. I rifle built and assembled correctly will continue putting rounds into the true group size until it melts. Please consider this when choosing clothing for the event and shooting accouterments such as shooting boxes and loading tables. Now you know about everything there is to know about mine. Varmint? Zak Smith got it right. There will not be an over 72 bench match on this day. A Hoppe 's Bore Snake was deployed every 50 shots. So Im guessing about 12 seconds between shots lol. Good job. This event's continued success is attributed to the competitors who graciously volunteer time and service in various responsibilities. If you shoot multiple times without running a cleaning patch in the barrel you will feel it gets harder to load the next ball. The barrel is immediately cooled down with absolutely no harm to it. I have also taken game from the sitting position with my arm wrapped around a rifle sling in the "hasty" position. It did outperform all the others in the quantity of air moved category . A funnel is attached to one end of the flexible plastic tubing, and a cartridge case is attached at the other. Bull? We show you how. No loaded rifle should be left unattended. This process will take you a while because you're cleaning your rifle between each shot. People worry way too much about barrel cooling. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Using a timer to wait 2 minutes between shots works for me. UPS has officially stopped shipping guns? I think I'll take a thermocouple and see how fast the heat dissipates once i get my carbon barrels up and running. Thanks Ryan! The use of PCCA will be strictly at the discretion of the match director. If your goal is to get a reliable zero for hunting, you should allow the barrel to fully cool between each shot. If your rifle is spraying shots all over the target, check your scope mounts. The slow way of accomplishing this is to sit and twiddle thumbs until the barrel is no longer hot. Joseph Von Benedikt shows his custom 500 and how well it shoots. First, relay shooters shall remove their equipment from the loading area immediately after the 10th target is fired. With the advent of long-range optics, another consequence of a hot barrel became apparentheat mirage. How to Sight in a Rifle | Outdoor Life People worry way too much about barrel cooling. Let me know what you think. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. lightbulb. Reviving an older thread as I came across Ryans YouTube review. A friend of mine fires three-shot groups and allows the barrel to cool down two minutes between each shot. Those were the days when most ranges didnt have an hourly rate akin to electricians, dentists and ladies-of-the-night. As I said, it varies. Carbon barrels do have less specific heat capacity but they have a much higher thermal diffusivity. Barrel Cooling | Shooters' Forum And its rechargeable. Wow! Shoot one shot and 'feel' the bbl temp. Used for soaking up the recoil of hard-kicking rifles, it is too thick to be placed between the shooter's shoulder and the butt of the rifle. It has a huge fan, so it pulls in a good deal of air. May be either flint or percussion in traditional hunting or traditional target style. Know thy gun. Over the next few months I will be comparing a few of the barrel coolers on the market. The contestant must support the rear of the rifle with no additional support. Wait for rifle to cool between shots - HuntingNet.com Forums Please bring your own target stand. You'll be able to shoot dozens of shots 2 or 3 per minute or faster and they'll cluster evenly about point of aim. If it's pretty chilly outside you might get by with 5 min or so. For me usually 5 - 10 min. I choose to use a slightly damp cleaning patch between shots. No double rest allowed the contestant's body must support the butt end of the rifle. Practical Tips to Extend Barrel Life - PrecisionRifleBlog.com Condensation from the air is essentially distilled water, so not so big a worry there. To encourage people who have, through age or other means, become physically challenging to enjoy our event. Over the next few months I will be comparing a few of the barrel coolers on the market. Review post# 17 above. The Sgt. Too much thermal differential can give you a thermal shock to your barrel which can induce warpage You must log in or register to reply here. I've gone as long as 15 though. No more high point that causes barrels to bend it its axis as they and receivers heat up. During the 1950s, National Rifle Association personnel often fired three-shot groups and allowed the barrel to cool down one minute between each shot. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Scoring My thought on this..carbon is far slower to react to temperature differential compared to steel. Switching tops takes mere seconds. Does that make since that it would do that. 3. Barrel cooling technique? - benchrest.com A competitor's equipment is only allowed in the loading area during the relay within which they are competing. Remember to do whichever method the same way every time. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Regardless of whether water is poured on the outside or through the bore, in no way does it harm the barrel. So now I run the patch straight down to the breach, and straight up out the muzzle. In the spirit of sportsmanship, these should be as small as possible not to take up excess space on the line. The forearms of riflestocks vary considerably in shape and width, so a front bag matching a particular stock as closely as possible encourages consistency of hold and discourages canting of the rifle. Each physically challenged contestant will be issued one adapter to set their chunk on. When you set up your camp, please allow a minimum of 70 feet clearance behind the loading area for emergency services access. No matter how large or small your part, this tremendous volunteer force comes through year after year. During the 1950s, National Rifle Association personnel often fired three-shot groups and allowed the barrel to cool down one minute between each shot. In a more leisurely era, the cure to a hot barrel was time. On the exterior it has proven to be no issue. My question isn't about accuracy-as much as it is about tube life. Thinking a small compressor hooked to the truck battery may do better. It is best to accuracy-test a rifle during ideal range conditions with no wind, but since Mother Nature seldom cooperates where I shoot, wind flags are used. In either case, this is definitely not good; and God help you if youre working up a load. Three other leather bags are used at the bench. So my questing is how much can a group size improve by waiting a minute or 2 between shots vs quick follow up (assuming no change . how long do I need to let a barrel cool in between shots for a I cut it off twice and it's still too short! Energy density - Wikipedia It wouldn't be to hard to make a dummy case with a barb for a hose to pump the water from the chamber to the muzzle and return it to a tank to recycle the water. We do not need to actually check temperature changes because of this. I like it. For if it prosper, none dare call it treason. Their guns are designed to shoot FAST.before the wind condition changes. Contestants will not use intoxicating substances before or during the contest. After shooting a black powder gun there is some burned powder residue inside the barrel. Chamber Chiller - BETA-60 AA Chamber Chiller Version 3 2019, The Original Gun Barrel Cooler | Area 1 Sports, Rifle Barrel Cooler Performance Flow Test and Comparison. Rifle accuracy testing - how long between shots gunsandammo The ambient air is humid, has water present, even if you don't blow through the tube. The use of Shaders is permitted. Has anyone tested the pro version of the chamber chiller? Wind is blocked even less after they shed their leaves during winter. If the cartridge a particular rifle is chambered for is available with match bullets, I try to shoot at least one of those loads. I'm in the same boat as you shooting usually just west of Mexicali/Calexico on the CA/Mexico border. The rifle walks, groups loosen, and nerves fray. Cuts cooling time in half compared to regular convection, and the Caution Yellow paintjob complies with approved chamber flag color standards. For everything else I use a 3 gallon jug of ice water. After everything is set up, I sit patiently and observe the flags long enough to spot a wind condition of fairly long duration that comes and goes more frequently than others. Hence one of the allures for longer shot strings on the external temp of the barrel. Could probably even put some ice in it. This page was generated at 08:23 AM. Cooling them between shots is important to extend barrel life. Just WOW on this thread. Usually 3-5 shots with 30 second spacing between shots is all I want to take. ##Cooling Method for barrels## - Sniper's Hide Forum From ambient barrel temperature to temperatures skin burning hot. The York Shoot is held on Tennessee State property, and the display of alcoholic beverages will not be tolerated. I do most of my shooting at my own private range and have a lot of conveinences and shoot indoors and out. Cooling a barrel between shot strings - The Home Shop Machinist If you are shooting a PRS or Silhouette competition rifle then shoot at least 5 shots right in a row to check grouping. for max barrel life how long would you wait between shots on say a rifle like a 338 lm or cheytac based case ? Custom Mossberg 500 at the Range and Live Turkey!. Can usually get every bit of 3 hours in before I'm seeing funny things in the sand..stay hydrated! I just remov bolt let it sit 10min after every 5shot.. ive seen so much guys making it more complicated. Doing so makes it convenient to read, and the bench top shields it from muzzle blast. Barrel: How Hot is TOO Hot? - The Firing Line Forums There are several methods that can be employed to cool barrels quickly such as using fans, ice water, cold packs, wet towels, etc. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. When shooting at 300 yards, the first flag is positioned in line with that opening. It may not display this or other websites correctly. He is a gun owner and avid reloader from Colorado. Save my name and email to use for future comments. This has worked good for me, it could all be in my head but thats what I do. Was there anything new at shot show as far as barrel coolers that a guy should look at? I'm not sure it really cooled back down until it was in the air conditioned car. As to rate of fire, I think if you keep it under 10 rounds per minute average you'll find that the barrel is only tollerably hot. A World Record Attempt and everyone is out at the range shooting and practicing. We have shot 20 rounds in 60 seconds at matches and then packed up and head to another stage. If you desire to put up a cover in the loading area, please place it in the back one half of the loading area. There I use a small electric blower or CO2 to cool barrels down if needed between strings. Nov 1, 2022 10:21:00 GMT -5 bob said: Greg, if you're able to take most of your guns to the range at one time, you either have a big truck or you need more guns. How it behaves as it heats up might be worth knowing. A varmint rifle wearing a Harris folding bipod is an example. Each physically challenged contestant will be required to use a board runner to hang their scoring target. Yes there are countless more effective ways to remove barrel heat but zero of them are as practical as a fan pushing air down a barrel. In Houston, ambient temp. The string ranking will determine supplicant places. k, this is a very old school approachwhen I get to the range I stick the rifle sitting muzzle up in the gun rack. CAMPING There ain't no shade so in the summer I try and get there at first light or just past. Ozark's Back Porch. One of the two Rick Graham flags I am now using has a larger vane than the other. CHUNK / BARREL REST The 10 min statistic is super interesting. Rather than placing the chronograph atop the bench, I place it on a stool beside the one I am sitting on. Dont forget: Always sign in on the sheet provided. Snipers Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. The wet rag thing sounded like it would work. You are using an out of date browser. Gemmer, Our Clubs Namesake, Developing an Accurate Load for a Black Powder Muzzleloading Rifle by Steve Sells, 2023 Public Muzzleloader Events and Shooting Match Calendar, Tip #9 - Black Powder Sizes - 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, Good Places to Buy Muzzleloader Rifle and Pistol Kits, Tip #11 Loading the Patch and Ball Down the Barrel. Rotate between two or three rifles, shooting one while the others cool. If the pump was supported above a pool of ice water in a cooler it would work even better if it was hot outside. I also try to do load development in moderate temps unless I feel it needs to be otherwise. I have to agree with these fellas 10 min seems to get it. It might take 2 minutes or it might take 20. It cools the barrel quick. RELAY SETUP Thank you in advance, smoker The hotter the barrel gets, the longer it takes to cool off. Even when testing several rifles during the same session, a lot of time is wasted while waiting, especially during the heat of summer. The Chamber Chiller company tailors them to the particular calibers. Step 2. I am only cooling to try to protect the throat for longevity reasons. These three quick-switch tops for the Sinclair front rest handle most sizes and shapes of rifle forearms. Days Inn Princeton, https://facebook.com/events/s/prairie-state-longrifle-show/6359596334069656/, March 18, 20238:00 am - 9:00 am This works especially well with an AR-15 wearing a handguard with openings over its entire surface. I believe you can never go wrong with 1 minute. I prefer it now. No money prizes please. Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Regardless of the distance, one flag is placed near the target. 10th Annual Pecos Run and Gun in the Sun After-Act. Thank you for your cooperation and Good Luck Works good. Heat and pressure are the enemies of barrel life. Full . The universal Original Barrel Cooler fits the bill perfectly for a hot barrel, since it cools the barrel from the inside-out and can reduce your wait time between shots up to 60%. That might work for my practice shooting, or even load development (though somewhat inconvenient, last ladder test I shot 60 shots), but it wouldn't help much with competition. Alvin C. York Memorial Shoot will be held Saturday, March 25, 2023. . Second, three rounds isn't a group. SAFETY FIRST! T This was built by a pretty prominent pistolsmith I know. If you were going to use water like you say, you want to be sure it is either condensation or distilled water, as tap water many places has chlorine in it, and will promote rust very quickly. Made a duct with cardboard and tape, and stuck it on the end of the barrel. How long to let barrel cool between shots? | Perfect Union We will not turn this thread into a thermodynamics argument like the other forum does. This same friction effects how the ball leaves the barrel when shot. Or would the throat on my creedmoor benefit from this? Christian Outreach. I have probably taken more of my North American game with rifles resting atop a daypack, so I make it a point to shoot a hunting rifle over one before heading for the woods. A custom Remington Model 700 in .338 Lapua I recently shot is a good example. If the temps outside are too warm, I wait for another time, Eventually I plan on a carbon fiber barrel and Ill probably give it extra time just for peace of mind. In a hunting rifle I shoot 3 in a row looking for first shot and follow up shot consistency. March 18, 20238:00 am - March 19, 20233:00 pm I hate having to wait 20 min between shots but don't want to hurt accuracy. All Sgt. As time has gone by I no longer try to eek out every last bit of speed from my guns. JavaScript is disabled. A lengthened sight radius will help you shoot more accurately, but while the difference between a 22- and 30-inch barrel is quite pronounced and significantly affects your ability to hit a moving target, the difference between 26- and 28-inch barrels, and 28- and 30-inch barrels, is far less noticeable. It don't think it would hurt if I don't keep a steady blast, besides a tank doesn't hold a lot of air. With a rifle held muzzle-down over the plastic bucket, the end of the tube is pushed into the chamber until it stops. I am only concern because this is my hunting rifle and it is the first shot that will count. If it's around 50-60F and I have the rifle in the shade, I find 5 minutes will easily do it. Also for comfort, I rest my right elbow on a flat sandbag called a pillow bag. AC adapted mattress pump I had at my house, connected with a sock to AC in car (gets rid of moisture) by paper clamps, sprayer hose connected to bore guide! How much does letting a barrel cool down between shots improve group size. Pretty much everything I shoot will shoot in the same spot from the 1st round to the 5th round. The cooler that moves the most air down the barrel will be the cooler that removes the most heat. I let it sit like that while I'm setting up the bench. The solutions to this problem is running either a dry patch or slightly damp patch with a cleaning jag in between each shot. One can only assume his point was that unless in extreme circumstances everything's about the same but this is with the M24 which has a relatively thick barrel. "Business/Sunday go-to-meetin" for both men and ladies and "Work/Everyday" clothing for ladies and gentlemen. Only one person may shoot a rifle in each relay. No? . Two flags placed downrange are positioned to allow me to see them in the field of view of the scope when its crosshairs are on the target. We have experienced flooding in the areas. Then I flip the patch over and do it again. It's a small water pump that creates a mist, and if you fill it with ice water it will work miracles. Barrel Temperature Strips - Pack of 5 or 10 - BarrelCool. Don't get the barrel much if any below ambient temperature. Make sure to watch till the end. Barrel Cooling and Accuracy - savageshooters.com I have used cold wet rags on my varmint rigs with good results. HEYM High-Performance Precision Rifle (HPPR) Barrel throats erode faster in a hot barrel; a little cooling off period between shots is generally a good idea. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Pacific Mo 63069. The water is caught by the bucket and reused until it becomes too hot. Im not sure what youre asking? 5. What is a Sporter Barrel? Why should you choose it? - Backfire Shooting in AZ in the summer gives me a unique perspective on barrel cooling. Membership Registration Kalamazoo County Expo Center, https://facebook.com/events/s/kalamazoo-living-history-show-/5632545256791676/, March 25, 20237:00 am - 5:00 pm Please treat them with respect as they will treat you with respect. All rifles must be inspected for conformance before the competition. I understand this is an old thread, but want to reply anyway, SOCIALIST CONTROLLED TERRITORY OF NEW YORK, Temperature Gun 50 C 900 C Infrared Digital Non Contact IR Laser Thermometer | eBay. This is because with each shot additional burned powder collects and causes additional friction when loading the next ball. Maybe Im the odd one but when shooting groups I want to know what the barrel is doing from cold to hot and without breaking my position. For things to run smoothly, there are many tasks: shooter registration, preparation of the range, "running, scoring, and tabulating" targets, safety officiating of the range, and more. Cooling between shots. It helped. - 65creedmoor.com It also depends on velocity. If I'm shooting at a bunch of prairie dogs and need to shoot a lot I just bring multiple rifles and cycle through them. No in-line actions or thumbhole stocks will be allowed. In contrast to that Model 700 is a recently tested 1940s-vintage Winchester 94 in .32 Special. A 5-gallon bucket is provided as a seat; other seat types will be considered at the match director's approval. Anyhoo. RIFLES He takes a pile of guns and components to range and spends the day. All rear open sights must be at least six inches forward of the barrel's breech end. The only problem I see is a long string of shots would still heat the barrel up to end up with open groups. The target was mounted horizontal as shown and there are 5 shots in the string. Its cheap and it works. Tip #2 - Clean Barrel Between Shots - Gemmer Muzzleloading Gun Club Thank You. But I like go out 5 days in a row and shoot one round at 300 yards. I don't think this has any thing to do with barrel being warm at all. Bring a .22 or something to plink with between coldbore shots with your big rifle. After each cooling the bore is wiped dry by pushing through three cotton patches. Accuracy will become more consistant with a rythem, as the barrel harmonics, and chamber pressures will be more consistant. March 5, 202310:00 am - 11:00 am Tip #7 Pouring the Powder into the Barrel, Tip #9 Black Powder Sizes 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F. I believe that focusing on the steel is ideal for returning to a cooled barrel. Barrel cooling while load testing. - PredatorMasters Forums Prizes: 1st place Traveling trophy; Top 3 places: Medals That's from a warmed up barrel, for hot group shooting. P, March 26, 202312:30 pm - 1:30 pm Lunchbox27 Professional whisky drinker. Nov 2, 2022 13:20:53 GMT -5 . Nice run down of some of the options out there. Light? Muzzleloader Forums. Cooling hot barrels while shooting | NY Gun Forum I tried all kinds of things. Feed Back Forum. This is because with each shot additional burned powder collects and causes additional . You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Not the fastest, but made a big difference when used between stages and while waiting for our squad to shoot. 2. The nozzle is customizable to the chamber length of your rifle, guaranteeing that the unit pumps air where its needed most. Only six extra points possible for fire-starting. Barrel cooling: a key technology for improving gun performance Don't worry about cooling the barrels. Some shooters keep their cleaning patches in a separate container and pour alcohol on the patches till they are all damp. The correct placement of wind flags will vary among shooting ranges, but since most of my accuracy testing is done at the same range, I know exactly where they need to go there. Keep me cool also. Learn the difference between revolvers and semi-auto pistols and what makes them different. Joseph Von Benedikt visits with Aaron Oelger from Hodgdon about the unprecedented demand on the shooting supply industry. Not sure the pace of shooting in a bench rest match and in F class you get a little time between shots. It depends on what you are looking for. The one I use most is called the Generation II AP Windage Top. *** Trade Fair Bring out Muzzleloader related items For-Sale ***, March 17, 20238:00 am - March 19, 20235:00 pm Then the barrel tenon shoulder will bear tight all the way around. From a safety standpoint running a damp cleaning patch down the barrel between shots is a good idea. In regards to shots fired from the cold bore compared to those not, the only sniper I know well said "shooting a guy is shooting a guy". Definitely got my wheels turning as I've never used any kind of barrel cooler or cooling method other than time between shots. Should an individual be found practicing during the first relay, they will be disqualified. He settled on a 200 cu ft CO tank. Lighter profile barrels need to cool because the heat can and usually does effect accuracy. Ryan, how do you know when the throat is cooled enough? If the cartridge a rifle is chambered for is small and heats up the barrel slowly e.g., the .22 Hornet several groups are fired between barrel cooldowns.