But that wasn't in their best interest," Ramos said. WebAt CAME ( Centro de Atencin al Migrante Exodus) in Agua Prieta, Sonora, there are 160 people sleeping in a shelter with a 44 person capacity. Organized crime thinks that we're making money off of the people," Ramos said. @5:56a.m!no they are a cancer and a plague combined in mexico! Hebelieves the shelter is constantly under surveillance bycartel members. Jose Javier Rascon Ramirez reportedly killed in Agua Prieta Multiple deaths reported in He is/was Sinaloa Cartels long Yuk! Leonel Paredes-Peru was the founder of this Mexican criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking, money laundering and arms trafficking. Thats a lame story. Marco Antonio Paredes-Machado was detained on January 11, 2011 by elements of the Federal Police, after leaving a hospital in Huixquilucan, State of Mexico. Chivis? "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. Me too I always looked forward to read chivis updated covid-19 info everyday because I got tired of the news talking about it 24/7. Mexican Cartel Convoy Violently Patrols Town Abutting Para quitarle la plaza a los paredes Esta bien pelada esa familia tiene mucho power pinches pendejos los que creen que el cjng Esta en Sonora jajak imbeciles, Asta mas imbeciles ellos que se estan matando solos todo por ratas nimodo el cjng nomas va a esperar que uno de los dos lados pierda y bolas se va a poder meter fasil, pero que se queden con su agua prieta cjng ya tiene tijuana la entrada mas grande de usa para que quieren agua prieta? And like its been said God please have patience with them That being said to the families whos doorsteps were visited by death ordered; ordered there by them yours can Rest In Peace now. The one-time top Sinaloa Cartel operative who controlled the region around Douglas, Arizona and Agua Prieta, Sonora has agreed to a 22-year federal prison sentence after admitting his role in trafficking millions of dollars worth of drugs into the United States from 1991 to 2011. You should contact Buggs he would welcome good information 12:35 sometimes the contras feed the story to end up looking good or better, using crap for propaganda first, makes sure the truth has an uphill job, like they say he who hits first gets to hit twice. Ramirez was killed while riding in the white sedan [see below]. there was a worse foto i didn't post---this was bad enough. Something happened in china and I decided it was best to lay off the ongoing post in case that was a contributing factor. The shelter is full to overflowing, but staff and volunteers remain committed to finding ways to extend hospitality to the migrants who knock at their door. cjng is nowhere near Agua Prietathis was a hit from mayo and alfredo most likely. Founder of DFS and former mexican army captain.Before them it was the Cartel de los APSON, but alvaro Obregon and Putarco Elias Calles consolidated Sonoran political power after murdering Pancho Villa and all the real heros of the mexican revolution, Total power begets total corruption. Is the fear due to government function from there ? Sinaloa Cartel A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "HEARST" for Borderland Beat The Attorney General announced that El Mayos Tijuana lieutenant, El Aquiles, organized the street e Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels. They was the Naco plaza boss and getting to sloppy segun, El jr is very smart. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Thats what happens with these stupid girls. Then he called the group from naco Sonora and told them el fox was gunned down due to a group coming in and needed their help and once they were leaving naco Tin ambushed them as well. Those people are punteros and they didnt steal anything , they took all the stuff before military got there . Very well aligned in the US side of the house too, and its not a cheap plaza to buy. El que esta en la foto de su perifil con ella es el Juan Carlos alias el negro. Thank you for doing what you do for BB. They came, walked around,then they left.". Luis Ernesto Fimbres-Fuentes, also known as Chito, in charge of the plaza of the municipalities of Moctezuma, Ncori Chico, Mesa Tres Rios, Arco and Lobos. A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "HEARST" for Borderland Beat The Attorney General announced that El Mayos Tijuana lieutenant, El Aquiles, organized the street e Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels, Los Paredes, Protected by the Government in Sonora where Impunity Prevails, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Five Killed in Nuevo Laredo, CDN Hitman Among the Dead, Human Rights Violation Allegations, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives, Mayo's Aquiles Had El Lobo's Lawyer Killed, says Attorney General. In 2012, Paredes-Machado was indicted in Washington, D.C., by the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section of the Department of Justice. it wasn't a hit from CJNG. The paredes with the backing of cds intruded the Madera plaza with people of el Jaguar war with la linea. EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) The brother and a nephew of a Sinaloa cartel leader are among the victims of a shooting that left 19 people dead last week in a town near the Chihuahua-Sonora border, Mexican authorities confirmed. Didnt Tintin ando Tigre flip to la linea Along with el tolteca? He also said he doesn't plan to leave the shelter unless it's necessary. CDS is trash! "Itold them 'I don't havethat kind of money. The attack began at approximately 3:15am and resulted in two deaths with several vehicles torched. Caro Quintero. killed. Multiple deaths reported in (Source). border towns like Sonoyta, Nogales and Agua Prieta. Theyre [the 8] are accused of controlling In Narco terms he had longevity in his role Anim. CAN SOMEONE SEND ME THE LINK TO IRIS CHAVEZ FB PAGE? They also collude with the Agua Prieta Mayor Jess Alfonso Tuchy Montao Durazo and the commander of the municipal police in Agua Prieta, that provides protection to Los Paredes in agreement with the violence that is experienced in the city of Agua Prieta. That greedy shit, always catches up with you.ABKEl conejo loco, As someone who knew 3 of these men personally, know their families I can say Godspeed my peeps. Los Angeles Times The practice of been through a lot. Jorge hails from the LaMadrid family, a family which is heavily involved in drug trafficking for Los Paredes / the Sinaloa Cartel. Sonora has experienced an explosion of violence since the end of December when Macho Prieto of the Sinaloa Cartel was killed in a violent shootout with police in the city of Rocky Point.. Sonora Cartel Your Paredes hroes. This Mexican American family (Paredes Cartel) has controlled drug trafficking in the northwest of the country since the 1990s. A source said they wake up to gunfire around 3 a.m. maya cuadras ,nicole paredes sexy bitches, Most of the comments I read are complete stupidity, or lack of knowledge of the area. Rascon Boy looks too old to be dating, are you sure she was not his nurse or sompim'? In spite of the panic that most residents felt, others approached the scene of the crime and began to PROFILE: El Pepe is originally from Hermosillo, Sonora and he is thought to currently reside in Agua Prieta municipality. According to the indictment, Paredes-Machado led a drug trafficking organization in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, that was responsible for the distribution of 40 tons of marijuana. Knox said he wasaware of the risks and exposure associated with helping migrantsbut said he wasundaunted. Other families recruited include Los Numeros, Los Jabals, and Los Salazares. According to Proceso magazine, this area was once controlled by El Jaguar, but La Linea's El Ochenta took control of the area sometime prior to 2017. Unless I'm wrong, but from what I know no.The story goes "allegedly" Ruben had some nephew's of his wife killed and they both(wife and nephews) belonged to the barrera lopez family and supposedly el seor de tamazula ordered his murder, and he got killed and his son died tryna protect him.Can anyone verify? Upon the cartel's disintegration, its leaders were incorporated into the Tijuana Cartel and Sinaloa Cartel. Before Grupo Beta created a wait list and began to transport migrants directly to the border crossing, volunteers at the shelter would take turns escorting them. There was never any word of chuy. He was a member of Los Salazar and joined Los Paredes at the time of the arrest of Alfredo Salazar Ramrez. "I'm like Lloyd Christmas, "yeaaah". Sounds like he was taking to much, and mayo took him out.? Miguel Caro Quintero ran that state for his brother when he was free and in prison. Los Paredes are recognized for the great ease with which they create companies by extending their money laundering networks both in Mexico and in the United States, in Sonora they own multiple self-service companies, money exchange outlets, cattle farms, ranches, among others businesses. Times Staff Writers. The Sinaloa Cartel is also thought to play a major El Jaguar is believed to have retaken Madera and he had a strong presence in Zaragoza and Buenaventura in 2020. Mexican Border City Cartel Ambushes near Arizona They thought Chihuahua was an easy take. They don't have a lot gente there or en el otro lado. Siqueiros is also accused of drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, money laundering and giving orders to kidnap, make people disappear, and execute people inside and outside the state of Sonora. El fox el delta and some others are minor bosses, who controlled part of the business but they all reported to paredes (and him, to mayo zambada or chapo himself) el fox and some others, attemped a coup de etat, a hostile takeover or whatever you wanna name it: didnt suceed and these are the consequences. Imagine if you guys did a chart like this for the us side lmao- I wonder how much fed/le heat the dude from phoenix sees- im guessing their well Aware of him. Cjng going for agua prieta and all sonora they already took over sinaloa Cjng ass lover, No in sonora there is a big infight as in culiacan and as of right now linea took chihuahua back no need for cjng to get involved right now once cds splits cjng will back one of the sides and later take everything like they did in tj. It considered to be. Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001382095166, thank you! Gabriel Meza, also known as "21", residing in Agua Prieta, he is part of the armed wing named "Delta" and are in charge of the municipalities of Fronteras, Esqueda and Nacozari. Many plaza bosses reportedly reside in Agua Prieta despite the territory they control being elsewhere in Sonora. Fox was becoming to powerful. For now, the numbers here are much smaller than in Nogales and San Luis Rio Colorado, twolarger Mexican cities along the U.S. border with Arizona,with lengthier queues of migrants waiting for weeks or months at at time. With Marco's doing 22 years, these people have had a rough go of it. I used to believe the cds corridos until I educated myself on cartels thanks to Borderland beat and other reliable sources.. corridos are not real kids.lol. Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. La presencia del frente fro 37 provoc intensas nevadas en zonas de Nogales y Agua Prieta por lo que autoridades llamaron a la poblacin a extremar precauciones y la Guardia Nacional y Proteccin Civil Sonora activaron el Plan Puerto San Luis Adems, determinaron el cierre del tramo carretero Agua Prieta y Janos, as como el tramo Despite the arrest, the Paredes family still own the plaza where the son of Marco Antonio, Marco Antonio Jr. Paredes-Ponce "Junior" was the successor of his father, remaining in control of one of the most coveted plazas by drug traffickers. The fighting this week is believed to involve a group that had tried to splinter off from the Sinaloa cartel operating in Agua Prieta. AGUA PRIETA, Mexico Alexander Chasov had barely stepped off the bus that had brought him, along with his wife and 6-year-old son, to this remote community bordering southeastern Arizona. Los Paredes were a part of the original group of families recruited to aid the Sinaloa cartel in 2004-2005. Places where he distributes drugs, charges "pago de piso" to street vendors and even to the Cananea mine, thus maintaining his operations for the protection of the territory. Como que casi todos aqu deberan de trabajar para la DEA Que buena informacin tienen, Interesting / informative article. I don't think I know enough about Mexico City right now to give you any comprehensive answers but I can recommend these overview articles that link to many other sources with further details. Agua Prieta and Drug Trafficking she is a great person and is doing all this work for free. border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. Ive seen it, or is it a coincidence? Share if it you dnt mind. Because the g3 foxes are traicinieros and wanted the whole pie the paredes are here to stay for ever and they been handling there bizz with out la gente de Culiacn, @7:39 hate to burst your bubble pendejo but chihuas has always been un desmadre.. Im from Juarez I know how it was in the 90s and the 80s it was never safe and has always been a violent place .. problem now is that you have more media reporting the bloodshed .. when I was 9 years old in 1990 I recall vividly how soldiers rescued the corpses of 30 men that were executed in Madera and were tossed in a well the recent ambush of gente Nueva that produced 19 dead in Madera .. the majority of the dead were people fromChihuahua .. not Sinaloa or Sonora like everyone claims .. the majority of Gente Nueva are from chihuahua including its founder El Flako Salgueiro .. so please grow up and inform yourself. Jorge LaMadrid pleaded guilty in court to conspiracy to distribute more than 1,000 kilograms of marijuana and he was facing between 7-9 year sentence on these charges. Carrying out direct orders from Tin Tin, he is responsible for distributing drugs, managing cattle theft and murders in the area that he controls. The charges involved indictments filed against several defendants in federal courts in Michigan in 2005 and Washington D.C. in 2012. Quinteros? AZ has un chingo de Chinolas chambeando que se van a entender con sus paisanos y tambin les sueltan la merca, los conocen y si no pagan o se vuelven jotos al ser torcidos pues tarde que temprano la pagan. Ramos gave directions and they took a taxi to the shelter, where Chasov, his wife and son have spentthe past few days. In June, Rascon Ramirez was one of several people killed during a wave of cartel violence along the Arizona Sonora border. This goes to show CDS is only tough in corridos and more so in numbers. Thanks for the reply Hearst. Some experts put the death Feb. 13, 2005 12 AM PT. A bloody gun battle in the border town of Agua Prieta, just across from Douglas, claimed the lives of nearly a dozen people. R5 used ride around naco and AP with no more than 5 trucks. answering a call for accompaniment in Agua Prieta answering a call for accompaniment in Agua Prieta Saludos desde Los Angeles, El Nemesis-https://youtu.be/tE6iCLJxGFs, This article is wrong, Delta is not the head of sicarios anymore,he was replaced a while ago. Gente original de la frontera. He has multiple companies dedicated to money laundering, one of them is AgroLuy Veterinary Supplies located on the Agua Prieta-Janos highway between 6 and 10 avenues. La plaza tiene dueo. Would love to see a post in this series for CDG and Tamaulipas in general as they are very fragmented. From that day on, Marco Antonio Paredes-Machado, one of the brothers would assume command of the Paredes criminal organization. These regions are far less volatile and experience less violence when compared with the municipalities along the Chihuahua border. 7:14 GN being from Chihuahua or not they are financed and trained by CDS. Thank you. Anybody know if he use 2 work in southside tucson & phx area? Ppl were terrified of R5. Sonora Cartel Usually the escortwould bean American citizen because cartel members won't touch them, according to Ramos. said DEA spokesperson Ramona Sanchez.. Bravo again did he get his share of bullets as well ? Than come back and collect, nothing free, Dile compa Junior de tiene gente en Tucson de quiere trabajar, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. -CDS nutthugger, The guy that stole the gun looked like a disguised military if you look at his tactical boots, https://www.google.com/search?q=iris+chavez&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi86L6VneXiAhVEKKwKHWF8DOEQ_AUoAnoECAsQAg&biw=360&bih=518#imgrc=kDTCH56CG6HWCM. Now, he's afraid of what will happen once he's waiting to talk to U.S. immigration officials at the Douglas crossing. Agua Prieta (AP), a Sonora border city bordering Douglas, Arizona which for its geographical area is a huge port for drug trafficking. Then in October 2018, Ralls alleged that his client was tortured within hours of his arrest -including waterboarding, beatings, and threats of violence against his wife- for benefit of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, which funded various Mexican law enforcement operations. I dont see los paredes going anywhere anytime soon. Times Staff Writers. EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) The brother and a nephew of a Sinaloa cartel leader are among the victims of a shooting that left 19 people dead last week in a town near the Chihuahua-Sonora border, Mexican authorities confirmed. Just wonderful. They had paid a huge price. Buenaventura, Zaragoza and part of Madera are Lnea plazas. He was the brother of El Jaguar and helped him lead Los Jaguars. answering a call for accompaniment in Agua Prieta If officers didn'ttake the families inby the evening, a volunteer wouldescort themback to the shelter, totry again the next day. Maybe a bloodshed but in the end itll be Northern Region OGs in charge of it all. Families are required to pay anywhere between $400-$500 as a "fee" before they're even allowed to leave the bus station, according to migrant advocates and reports from several families. Najera's encounter with the cartels has left him shaken. However there is also Fuerza Anti-Unin, or "Forces Anti Unin Tepito", one of their main rivals. Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence Only verifiable photo of Tin Tin cuts off awkwardly below the mouth. My understanding is that Mexico City has many cartels operating within it currently. He was arrested in February 2020 but then summarily released. Sonora: The Border CIty of Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence. A source said they wake up to gunfire around 3 a.m. i tell you, a few. Juarez is a cluster also because of your Paredes. Cjng already announced its presence in sonora and you should know what happens when they go in another plaza, shit gets real. The attacks between rival cartels occurred in Agua Prieta and Naco, opposite Douglas and Naco, Arizona. Mexican Border City Cartel Ambushes near Arizona It is responsible for the trafficking of hundreds of kilos of cocaine and marijuana to the United States through Arizona. Many were not willing to share their stories out of fear ofretribution. WebThe Sonora Cartel, also known as Caro Quintero Organization, was a Mexico based criminal cartel.