How much money do you need to live comfortably in Tennessee? Utilities cost more where there is higher demand, like the Northeast. On average, the typical apartment-dwelling American uses 44% of their homes total energy on space heating and cooling, and 32% on water heating, while the rest goes on to appliances, electronics and lighting. While gas-powered devices tend to cost more upon installation and require more regular maintenance, many consider the affordability of natural gas to be a big enough draw to justify the initial hassle. What Celebrities Went To The University Of Tennessee? In 2022, West Virginia has the highest averages prices in the country, at 105 U.S . Mostly used during the winter to warm the home, gas consumption can also be reduced by adjusting the temperature and a smart thermostat can help with this. What Is the Cost of Living in Tennessee? - SmartAsset Those living in apartments should budget around $100-$150 per month for utilities, and those who own homes should budget around $400 for utilities. Utilities such as water, sewage, and garbage are often factored into a rental property's monthly rent. You guessed it, Music City has made our list. For instance, the average gas bill for a one-bedroom apartment will be around $57 per month during the cold season if your gas-fueled appliances are highly efficient. The most expensive utility bills can be found in Alaska, with an average cost of $496 per month.Water Prices by State 2022. Water use and cost is measured per 1,000 gallons. (Correct answer), Typically billed together with the water and sewer, most average four-person households will see a water bill in the. The good news: that means its simple to cut back too. However, streaming services may be a less expensive way to go. Which States Have the Lowest Energy Costs? Example: 100 CCF x 1.07 = 107 Therms. In, You can avoid the uncomfortable discussions if youre willing to do the following before agreeing to move in with a roommate. This is the reason why you need to do your research beforehand. Water Prices by State 2022. Utility costs vary greatly by state. The average cost of water per 1,000 gallons sits at $11.48. Who Pays the Highest Water Bills in Tennessee? - LawnStarter The average water bill in the United States is $72.93 a month for a family of four using 100 gallons of water per day per person. Is Knoxville Tennessee a good place to live? We also used in our calculations the prices for standard meters where meter differences in price existed. 49. Learn more about the estimated utility costs per city! Thanks for your interest in purchasing a high-quality poster of this visualization. That's $11.63 more than the average energy utility bill in the United States, which is $111.67. Having a roommate can also give you a chance to live in a neighborhood that you may otherwise not afford. Taking into account that the average natural gas consumption per household is 567 CFL/year and that the average price of natural gas is around $1.70/CFL, you can expect to pay close to $964.47 annually on natural gas. For comparison, the national average is $151.96. Gone on way too many walk-throughs but finally found the perfect place. To calculate a potential bill, simply take your usage estimate for this month and multiply it by the unit rate. !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r Electricity is the most expensive for every state in the Northeast, but natural gas takes first place across the South. Thats $11.63 above the U.S. average energy utility bill of $111.67. Want to use our visualization online, including on open publications like blogs, news sites, etc.? Alaska has the most expensive water costs of any state at $95 per month, followed by West Virginia at $72. She covers topics about everything related to the renting lifestyle, from decorating and interior design to finding the right apartment, frugal living, money saving advice, and more. because sewer water is not metered like a water system. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates the average American family uses 300 gallons of water per day. Gas is used to heat your home, warm your water, and often powers your stove or oven. around $123.30In Tennessee, the average monthly electricity bill is around $123.30. He currently works as a professor at a local college. See more Price Rankings for Chattanooga, TN; Historical Data in . July 12, 2022. The number of rooms in your apartment will have a significant influence on your utility bills, as well. The average water varies by location, but knowing the general scope of what you can expect to pay will help you set your budget and figure out what you can afford. What Is The Most Polluted City In Tennessee? However, the range can sometimes be huge. The study examined housing costs, the price of necessities such as food and healthcare, and average incomes among Americas 50 largest cities. Average monthly residential utility costs in the United States in 2022, by state (in U.S. dollars) [Graph]. Gas bill monthly averages by state State Average Gas Bill Tennessee $100.56 Texas $110.58 Utah $52.33 Vermont $110.43 Contents1 How much is the average utility bill in Tennessee?2 How much is the average water bill in Tennessee?3 How much does the average person spend on gas bills per month?4 What is the cost of living [] But remember that weather is also an important variable and low temperatures during winter will significantly increase the heating bill. And finally, they looked to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to estimate the average daily water usage of 300 gallons per day for a family. When it comes to gas costs, southern states see some of the lowest prices, followed by the West Coast due to both low monthly consumption and moderate prices. Maine: $464.45 Knoxville scores high in value Knoxvilles scored best in the value category with a 7.4. Is a water meter cheaper for a single person? For Sale: 3 beds, 2 baths 1695 sq. Share of U.S. adults who use social media 2021, by gender, Tumblr usage penetration in the United States 2020, by gender, Reddit usage reach in the United States 2021, by gender, Instagram usage reach in the United States 2021, by gender. If you'd like to use our visualization in books, magazines, reports, educational materials, etc. The price of water is rising in many larger US cities and it doesnt look like itll be slowing down anytime soon. For comparison, the U.S. national average for utility payments is $111.76 per month. What is the average water bill per month? Calculated costs . On top of this, a small fee may also be added to your bill for garbage collection, but your rent or city fees most likely already include this amount. They relied on Numbeo to calculate average figures for both Internet and cable bills, assuming 60 Mbps with unlimited data. Heating and cooling usually make up 35%-40% of your energy bill. And unless youre planning to live totally off the grid, these extra expenses include your utility costsincluding your water bill. What is the storm water portion of my bill for? This might seem counterintuitive, but using your dishwasher is actually a whole lot more efficient when it comes to water usage than washing your dishes by hand. If youre thinking about moving and want to estimate your utility costs, its important you consider the many factors that dictate your final costs. data shows what the average monthly utility bills for a 915 square-foot apartment cost in Tennessee's largest cities. Beyond personal consumption habits, other factors that affect this variable include the size of your house and the water efficiency of your appliances. Experts recommend you set aside $200 each month to cover the bare necessities. . There appears to be a ceiling on the cost of natural gas, but not electricity. Thats because a standard dishwasher cycle will use just six gallons of wateror four gallons of water, if your dishwasher is Energy Star rated. While most cities have companies that bill residents directly for trash collection, others factor waste disposal into local taxes. Register in seconds and access exclusive features. What Is The Average Water Bill In Knoxville Tennessee? Similarly, water bills were calculated including the fixed charge and consumption. Unsurprisingly, monthly utility costs are even higher in Tennessees major cities. U.S. home utility costs by state 2022 | Statista Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Industry and market insights and forecasts, Key figures and rankings about companies and products, Consumer and brand insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about countries and regions, Market forecast and expert KPIs for 600+ segments in 150+ countries, Insights on consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide, Business information on 60m+ public and private companies, Detailed information for 35,000+ online stores and marketplaces. Rent Per Month. Here's a quick overview of the least and most . dollars)." First, change the HVAC filters regularly and adjust the temperature. To cut back, try watering your grass less frequently and be more aware of when you turn the sprinklers on and off. The first is that the treatment of sewer gobbles more energy than the treatment of water. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Here are some things you can do. These will be for sale soon. (some call it the monthly maintenance fees). 2. However, average internet prices can vary from as little as $20 in Idaho to as much as $70 in Alaska. There are many aspects to consider when it comes to renting an apartment, whether its your first time or A strong, healthy relationship whether with a romantic partner, friend, relative or your boss is usually based East Coast? But dont worry about not having access to entertainment and information, because there are a plethora of great options for audio/visual content available at many price points. Residentially, the company says there is an average $132.33 electricity bill monthly, compared to the average monthly bill in the U.S. at $115.49. Cost of Water Bills by State The water portion of a utility bill is typically smaller than electricity, gas, cable, and internet, with exceptions. Water Prices by State 2023 - How much is the average monthly water bill? How Much Is the Average Water Bill, and What Can I Afford? This is mostly due to the majority of the state being in rural areas and the lack of a state income tax. In most cases, landlords and real estate agents can get these for you. Currently, you are using a shared account. Average Sewer Bill $14.04 $135.57/month. Many young professionals live in Knoxville and residents tend to lean conservative. Your apartment electricity bill will also be higher or lower depending on the number of people in your household; the state you live in; the number of appliances and electronics using electricity; and the size of your apartment. Three bedroom apartments have an even larger split, as the $1,139 median rent in Tennessee is $439 cheaper than the $1,578 U.S. median. The average monthly utility bill in Memphis is $172.67 per household. According to the website Condo Capital, condo fees can average between $50 and $1,000 in the United States. The most budget-friendly states stretch across the Midwest and West. How much is the average gas bill in Tennessee? - 2023 Is it cheaper to live in Knoxville or Nashville? If youre looking to save money on your electricity bill, its important to reduce your consumption. Still, there is also a possibility that they actually charged you more, expecting that you would ask for a discount. At the upper end of the spectrum is Hawaii with an average electric bill of $215. Or, if you have a high-speed internet connection, you could even skip cable television and just stick to the online options, instead. When he's not teaching or writing, Paul enjoys spending time with his wife and two children. *The source provided the national average for these figures, rather than actual state-by-state data, which is why the water, internet, and cable costs are the same in every state. In some states like California, New Jersey and Massachusetts, electricity makes up a whopping 40% of the overall outlay for utilities. Your electricity consumption is going to be measured in kilowatt hours (kwh), which is essentially a measure of how much power a device uses over time. Then you need to think about. While youre at it, switch to a low-flow showerhead, which only uses about 2.5 gallons of water per minute instead of five. The Average Monthly Cost of Water Bill by US States - Dripfina Of course, depending on the provider and plan you choose, rates may be even higher. Paul is a big fan of the Boston Celtics and New England Patriots. Get full access to all features within our Business Solutions. Fortunately, by doing a bit of research when looking for apartments for rent, apart from finding out the cost of living, you can also get a pretty good idea of how much youll have to pay on utilities, depending on your state. Here are six super easy ways to reduce your water usage each day and month so you can lower your monthly water bill. California is also relatively expensive but not necessarily budget-shattering at $438. The first two units of water (1,496 gallons) is included in the fixed meter charge. Currently, you are using a shared account. Dig out your bill, then contact your supplier or bung some figures into the Water Meter Calculator helpfully provided by the Consumer Council for Water. Knoxville housing costs are 33.8% less expensive than Nashville-Davidson housing costs. Tennessees quality of life is high, and its cost of living is low. The arrangement allows you to switch to an energy supplier that offers you the best rates. Average Electricity Bill: $65.33 $88.10, Average Gas Bill: $80/month (varies from month-to-month), Average Water Bill: $17.04 $68.14 per month, Average Sewer Bill: $14.04 $135.57 per month. Cost of Living in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Jan 2023. Prices in - Numbeo