wood Composite Bat, Question: How To Fix Cracked Sunglasses Lens, Quick Answer: How To Fix Cracked Water Bottle, Question: How To Fix Cracked Leather Boots, Question: What Is A Composite Bat Made Of. Source: Pinterest A few weeks ago we noticed there was a rattle coming from inside the bat and that the end cap was starting to come out the end. 1 Day Turnaround Upgrade ($40/bat) $40.00. If the rattle really bothered us or we thought it was affecting performance, then there is a chance we might take off the end cap and see if we couldnt see what was going on. Yep. But, the barrel's integrity and the connection piece (if there is one) are fine. It's out of warranty, so the shop I got it from is out of the equation. We arent suggesting bat companies should deny warranty claims for bat rattles. Additionally, check for damaged hinges or spring assembly on the bat. Please read the text under the section titled Binding Arbitration Agreement; Class Action Waiver (U.S. Replacement product on exchanges will be . WVSteven said: NFHS: Rule 1-5 Article 1.The bat shall: c. Be free of rattles. Bat rattle removal services often cost between $20 to $30, or you can remove it by yourself. Send us your bat and the endcap will be replaced with stock endcap that was made for your bat! LOUISVILLE SLUGGER AND YOU AGREE THAT NO PARTY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT OR AUTHORITY FOR ANY DISPUTE TO BE ARBITRATED AS A CLASS ACTION, A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTION, OR IN ANY OTHER PROCEEDING IN WHICH EITHER PARTY ACTS OR PROPOSES TO ACT IN A REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY. Porch pros have excellent customer reviews and high BBB ratings. This bat requires special care, as it is engineered with thin walls designed to enhance performance. This warranty applies to the maximum extent not prohibited by law. Big Dawg End cap Services By following these simple steps, youll be well on your way to creating the perfect spot for practicing your hits! DO NOT use solvents or any ammonia-based products. By practicing in a batting cage, you can work on your timing, accuracy, and power. A BBCOR bat is a big barrel bat that measures 2 5/8 with a minus 3 ounce difference from the length of the bat and is made by an approved bat licensee. A small piece of glue from the end cap or connection piece has fallen into the barrel and shakes around when you shake the bat. If a bat has a crack and rattles sounding like little loose rocks Batten down the hatches so your batting average stays high by regularly inspecting your equipment. Veuillez appeler le Centre de service de btons Louisville Slugger au 1-800-401-7908 pour les rclamations de garantie sur des btons personnaliss. Sachez que votre bton est susceptible dtre endommag par temps froid (moins de 15,6 C) alors que la duret de la balle est sensiblement accrue. Make sure to rotate the bat between each hit. Softball bat rattle noise fix service combat tps Easton miken softball end cap Condition: Used Quantity: 10 available Price: US $75.00 Buy It Now Add to cart Add to Watchlist Ships from United States Shipping: FREE Expedited Shipping | See details Located in: Wisconsin, United States Delivery: Estimated between Sat, Jan 7 and Thu, Jan 12 to 98837 Bat cleaning can be done by using a mild soap and water solution. End Cap Re-attach: If your cap has come COMPLETELY off we can re-attach your cap securely so it does not come off again. Why is Draymond Green a Good Fantasy Player. My love for sports is all over this website, and my goal is to impact your life by giving you useful information and maybe learning a thing or two myself! If you feel Louisville Slugger has not met its obligations under this warranty, you may attempt to resolve the issue informally with Louisville Slugger. Here are my top softball equipment recommendations that I think will take your game to the next level. We couldnt find any products that match your search. There are plenty of flexible epoxies on the market and Home Depot or Lowes will have a few. EN UTILISANT VOTRE BTON LOUISVILLE SLUGGER NON EN BOIS, VOUS CONVENEZ DTRE LI PAR LENSEMBLE DES MODALITS DE LA PRSENTE GARANTIE. A small piece of glue from the end cap or connection piece has fallen into the barrel and shakes around when you shake the bat. The dispute will be governed by the laws of the state or territory in which you resided at the time of your purchase (if in the United States). Where Is The Sweet Spot On An Aluminum Baseball Bat? Did you pay to have your bat shaved and you aren't happy with it? Thats usually not our play. La prsente garantie sapplique dans la pleine mesure permise par les lois applicables. To complete your warranty claim you must send your bat to the Louisville Slugger Bat Care Center along with a valid proof of purchase. Email us and let us know what exact bat you would like serviced. To the extent any translated version of this warranty conflicts with the English version, then the English version shall control. Composite bats dont come apart like that, and aluminum bats dentnot fall apart. BY USING YOUR LOUISVILLE SLUGGER NON-WOOD BAT YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL THE TERMS OF THIS WARRANTY. Ne frappez pas le bton contre des crampons mtalliques, des roches ou quoi que ce soit dautre que les balles rglementaires, ce qui endommagera votre bton et annulera votre garantie. Residents Only) will not apply. $40.00. Test the bat before hitting a ball in order to eliminate any possible issues with it functioning properly. Think about it: when you swing the bat, the trajectory from your hands to the end of the bat isnt straight, making you miss many pitches. 2023. It started off by saying to use a screw driver and a rubber mallet to get the cap off. As many things can make a bat unusable, you should know why that is. Also, a broken or loose endcap can decrease the bats performance to be considered broken. The best way to try and fix the problem is by lubricating the joints that make up the bat. Replacement product on exchanges will be shipped within 7 business days. Tighten them if necessary. tant donn que la prsente garantie concerne une transaction du commerce inter-tats ou international, la Loi fdrale sur larbitrage ( Federal Arbitration Act ) sappliquera. Frequently Asked Questions - Marucci Sports When applying lubricant, be sure to apply it evenly to all of the joints in the bat. When taking a look inside, the cap actually broke into two pieces. The end cap area can be a bit more delicate so you need to be careful and patient.Step 3 As you turn the bat rolling machine the goal is to get the end cap to creep out about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch.Step 4 Once the end cap creeps out adjust the bat so the rollers are about 1 inches behind the end cap (as opposed to right up close to it as pictured in step 1. Larbitre ne sera pas habilit octroyer des dommages punitifs ou autres dommages non mesurs par les dommages effectifs de la partie ayant gain de cause, sauf de la manire exige par la loi. Most of the time, when we have a bat that rattles, we dont care. Softball bats can break when the ball is hit a certain way, resulting in cracks on the bat. To get a good idea of how to do this yourself, take a look at this video provided by Big Dawg. Use electrical tape to replace crumbling handle grips. TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, UNLESS YOU HAVE BROUGHT AN ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL CLAIM IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT OR HAVE OPTED OUT AS DESCRIBED BELOW, ANY CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM RELATING IN ANY WAY TO YOUR LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BAT, INCLUDING ANY CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS WARRANTY, A BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY, OR THE LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BATS SALE, CONDITION OR PERFORMANCE, WILL BE SETTLED BY BINDING ARBITRATION ADMINISTERED BY THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION AND CONDUCTED BY A SINGLE ARBITRATOR APPOINTED BY THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION RULES AND ITS SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES FOR CONSUMER-RELATED DISPUTES. LOUISVILLE SLUGGER NE SERA RESPONSABLE DAUCUNE PERTE DUTILISATION, PERTE DINFORMATIONS OU DE DONNES, PERTE COMMERCIALE, PERTE DE REVENUS OU PERTE DE BNFICES, OU DAUCUNS AUTRES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS, SPCIAUX, ANCILLAIRES OU CONSQUENTIELS, MME SI LOUISVILLE SLUGGER A T AVISE DE LVENTUALIT DE TELS DOMMAGES, ET MME SI LE RECOURS NE SATISFAIT PAS SON BUT ESSENTIEL. If the handle itself is rattle-free, but the rattling persists after youve tightened all of the screws, it may be due to something else inside of the bat. Step 1. If you want further information about the warranties from brands such as Rawlings, Easton, Miken, and Worth, you can find it here. 2-3 days to ship. AS NOTED, SOME STATES (INCLUDING, NEW JERSEY) AND PROVINCES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for CRACKED RATTLE Dirty South Kamo 32-29 drop 10 USSSA Baseball Bat at the best online prices at eBay! 10 Best Draper, UT Heating Repair Shops - Mechanic Advisor If these are not the cause of the problem, then it may be time to replace the bat. I remember when I first noticed this, and I was quite alarmed. Custom Re-weighting. But, if the end cap has cracked then it will change performance. Nutilisez AUCUN solvant ou produit base dammoniac. The reason you hear that particular sound is because the vibration-reducing damper is absorbing and trapping all of the vibrations that are being produced in the bat, in turn producing this deadening sound. Almost yours: 2 weeks, on us 100+. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to fixing a rattle in a bat, as the issue will likely be specific to the individual bat. Therefore, you dont need to travel far away to remove the rattle if you dont know how to do it yourself. My Bat Rattles -- Is It Broke? Short Answer: Probably Not Finally, never use a broken or damaged batit could seriously injure you or someone else! Marucci Sports has paid for only the shipping cost for your order. Most bats come with indicating marks to help you know how much to adjust the bat. There are a few ways to test if the bat is rattle free before purchasing. Quote: Originally Posted by umpjim (Post 839551) If you hear a rattling sound as the player comes to bat, you should declare the bat illegal and apply 7-4-1a and 4-1-3 a-b. If you prefer doing it yourself, there are many wrong ways and a couple of great ways to do it. NFHS has the same rule. And remember: always keep your bats in a safe place when not in use so they dont get damaged during storage or transport. IF YOUR BAT EXPERIENCES (1) SEVERE DENTING, (2) STRUCTURAL CRACKING, OR (3) BROKEN END CAPS OR KNOBS, THEN PLEASE CEASE USING THE BAT AND SUBMIT A WARRANTY CLAIM. If you find that your bat is broken, you should contact your seller about the warranty. To qualify for warranty service, you must be the original purchaser of the bat and provide proof of purchase from an authorized Louisville Slugger dealer. Le jugement sur la sentence prononce par larbitre sera contraignant et dfinitif, lexception de tout droit dappel prvu par la Loi fdrale sur larbitrage, et il peut tre prononc dans tout tribunal comptent. 9260 S 300 E. Sandy, UT 84092. If Louisville Slugger determines that your bat is covered by the warranty, then Louisville Slugger will at its sole option and in its sole discretion (1) repair your bat, or (2) replace your bat with the same model bat, or (3) replace your bat with a comparable bat should your bat be discontinued or otherwise unavailable, or (4) provide you with a voucher to be used toward the purchase of other Louisville Slugger products on or Check for damage to the wood and replace any damaged pieces as needed. If you notice a rattle in your bat, it is important to clean it. A few weeks ago we noticed there was a rattle coming from inside the bat and that the end cap was starting to come out the end. He provides a certificate of authenticity of the team but not the date the bat was used, he says. Tim Hunt one of the owners of Hunt's was awarded Termite Technician of the Year by Pest Control Technology Magazine in 2002. The arbitrator will have no authority to award punitive or other damages not measured by the prevailing party's actual damages, except as may be required by statute. After EACH hit, rotate the bat of a turn. Did you have your bat shaved and now it's too light? Make sure to store your bat in a dry place to avoid any further rattling noises. Besides, obvious cracks and dents a bat is considered broken if it rattles when shaken, knob is pushed in or loosen, or has a significant performance decline. A professional will assist you with scope and estimates, but having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish will help communication. When you hear the rattling noise from inside the bat and dont know what it is, you immediately start to think whether it is a bad thing and if the bat is broken? Bat manufacturers offer warranties on their products, so dont hesitate to take your bat in for repair if necessary. SAME-DAY SHIPPING FOR ELIGIBLE ORDERS PLACED BY 12:00 PM CST, MONDAY - FRIDAY. Some bat shavers on the Internet still have not mastered this art and rely on sub-par work and aftermarket caps to remove and replace end caps. Use only mild dish soap and water for cleaning. 9 months ago ProjectSports. ENDCAP REPAIR | Super Hot Bats | United States BEFORE USING YOUR BAT, PLEASE READ THIS WARRANTY CAREFULLY. If bats are purchased elsewhere, customer must register his or her bat at within 7 days of purchase. BBCOR stands for Bat-Ball Coefficient of Restitution. EMAIL: Contact Page Phone (513) 371-3401 Name Email Question Contact us About us Testimonials FAQs Bat Rolling Terms and Conditions Big Dawg Blog. Big Dawg Bat Rattle Removal Please email for more information. This warranty contains a binding arbitration agreement and a class action waiver for United States residents. How to replace a softball bat end cap Joe Grasso 58 subscribers Subscribe 60K views 6 years ago Shows you how to install a new end cap on your softball bat. Toms Automotive at 8802 S 700 East was recently discovered under coolant repair. To properly break in your composite bat, we recommend taking 150-200 swings playing soft toss or off a tee using real baseballs. Tighten any screws or bolts that are loose and replace any helmet that feels wobbly or doesnt fit snugly. Cracks that run up through the middle of the bat generally cannot be repaired, and hurt the person using them. WARNING: Avoid using your bat in cold weather. Big Dawg Bat Repair Services Contact us About us Testimonials FAQs Bat Rolling Terms and Conditions Big Dawg Blog Information Articles FAQs Bat Shaving 5 Things you Need to know About Bat Rolling The Popular and Shady Side of Bat Performance: Shaving and Rolling What is a Bat Restrictor Ring? LOUISVILLE SLUGGER ET VOUS CONVENEZ QUAUCUNE PARTIE NAURA LE DROIT OU LE POUVOIR DOBTENIR QUUN DIFFREND SOIT ARBITR COMME RECOURS COLLECTIF, UNE ACTION GNRALE AVOCAT PRIV, OU DANS TOUTE AUTRE PROCDURE DANS LAQUELLE LUNE OU LAUTRE PARTIE AGIT OU PRTEND AGIR TITRE REPRSENTATIF. Send it to. We knocked it back in place. We understand how frustrating it is to have a question that needs to be answered and not be able to get anyone to answer your call. Marucci will issue a refund to your credit card within 10 business days from the date we receive the bat. But, if we hated the bat and felt like something was wrong with it (like it didnt feel right and/or the rattle was substantial), then wed go the warranty route. Marucci will not exchange any engraved or used bats. Step 4 You will have to seat the cap inside the barrel. Before placing an order, please make sure to have a registered account on our website by entering an email address and creating a password. End Cap Replacement: We have an assortment of aftermarket caps we can secure onto your bat. You can reduce the rattling in a bat by removing it altogether. Today when one of the boys was using it, the end cap came off. These charges may include PST, GST, HST, duties and other taxes of goods (e.g. Note - Louisville Slugger reserves the right to refuse warranty service to any person who, in Louisville Sluggers sole discretion, abuses its products or warranty policy. Or too heavy? If you discover the bat after the bat has been used, you should only remove it from the game (1-3-4). The USSSA 1.15 BPF, just like the BBCOR stamp, must be permanently stamped on the bat for easy recognition.