B) epidemic A) blepharoplasty C) osteomyelitis C) epispadias What is the medical term meaning illness that is unfavorable response to a prescribed medical treatment? Q:I do not how to answer this question. D) nonsocomial infection, A type of pneumonia contracted during a stay in the hospital when the patient's defenses are impaired is known as ______________ pneumonia: B) dilation and curettage D) spina bifida, The abdominal region located below the stomach is known as the __________ region: A) hemiparesis Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers. C) hematospermia B) hemangioma A/An ________________________ is an unfavorable response due to prescribed medical treatment. A) cytokines An unfavorable response due to prescribed medical treatment is known as C) hyperventilation C) pyosalpinx A) B cells A) insulinoma D) syncope, _____________ is a condition in which there is an insufficient supply of oxygen int he tissues due to a restricted blood flow to a part of the body: D)peripheral neuropathy, A/An ___________ is performed to reduce the risk of a stroke caused by a disruption of the blood flow to the brain: A) nephrolithiasis a. nosocomial infection b. functional disorder c. iatrogenic illness d. idiopathic disorder 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement lfoster1120p8eyt2 lfoster1120p8eyt2 B. Functional disorder Advertisement . Kindly help me fill out the blanks. C) stupor C) laceration A) balantis A) irrigation and debridement A) causalgia C) presbyopia B) embolus Endergonic reactions are those, A:Skull is the top of the organism's skeletal framework that consists of the cartilaginous and bony, A:The image shows a chromatography column with analyte loaded and moving ahead towards the, A:The lining of digestive tracts. A/An ________________________ is an unfavorable response due to prescribed medical treatment. D) overflow incontinence, A/An ____________ is an instrument used to enlarge the opening of any canal or cavity to enlarge the opening of any canal or cavity to facilitate inspection of its interior: A) oral Which term means inflammation of a gland? 2 & 13 \\ D) meningocele, The term __________ means vomiting blood: Solution for An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, . C) electromyography A) colpopexy A:Hydrogen bond is a type of interaction present between a hydrogen atom and an electronegative atom. B) esophageal varices A:Mitosis vs Meiosis: D) urinary retention, A closed sac associated with a sebaceous gland that contains yellow, fatty material is known as a _________: Expert Solution. 2 The Human Body in Health and Disease, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, TINTSIV: Exam I: Intermittent Pneumatic Compr. For filtration to take place through the fenestrated capillaries of the renal corpuscle, _____. Ann Ehrlich, Carol L. Schroeder, Laura Ehrlich, Katrina A. Schroeder, Medical Terminology for Health Professions, Spiral bound Version (MindTap Course List). D) epistaxis, The term __________ means to stop or control bleeding: The gift I hope you like it is outside on the lawn. B) meningitis A) cerebral hematoma D) rickets, A/An _____ is a specialist who provides medical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and immediately thereafter: Sentence completion Flashcards | Quizlet Click on the diagram to start the animation. Q:I need a short and meaningful explanation for the question attached. A) esophageal aneurysms D) supination, The term ____________ describes the inflammation of a vein: False, Chapter 1 - Introduction to Medical Terminolo, Betsy Kerr, Guy Spielmann, Mary Rogers, Tracy D.Terrell, Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Mary Ellen Scullen, Chez Nous: Branch Sur le Monde Francophone, Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Katherine Mueller, Mary Ellen Scullen, Paula Bouffard. C) scleritis is known as. A) computed tomography Bladder cancer's, Q:Please help me with this question within an hour immediately with complete answer, Q:need help finding the right answers A) ophtalmoscope When a medical condition is due to medical treatment is called? B) mastitis Chromosomes The genetic structures located within the nucleus of each cell are known as _______These structures are made up of the DNA molecules containing the body's genes. A) adhesion D) mental retardation, A ringing, buzzing, or roaring sound in one or both ears is known as: What can Melonie do immediately to try to save Randis life? D) malnutrition, The term ________ means difficulty in swallowing: A) adrenocorticotropic hormone False, Etiology is the study of the causes of diseases. D) monochromatism, _____________ is the presence of blood in the seminal fluid: a. idiopathic disorder b. nosocomial infection c. infectious disease d. iatrogenic illness, MindTap Medical Terminology for Ehrlich/Schroeder/Ehrlich/Schroeder's Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 8th Edition, [Instant Access], Medical Terminology for Health Professions, Spiral bound Version 8th Edition Textbook Solutions. An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy, is known as a/an __________ illness. B) bruit B) olecranon If a person having this Antisocial personality disorder he will be, A:We know that The digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs., Q:Please answer this with the simplest answer , Please bolt the important answer, A:Lipids are biomolecules that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen just like carbohydrates but, A:Since you have asked multiple questions, we will solve the first 3 parts for you. A) autism belly button area > umbilical region Some of the micro-organism are not single cells how are they arranged? Copyright 2021 Quizack . A) encephalocele B) encephalopathy A) comedo C) diagnose Kaposi's sarcoma C) percussion Abnormal development or growth of cells, tissues, or organs. D) talipes, A ______ is a normal scar resulting from the healing of a wound: B) hemiplegia C) intravenous A) petit mal An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe B) lordosis A) cryptorchidism If the statement is false, write False on the line. B) enteropexy What are these three categories? B) compound B) adduction The enlargement of an organ or tissue because of an abnormal increase in the number of cells is known as _________. D) hydroureter, A ______ is the surgical fixation of a prolapsed vagina to a surrounding structure: D) ostosclerosis, The procedure known as ___________ is the surgical fusion of two bones to stiffen a joint: B) aspiration 6 & 29 \\ C) absence These include excessive precription drugs, infections during a hospital stay, a surgery that was done incorrectly each year, 106,000 people die from adverse reactions to drugs, while 203,000 die from bed sores. C) hematemesis A) breast Hospitalist A physician focusing on the general medical care of hospitalized patients is known as a/an _______. A) computerized tomography B) osteoarthritis Describe one path carbon can take through the environment (through the systems and bodies of living things and back in our land, oceans, and atmosphere). Capsule is the gelatinous outer layer of prokaryotic, A:There are many kinds of diseases that affect our body and stop a particular organ from working. he chain. . The study of how genes are transferred from parents to their children and the role of genes in health and disease is known as __________. A/an ____ is an unfavorable response to a prescribed medical treatment. D) nephropexy, Which of these conditions is commonly known as a bruise? A) bone marrow biopsy D) invasive lobular carcinoma, Enlarged and swollen veins at the lower end of the esophagus are known as __________: a. D) quadriplegia, _______________ is a new cancer site that results from the spreading process: A) Hodgkin's lymphoma Med Term Final Flashcards | Quizlet B) arthrolysis A) nystagmus This process involves inhalation of air, A:Just one mistake in the match the following: A:the speed of the deer is increased to satisfy their hunger. D) myolonus, Which structure secretes bile: prescription of drugs. An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting . A) colpitis D) trismus, A woman who has borne one viable child is referred to as a ________: Can you explain to me, please? C) nephropyosis A) dysmenorrhea B) infiltrating lobular carcinoma With only a weak light to guide him, he soon tripped and fell; luckily, his flashlight was not busted. B) arteritis A boundaryless organization is most likely to ________. A) in situ A common example of this is the wrong D) Parkinson's disease, A form of vasculitis that affects the arms, upper body, neck, and head with symptoms including headache and touch sensitivity is known as: C) osteosclerosis D) pseud/o, Mr. Ramirez had a heart attack. Look up letters by John Arbuthnot, Alexander Pope, and John Gay in The Correspondence of Jonathon Swift, edited by Harold Williams. B) natural killer cells Get access to millions of step-by-step textbook and homework solutions, Send experts your homework questions or start a chat with a tutor, Check for plagiarism and create citations in seconds, Get instant explanations to difficult math equations. A) encephalitis C) myasthenia gravis Be sure to include at least five specific places that the carbon atom can be found as it makes its cycle. Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause ______ ____________ ______________. An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy, is known as a/an illness. C) spleen C) extension Q:Can you please help me on these questions. Prefiere que nos (5. estirar / cruzar) y que (6. apagar / subir) escaleras para tener ms energa antes de la clase. C) DF is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system. B) polycythemia D) spleen, _____________ is the process of recording the electrical activity of the brain: Answer quick, A:Damaging airways and small air sacs founding lungs. A) azoospermia C) pruit/o Bundle: Medical Terminology for Health Professions with Studyware CD-ROM + CourseMate Printed Access Card + Learning Lab Printed Access Card, Medical Terminology for Health Professions (with Studyware CD-ROM) (Flexible Solutions - Your Key to Success) 7th Edition Textbook Solutions. : The process through which the body maintains a constant internal environment are known as: _______ is an inflammation of the myelin sheath of peripheral nerves, characterized by rapidly worsening muscle weakness that can lead to temporary paralysis: The term ___________ describes weakness or wearing away of body tissues and structures caused by pathology or by disuse of the muscle over a long period of time: B) diverticulosis A) perfusion A) hydronephrosis B) Peyronie's disease D) insertion, The malignant condition known as ____________ is distinguished by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells: D) vitiligo, _____________ is caused by the failure of the bones of the limbs to grow to an appropriate length: B) infarction He is suffering from: An adenoma is a benign tumor that arises in or resembles __________. True b. A) ichthyosis C) osteochondroma B) pronation D) T cells, ______________ is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine: These illnesses, which are adverse reactionsm, can caused by a a number of actions or decisions made by the doctor. B) glaucoma A) abduction Bundle: Medical Terminology for Health Professions with Studyware CD-ROM + CourseMate Printed Access Card + Learning Lab Printed Access Card | 7th Edition. a. idiopathic disorder b. nosocomial infection c. infectious disease d. iatrogenic illness B) mydriasis The protective covering for all of the internal and external surfaces of the body is known as __________ tissue. True b. C) platelet count The medical term for this condition is _________: An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy, is known as a/an __________ illness. A) multiple sclerosis B) pancreatectomy B) giantism Add hyphens, brackets, and dashes where needed in the following sentences. D) lesion, The acute respiratory infection known as _____ is characterized in children and infants by obstruction of the larynx, hoarseness, and a barking cough. D) cystorrhaphy, The combining form metr/o means: A) CF is a congenital disorder in which red blood cells take on a sickle shape. B) systemic lupus erthematosus B) ophthalmoscope A) Conn's disease B) carbuncle The term __________ refers to the entire lower area of the abdomen. An unfavorable response to prescribed medical treatment, such as severe burns resulting from radiation therapy, is known as a/an ________________________________________________________ illness. This is known as a/an ________ injury: A) anterior C) rhytidectomy D) ileostomy, Which examination technique is the visualization of body parts in motion by projecting x-ray images on a luminous fluorescent screen: unfavorable response due to prescribed medical treatment (severe burns from radiation therapy) Idiopathic disorder illness without a known cause idi/o peculiar to the individual Infectious disease illness caused by living pathogenic organisms such as bacteria and viruses Nosocomial infection disease acquired in a hospital or clinical setting A) crust B) homocysteine Starting from the sun, create a food chain including at least three organisms. Revise each sentence that contains an error. C) allopathic B) dental plaque Wiki User. A) -rrhage Lami de mon pe\`eere lui demande de faire une partie de tennis. D) salpingitis, A _________ is the bruising of brain tissue as a result of a head injury: Escribe la pregunta que produzca la siguiente respuesta. B) agoraphobia I don't know where to start. A) dental caries A/An is a pathologic condition caused by an absent or defective gene. A) ausculation C) seborrheic dermatitis Chapter 2, Problem 54LE | bartleby B) albinism : C) phimosis Check out a sample textbook solution See solution chevron_left Previous Chapter 2, Problem 53LE chevron_right Next This group of hereditary bleeding disorders in which one of the factors needed to clot the blood is lacking. A) Alzheimer's disease The fused double layer of the parietal peritoneum that attaches parts of the intestine to the interior abdominal wall is known as the: An idiopathic disorder is an illness __________. The term _____ means the administration of a medication by a manner other than through the digestive tract. 2014-09-15 09: . D) priapism, A/an ___________ is an abnormal sound or murmur head during ausculation of an artery: B) mastoiditis D) ventricular fibrillation, The eye condition known as _________ is characterized by increased intraocular pressure: B) syncope A) adenocarcinoma B) orthopedist C) mania 1 & 7 \\ B) parenteral A) nocturia D) spiral, The combining form _________ means vertebra or vertebral column: B) epispadias D) sentinel node biopsy, The term ___________ is used to describe practices and systems of health care used to supplement traditional Western medicine: The study of the functions of the structures of the body is known as __________. 5 & 28 \\ I really appreciate it. Via Gelato is a popular neighborhood gelato shop. View this answer View a sample solution Step 1 of 5 Step 2 of 5 Step 3 of 5 Step 4 of 5 cranial C) non-Hodgkin's lymphoma True b. Match the following terms to the correct definitions. D) pyelitis, __________ is the tissue death of an artery or arteries: D) radiography, As the condition known as ____________ progresses, the chest sometimes assumes an enlarged barrel shape: B) erythema B) cervix D) stethoscope, A ___________, also known as a scab, is a collection of dried serum and cellular debris: D) phobia, In _____________, the normal rhythmic contractions of the atria are replaced by rapid irregular twitching of the muscular heart wall: Unspecialized cells that renew themselves for long periods through cell division are known as _____ _____. A) apnea All the information has been, A:Respiratory system is involved in the process of breathing. A specialist in the study of the outbreaks of disease is a/an __________. C) atrophy A) exercise physiologist B) dyskinesia C) osteochondroma B) electroencephalography It causes dementia, memory loss, and decline in, A:cell biologist or researchers are examine cells and magnify organelles and track cells as they, A:Glycolysis is the process by which glucose is oxidised and it usually is the first process that, A:Glycolysis is breakdown of glucose into pyruvate or lactate. C) laceration A) geriatrician B) calcitonin In gene-cloning projects, plasmids function to ______. C) cystopexy D) sarcoma, _____________ can occur when a foreign substance, such as vomit, is inhaled into the lungs: An Unfavorable Response To Prescribed Medical Treatment? Top Answer Update D) ischemic heart disease, ________ is an abnormal increase in the number of red cells in the blood due to excess production of these cells by the bone marrow: The ________________ is a fused double layer of the parietal peritoneum that attaches parts of the intestine to the interior abdominal wall. A C. D D. B, A:Lipids are non-polar biomolecules which play various roles in the body. D) pituitarism, The term ___________ describes the condition commonly known an ingrown toenail: C) phimosis A) vasculitis D) CF is characterized by short-lived red blood cells, The condition _____, which is thinner than average bone density, causes the patient to be at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis: B) oliguria Because of its position, it is also known as the ___________ pituitary. B) cretinism A) endemic A) ductal carcinoma in situ A) emesis iatrogenic Sweat glands are an example of ________ glands. True b. False. D) subcutaneous, The ____________ has roles in both the immune and endocrine systems: True b. A) adhesion The body is divided into anterior and posterior portions by the __________ plane. A) bradykinesia C) patella 2.18. A:We know that Parkinson's disease is degenerative brain disorder that results in tremors, stiffness, A:Performance management is an organizational process that focuses to ensure that predefined outputs. A:Dental hospitals are specialized hospitals that provide dental care to patients. A) diuresis hip bone area > iliac region Clue: the surgical removal of a gland. D) oligomenorrhea, ________________ is a form of sexual dysfunction in which the penis is bent or curved during erection: A) angina HOW TO PRESCRIBE COMMON MEDS FOR DOCTORS (WRITTEN EXAMPLES) Watch The Video Below HOW TO PRESCRIBE COMMON MEDS FOR DOCTORS (WRITTEN EXAMPLES) Watch on Source: Youtube Views: 7312 Date: 17 hours ago B) fluoroscopy A) chloasma (3) An agreement to use assets that is in substance a purchase.