327 0 obj <>stream It will take 8-10 weeks to get your title. Affidavit of Personal Representative (With Will) Affidavit of Personal Representative (Without Will) Case Cover Sheet - King County. wisconsin affidavit of service Now Californians can avoid probate if the decedent's total estate does not exceed the new limit of $166,250 How Do You Determine If The Estate Qualifies As a Small Estate Under California Law? Submit a completed Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest form and a completed Vehicle Title Application (English, Espaol, , and more) to a vehicle licensing office. For full functionality of our online services (like tab renewal, address change, renew your professional license, etc. 10 Things You Need To Know About Probate in Washington State Trust or other alternatives to hold title with your B.C. Find out how much it will cost by contacting a vehicle licensing office. Washington: $100,000: 40 days: Notary Public . Plan before and consider a B.C. We appreciate the resource for a process that was at first daunting. Thank you so very much for taking the time and effort to put the site together; it is a fabulous resource for those of us who are self-helpers. Yakima County, Thank you for saving me an enormous amount of aggravation and hassle. While the documents needed does vary slightly from one state to the next, you need to have all of the following in order to transfer the title in most states: Order from Probate Court to transfer the vehicle. Therefore, if you are dealing with multiple assets, then, depending . Before using a small estate affidavit, you should first ask whether the deceased person had less than $100,000 in probate assets. Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts. It is commonly used to establish ownership of personal and real property. The Small Estate Affidavit Washington law permits the use of a small estate affidavit in certain circumstances. Once the ownership has been transferred into your name you can add it to your License eXpress account. Free New York Small Estate Affidavit | Affidavit Of Heirship Form | PDF _W0>gxv 1. If the decedent was a Canadian resident but not a U.S. citizen at the time of death, the estate can take a pro rata unified credit to compute U.S. estate tax. 418 0 obj <> endobj Library File Link: 32-6901. Instructions - Starting a Case: Informal Probate with a Will. If you find these statutes difficult to understand, you may want to view the . You and others may hold assets as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. This "small estate affidavit" is an alternative to using a court process for smaller estates and allows an entitled person to collect, receive, and have the decedent's interest in property transferred from the person . Acceptable documents are only: a Community Property Agreement, a Trust Agreement, a termination of joint tenancy, Letters Testamentary or of Administration, or a Court Order. Ohio Transfer on Death Designation Affidavit - Deeds Enjoys Family, Hockey, Baseball, Mountain Biking, Hiking, and Travel. US District Court, Western District of Washington, Seattle, WA. 481 0 obj <>stream Texas Laws. Enter the Lack of Probate Affidavit. A title insurance company may be willing to issue (now or later) a title insurance policy on real property held in a Decedents name without a probate upon its receipt of what title insurance companies call a Lack of Probate Affidavit, a practical, business (as opposed to a legal) solution to passing real property at death outside of probate. [Not a legal solution in the sense that there is no Washington law that expressly authorizes it, not that it is illegal.]. The washington requirements are not without a contractual obligation to minors act without transfer probate affidavit for washington state of! Washington State has innovative non-probate alternatives to transfer real estate upon death in comparison to B.C. Gather the Required Documents to Transfer the Car Title of a Deceased Person. Washington Probate Avoidance - Joint Tenancies with Right of Survivorship Instead, you fill out an affidavit (a form you sign under penalty of perjury) and deliver it to the person or organization that has the property. A sale of property may trigger U.S. tax liability but the tax rate may be reduced by capital gains treatment. Transferee address. Change of Ownership: How to Transfer a Vehicle Without Probate Historically, title companies have taken the position that title vests automatically in the heirs except as may be provided by Decedents Will. List of Blank Forms: Alphabetized. Canadian Non-Residents with US based assets are exempt from US estate tax if the value of the assets is $60,000 USD or less. Nonprobate assets on dissolution or invalidation of marriage. After you buy or get a vehicle as a gift, you have. The problem is that WAC 458-61A-202(7), effective December 17, 2005, does not provide for a Lack of Probate Affidavit to be one of the accepted documents for claiming an exemption from excise tax based on inheritance. endstream endobj 419 0 obj <. Transferring Property Outside Probate | Justia In 2017, it is about $5.4 Million USD. %%EOF 175 0 obj <>stream Sign up or update email renewal notices and more. Another popular circumstance is upon the death of the first to die of a married couple owning a home and relatively little else, and the surviving spouse wants to: What to do? State law permits banks to establish accounts as joint with right of survivorship and joint without right of survivorship.RCW 30A.22.050(2)-(3).While the joint account holders are alive, they own a share of the account "in proportion to the net funds owned by each depositor on . Uncontested estate: All possible heirs agree to intestate succession, and the probate court proceeds as per the law. Timing: After 40 days following Decedent's death, and if there are any other Successors, after 10 days following notice to them of your claim. PDF REG 5 Affidavit for transfer without probate california titled vehicle 126 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2DE69D8B2EF12C49B9004A79C24E6126>]/Index[89 87]/Info 88 0 R/Length 120/Prev 74671/Root 90 0 R/Size 176/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Know when you need to transfer ownership. If you own property as "tenants in common", your share of the property would not automatically transfer to the other "tenant". hb```lG@(! DV0dm. PDF AFFIDAVIT FOR TRANSFER OF ASSETS WITHOUT ADMINISTRATION The person with 0 I certify that in the superior court of the state of Washington for the County of. Wages payment on death of employee: RCW 49.48.120. preference on death of employer: RCW 49.56.020. They are not legal advice for a reader in any particular legal situation. Community Property Agreement Avoids Probate Between Spouses If the vehicle is model year is 2011 or newer, fill out the Odometer Disclosure section on the Title. If the Canadian Non-Resident owned U.S. Real Estate it is recommended a Transfer Certificate be obtained from the IRS before any transfer from the decedents estate/ Above $60,000 USD a US estate tax return 706-NA is required to be filed within nine (9) months after the date of death. and Canadian Culture. Statement of Facts. But if your worldwide assets exceed the formula or the $5.4 Million USD (as adjusted annually) there may be US Estate Tax due (which can be around 40%). Box 7814, Olympia, WA 98504-7814. endstream endobj startxref Certifications are $5.00. Sales, exchanges, leases, mortgages, and borrowing. This is optional and intended to provide address privacy in case of theft. and the buyer, if he/she remains willing to buy the property at all, In New York state, a surviving spouse may file an affidavit of heirship to collect up to $50,000 of the loved one's estate. The vehicle may then be titled and licensed in the name of the estate of the deceased pending final settlement of the estate. I completed the forms on a Thursday night and went down to the King County Superior Court on a Friday morning and by lunchtime I had successfully completed the process. King County, My Dad died last month, and your site has provided me with a wealth of information. ), site search, and Google Translate it's necessary to enable JavaScript. Most titles have an Odometer Disclosure section. junio 29, 2022 junio 29, 2022 emily nelson treehouse masters age on affidavit for.. Affidavit of Service Page 2 of 2 Case No. Family support and postdeath creditor's claim exemptions. Marks daughter, born in B.C., plays sports in B.C. Homestead property also may be protected from creditors. This process is by an "affidavit of claiming successor" or "small estate affidavit". Contested estate: A party can contest the probate will, and a judge will listen to both sides before making a decision. Step 3 - Prepare Affidavit Download and fill out the State of Washington Affidavit of Successor. Washington law provides an incomplete solution to the problem of transferring title to real property at death outside of probate. This is the small estate affidavit process. L State v. Mora, cited above [Signatory convicted of theft of joint tenancy account funds]. Washington Probate - Probate Forms - Alphabetized If you buy from an out-of-state dealer, you may need to take care of the transfer. Affidavit in Lieu of Probate | Sapling Only vehicles of model year 2011 and newer are subject to the Odometer Disclosure period of 20 years. See the Small Estate handout. Normally, there is no US estate tax if the value of your worldwide assets does not exceed the maximum amount, which is adjusted annually. While there is a court filing fee in Washington, there are no probate fees as in B.C. Lack of Probate Affidavit and death certificate revealing conflicting . PDF Transfer by Affidavit Form Mark enjoys walking the family dog, Enzo, in the woods at Point Roberts. Example of use: Person A dies without a will, leaves a son and no estate is opened. Even though I hired a Paralegal with a rusty background, your site has guided both of us through this uncertain territory and everything is going very well. Title to the property is uninsurable, Non-U.S. residents are generally limited to gifting $15,000 USD per year of U.S. based assets tax free. Payable-on-Death Designations for Bank Accounts In Washington, you can add a "payable-on-death" (POD) designation to bank accounts such as savings accounts or certificates of deposit. $2 per day after the 16th day, up to $125. The heir now legally owns and can sell the property. Avoiding Probate in Washington | Nolo You can visit or mail your forms and fees to a. How to fill out the Lack probate state form on the web: To begin the blank, utilize the Fill camp; Sign Online button or tick the preview image of the form. Process is fairly straight forward. Note: There is no requirement limiting the use of the Small Estate Affidavit procedure to a single document. 89 0 obj <> endobj File the Will Washington state law does require a resident's valid will to be filed promptly following death. Consequently, a probate proceeding is often required to transfer title to a large portion of real property held at death, namely: A probate proceeding may be necessary for other reasons besides transferring title to real property, for example, the estate consists of more than $60,000 of personal property. A sale of U.S. real estate requires the buyer to withhold 15% of the amount realized by the foreign seller on most transactions unless exempted. When, in fact, the Decedent's estate may have already been probated in another jurisdiction where he or she was a resident. Buying Real Estate in Washington is different from B.C. glenturret 18 year . You have made a world of difference for us. The real lesson Ive learned from wa-probate.com is that I can learn the basics, and even the intermediate to advanced steps, by simply following the planned stages of completion. King County (Kirkland), 2021 - A Washington Non-Profit Corporation for Public Legal Education | Offering Nothing for Sale | Not affiliated with Everett Holumn, WSBA 700, or Washington Probate Services, Inc., of Tacoma, WA | Site Agreement | Forms | Site Map, you might consider seeing if you can find a title insurance company willing to issue (now or later) a policy on the property upon your delivery of a, Affidavit Community Property, for Title Insurance Company, Affidavit Separate Property, for Title Insurance Company, Attorney Website Design Services by Gladiator Marketing, Held in community property form so long as it was subject to a Community Property Agreement, or. Mark is still trying to successfully ride his mountain bike down Galbraith Mountain. All rights reserved. It is best to use the state-specific version as this will give the petitioner the best chance of it being accepted by the probate court clerk's office. Watch the Expatriation Tax if you abandon your Green Card after satisfying the 8 of 15 year test. Closing or completion documents are usually prepared by an escrow agent (usually affiliated with a Title Insurance Company), and not by an attorney as in B.C. Washington State Small Estate Affidavit Procedure 273 0 obj <> endobj probate estate of the Decedent, wherever located (less liens, encumbrances and reasonable funeral expenses) does not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Name of administrator (if in probate)Docket number of . The advanced tools of the editor will direct you through the editable PDF template. PRO802. Article XXIX B (Taxes Imposed by Reason of Death) of the U.S.-Canada Income Tax Treaty (Treaty ) provides special rules that may reduce taxes for U.S. citizen or resident decedents with Canadian property and Canadian residents with U.S. property. County office where should you split a title by the state affidavit for transfer probate washington. Washington State Bar Association, Member. The information contained in this website, its design, and its functionality are all subject to copyright by Stowe Law PLLC to the extent allowed by United States law. Lawyer, as well as other alternatives in Washington. Under state law, a decedent's primary residence may be classified as their "homestead.". probate affidavit for without transfer the form? Separate real property (whether by an unmarried or married Decedent), or. Options include Community Property Agreements between spouses, and Transfer on Death Deeds (TODD), which can be used between spouses, children, relatives, or other beneficiaries. All legal and registered owners shown on the title must sign the Release of Interest to transfer the title to the new owner. Washington Probate - Nonprobate Forms at . There is often a withholding on most transactions. Washington Probate Laws - FindLaw Minnesota Judicial Branch - GetForms North Carolina Affidavit of Heirship All persons entitled to receive assets must have their signatures notarized on the form. When completing, be sure to include an itemized list of all the assets and property of the decedent that . Case Cover Sheet - Snohomish County. WAC 308-56A-335: - Washington But in many cases: The only reason necessitating a probate is to clear title to this errant real property. The Affidavit procedure will allow you to avoid a probate proceeding. While looking for another lawyer, I began researching what it entailed to probate a will and found your amazing site. How To Transfer Ownership Of A Car Without A Title. Transfers of real property by gift or inheritance are exempt from the real property excise tax, and the exemption is provided on the Excise Tax Affidavit. endstream endobj 274 0 obj <>/Metadata 37 0 R/OpenAction 275 0 R/Outlines 44 0 R/Pages 271 0 R/StructTreeRoot 51 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 275 0 obj <> endobj 276 0 obj <. ResidentsBuying Real Estate in Washington State, Canadian Non-U.S. The filing fee for a Small Estate is $124.00. If you sold, gifted, or donated your vehicle to someone else, you'll need to file a report of sale. These rules were first incorporated into the Treaty under the 1995 Protocol to the Treaty. I have so far concluded the initial motion hearing and a second hearing to admit the Will to probate. They are a general statement of the law of the State of Washington. The North Carolina Affidavit of Heirship must then be signed by a notary public. Addresses for Service Estate Administration Unit Department of Human Services And the decedents estate should request a transfer certificate from the IRS before the estate transfers any property. Bachelor of Arts in PhilosophyCum Laude, Honorary Distinction, Phi Beta Kappa. Example: Nola died at age 103 without a will. About half of the states permit a property owner to . ), Exemption Claim (Writ to garnish funds or property held by a financial institution), Exemption Claim (Writ directed to employer to garnish earnings), Notice to Defendant of Non-Responsive Exemption Claim, Note on Usage: Notice to Defendant of Non-Responsive Exemption Claim, Motion and Certification for Default Against Garnishee, Default Order and Judgment Against Garnishee, Answer to Writ of Garnishment (Debts Other than Earnings), First Answer to Writ of Garnishment for Continuing Lien on Earnings, Second Answer to Writ of Garnishment for Continuing Lien on Earnings, Application for Judgment on Answer and Order to Pay, Satisfaction of Judgment Against Garnishee, Satisfaction of Judgment Against Defendant(s), Partial Satisfaction of Judgment Against Defendant(s), Revocation of Voluntary Waiver of Firearm Rights, Motion and Declaration for Waiver of Civil Fees and Surcharges, Motion and Declaration for Waiver of Civil Fees and Surcharges (QLSP Filing), Order Re Waiver of Civil Fees and Surcharges, Sealed Cover Sheet Guardianship / Conservatorship Document, Receipt of Funds into Blocked Financial Account (RCP), Proof of Service (Other than Personal Service), Designation of and Consent by In State Resident Agent, Guardian/Conservatorship Complaint Cover Sheet, Order to Show Cause on a Guardianship Complaint or Motion, Motion for a Temporary Substitute Guardian and/or Conservator, Order re: Temporary Substitute Guardian/Conservator, Motion to Appoint a Successor or Co Guardian/Conservator, Order Appointing a Successor Guardian or Co Guardian/Conservator, Notice of Petition for Guardianship, Conservatorship, or Other Protective Arrangement, Petition for Guardianship, Conservatorship, and/or a Protective Arrangement, Order Appointing Full or Limited Guardian/Conservator, Motion for Order Closing Guardianship and/or Conservatorship and Discharging Guardian and/or Conservator(PTORCG), Order Closing Guardianship and/or Conservatorship and Discharging Guardian and/or Conservator/Death of Individual / Capacity Returned, Emergency Guardianship/Conservatorship Petition, Order Appointing Immediate Emergency Guardian, Order Appointing Emergency Full or Limited Guardian/Conservator, Emergency Guardian/Conservator's Report and Motion to Close or Extend, Order re: Emergency Guardianship or Conservatorship (Close or Extend), Guardian/Conservator's Plan and Motion to Approve, Order Approving Guardian/Conservator's Plan, Motion for Approval of Guardian's/Conservator's report, Order Approving Guardian/Conservator's Report, Notice of Substantial Change in Circumstances, Petition to Transfer Guardianship from Washington State to the Receiving State (PT), Provisional Order Granting/Denying Petition to Transfer Guardianship to the Receiving State (ORGMT, ORDYMT), Motion for Final Order Confirming Transfer and Terminating the Washington Guardianship, Final Order Confirming Transfer and Terminating Washington Guardianship (ORGDNOW), Petition for Washington to Accept a Guardianship or Conservatorship from a Transferring State (PT), Provisional Order Granting/Denying Transfer of Guardianship or Conservatorship to Washington (ORGMT, ORDYMT), Motion for Final Order Accepting Transfer to Washington, Final Order Accepting Transfer to Washington (ORGDNOW), Motion and Order re: Supported Decision Making, Statement of Defendant on Plea of Guilty to Non-Sex Offense, Statement of Defendant on Plea of Guilty to Sex Offense, Statement of Defendant on Plea of Guilty (STTDFG) (for crimes on or after 6/9/2022), Court DUI Sentencing Grid (for crimes on or after 1/1/2022), Child in Need of Services (CHINS) Petition (PTCIN), Notice of Hearing on Child in Need of Services (CHINS) Petition (NTHG), Indian Child Welfare Act Notice 25 U.S.C 1912 (a) (BIAN), Order on Child in Need of Services (CHINS) Petition (ORCIN), Notice of Hearing on At-Risk-Youth Petition (NTHG), Order of Disposition (At-Risk-Youth) (ORD), Order on Review Hearing (At-Risk-Youth) (ORRVH), Motion to Set Show Cause Hearing - Contempt (CHINS/At-Risk-Youth) (MT), Order to Set Show Cause Hearing Contempt (CHINS/At-Risk-Youth) (NTHG), Order on Hearing re Contempt [] Review Hearing (CHINS/At-Risk-Youth) (ORCN), Motion for Contempt re Violation of Placement Order (CHINS/AT-RISK-YOUTH) (MTAF), Order Setting Contempt Hearing Placement (ORSCHSP) (WORW), Summons for Contempt Hearing re Violation of Placement Order (CHINS/ARY) (SM), Order on Contempt Hearing re Violation of Placement Order [ ] Review Hearing (ORCN) (ORRVH), Motion and Declaration for Declination Hearing (MTAF), Hearing, Findings and Conclusions on Declination Hearing (FNFCL), Order on Declination Hearing (ORDJR, ORDJ), Notice and Summons/Order (Dependency/Termination of Parent-Child Relationship) (NTSM), Motion and Declaration to Publish Notice and Summons (MTPUB), Order to Publish Notice and Summons (ORPUB), Notice and Summons by Publication (Dependency) (SMPB), Notice and Summons by Publication (Termination) (SMPB), Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem (ORAPGL), Order of Dependency (ORODM) (ORODF) (OROD) (ORDNE) (ORDD), Order of Disposition on Dependency (ORDD), Motion for Court Approval of Placement in a Qualified Residential Treatment Program (MTAF), Order on Motion for Court Approval of Placement in Qualified Residential Treatment Program (OAPQRT) (ORDQRT), Order After Hearing: First Dependency Review /Dependency Review/Permanency Planning (FDPRHO) (DPRHO) (ORPP), Extended Foster Care/Dependency Review Hearing Order (DPRHO)/Permanency Planning Hearing Order (ORPP), Findings and Order on Post-18 Extended Foster Care (Extending Dependency) (OR18FC), Legally Free Order After Hearing Dependency Review / Permanency Planning (DPRHO) (ORPP), Motion and Declaration for Order Dismissing Dependency (MTAF), Motion to Set Show Cause Hearing Contempt (MTSC), Order to Set Show Cause Hearing Contempt (ORTSC), Order Directing Law Enforcement to Pick Up Child (ORAPP), [ ] Order on Hearing re Contempt [ ] Review Hearing (ORCN) (ORRVH), Declaration of Petitioner for Minor Guardianship (DCLR), Consent to Foster Care Placement by Indian Child's Parent or Indian Custodian (CON), Consent by Indian Child's Parent for Termination of Parental Rights and for Adoption (CON), Notice of Intent to File Dependency Petition - Extended Foster Care (NTIEFC), Motion for an Order Appointing Attorney (MT), Joinder and Request for Appointment of Counsel (JN, RQ), Dependency Petition - Extended Foster Care (DPP), Order of Dependency - Extended Foster Care (ORODFC), Order Denying Petition for Emancipation (ORDYMT), Motion and Declaration for Order Authorizing Inspection of Records(MTAF), Order Regarding Inspection of Records (ORAR), Motion and Declaration for Order to Correct or Destroy Improperly Retained Records (MTAF), Order regarding Correction or Destruction of Improperly Retained Records(ORIRR), Notice Of Respondent's Motion for Order to Correct or Destroy Improperly Retained Records (NT), Motion and Declaration to Seal Records of Juvenile Offender (MTAF), Notice of Respondent's Motion to Seal Records of Juvenile Offender (NT), Order Re: Sealing Records of Juvenile Offender (ORSF) (ORSFD), Diversion Agreement Sexual Exploitation (DASSX), Advice About Diversion (When Confinement is not Possible), Modification of Diversion Agreement Re: Additional Time or Restitution (MDAR), Waiver of Right to Lawyer (Diversion (WVC), Motion and Declaration for Order for Warrant of Arrest (MTADPC), Order for Issuance of Warrant of Arrest (ORW), Motion and Declaration for Order to Detain Material Witness (MTAF), Acknowledgment of Advice of Rights (AKAR), Judgment and Order on Information (HFDIJ), Order on Adjudication and Disposition (ORD), Advice of Rights Regarding Juvenile Records (ADR), Record of Advice of Right to Appeal (ADR), Motion and Declaration for Hearing on Modification of Court Order (MTAF), Notice of Hearing on Modification of Court Order (NTHG), Motion for Modification Order Requiring Residential Treatment as Community Supervision (MT), Declaration of Supervising Probation Officer (DCLR), Findings and Order re: Juvenile Residential Treatment as Community Supervision (OR), Motion and Declaration for Order Transferring Case (MTAF), Statement of Juvenile for Deferred Disposition (STJDD), Order Dismissing Deferred Disposition (ORDSDD), Order on Unpaid Restitution Re: Dismissed Deferred Disposition (ORRST), Motion and Declaration for Change of Judge (MTAF), Order for Change of Judge [] Granting Motion, Findings and Order Regarding Eligibility for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (FOSIJS), Declaration re: Service Members Civil Relief Act (AFSCR), Findings/Order re Service Members Civil Relief Act (ORSMCRA), Motion for Order Transferring Jurisdiction to Tribal Court (MTAFTC), Order re Transferring Jurisdiction to Tribal Court (ORGTC, ORDYMT), Cover Sheet for Order Transferring Jurisdiction to Tribal Court (TSCCYO), Tribal Courts Order Accepting/Declining Jurisdiction (RSPT), Motion for Order to Take Child into Custody (MT), Order to Take Child into Custody and Place in Shelter Care (ORTCC), Declaration of Shelter Care Placement Notification (DCLR), Order Authorizing Continued Shelter Care (OACSC), Order and Authorization re Health Care and Education (ORHCE), Petition for Termination of Parent-Child Relationship (PTPCR), Hearing, Findings, and Order Regarding Termination of Parent-Child Relationship (ORTPCR, ORDSM), Petition for Reinstatement of Terminated Parental Rights (PTRTPR), Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem (ORAPGL), Order re Notice of Hearing on Petition for Reinstatement of Terminated Parental Rights (OR), Order on Threshold Hearing (Petition for Reinstatement of Terminated Parental Rights) (ORDSM) (ORH), Order on Hearing re Petition for Reinstatement of Terminated Parental Rights (ORDSM) (ORCG) (ORSRH), Order on Review Hearing re Petition for Reinstatement of Terminated Parental Rights (ORRVH) (ORDSM), Order Reinstating Parental Rights (ORRPR), Petition for Order Appointing Title 13 RCW Guardian (PT), Declaration of the Proposed Guardian (DCLR), Statement of Parent's Agreement and Waiver of Presentation of Order Appointing Title 13 RCW Guardian (WV), Findings and Conclusions re Petition for Order Appointing Title 13 RCW Guardian (FNFCL), Order on Petition for Order Appointing Title 13 RCW Guardian (ORAPGD, ORDYMT), Motion and Declaration for Order Modifying Visitation (MTAF), Notice of Hearing for Adequate Cause Determination (NTHG), Order re Adequate Cause (ORRACD, ORRACG, ORH), Order re Motion for Order Modifying Visitation (ORDYMT, ORVS), Petition for Termination of Title 13 RCW Guardianship (PT), Findings and Conclusions re Petition for Termination of Title 13 RCW Guardianship (FNFCL), Order on Petition for Termination of Title 13 RCW Guardianship (ORTG, ORDYMT), Title 13 RCW Guardianship Annual Accounting (ANR12), Order on Hearing re Title 13 RCW Guardianship Annual Accounting (ORAPRT), Order to Stay Truancy Proceedings and Referral (ORSP), Community Engagement Board Agreement and Document Cover Sheet, Community Engagement Board Return of Case, Order Lifting Stay and Scheduling Hearing (ORRS, ORH), Findings and Order on Truancy Petition [] Findings of Truancy [] Dismissal of Petition (ORFCT)(ORDSM), Motion to Set Show Cause Hearing - Contempt (MTSC), Order to Set Show Cause Hearing - Contempt (ORTSC), Order on Hearing Re Contempt [] Review Hearing (ORRVH), Motion to Assume Jurisdiction and Order Assuming Jurisdiction (MT and ORAJ), Petition to Appoint Vulnerable Youth Guardian (PT), Declaration of the Proposed Vulnerable Youth Guardian (DCLR), Criminal History Record (Cover Sheet) (XCRIM), Findings and Conclusions re: Petition to Appoint Vulnerable Youth Guardian (FNFCL), Order on Petition to Appoint Vulnerable Youth Guardian (ORAPVYG) (ORDYMT), Order on Review Hearing for Vulnerable Youth Guardianship (ORRVH), Motion to Terminate / Modify Vulnerable Youth Guardianship (MT), Findings and Conclusions re Motion to Terminate / Modify the Vulnerable Youth Guardianship (FNFCL), Order on Motion to Terminate / Modify the Vulnerable Youth Guardianship (ORGMT) (ORDYMT), Notice of Hearing about a Minor Guardianship Petition, Declaration Explaining Reasons for Minor Guardianship, Motion to Withhold Certain Documents from the Minor, Notice of Hearing about an Emergency Minor Guardianship Petition, Motion for Immediate Order - Emergency Guardianship and Restraining order(Ex Parte), Immediate Minor Guardianship Order (Ex Parte) and Hearing Notice - Emergency Minor, Motion for Emergency Minor Guardianship Order, Indian Child Welfare Act Notice - Attachment, Proof of Mailing (Indian Child Welfare Act), Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem or a Court Visitor for a Child, Notice of Hearing about Terminating or Changing a Minor Guardianship, Petition to Terminate or Change Minor Guardianship or Non-Parent Custody Order, Order on Petition to Terminate or Change Minor Guardianship or Non-Parent Custody Order, Proof of Service of Order about Transfer to Tribal Court, Order on Review of Transfer to Tribal Court, Rights, Conditions and Warnings (DUI/PHYSICAL CONTROL) (for use with form CrRLJ 07.0100), Rights, Conditions and Warnings (for use with form CrRLJ 07.0110), Order for Electronic Home Monitoring (EHMO), Petition for Deferred Prosecution - Failure to Register a Vehicle, Aircraft, or Vessel, Judgment and Sentence Form DUI Physical Control Reckless or Negligent Driving (DUIJS), Supplemental Record of Sentencing Proceedings (SRSP), Certificate of Defendant's Criminal History (CERTDCH), Order Allowing Community Service Work in Lieu of Payment, Incarceration, Criminal, Infraction (ORACS), Notice of Department of Licensing Regarding Conviction Resulting in Revocation of Defendant's Concealed Pistol License (NTDOL), Petition and Declaration for Order Vacating Conviction (PT), Order on Petition Re: Vacating Conviction (ORVCJG, ORVCJD), Instructions for Vacating Misdemeanor and Gross Misdemeanor Convictions, Petition and Declaration for Order to Vacate Cannabis Conviction (PT), Order on Petition to Vacate Cannabis Conviction (ORVCJG)/(ORVCJD), Protected Person's Motion to Modify/Rescind Domestic Violence No-Contact Order, Notice of Hearing (for Protected Person's Motion to Modify/Rescind Domestic Violence No-Contact Order), Order re Motion to Modify/ Rescind Domestic Violence No-Contact Order, Understanding Washington State Protection Orders, Instructions for Petition for Protection Order, Law Enforcement and Confidential Information (LECIF), Law Enforcement and Confidential Information Restrained Person (LECIFR), Motion and Declaration for Waiver of Filing Fees and Surcharges Harassment, Order re Waiver of Filing Fees and Surcharges Harassment, Temporary Protection Order and Hearing Notice, Instructions for Temporary Protection Order and Hearing Notice, Instructions for Notice to Vulnerable Adult, Instructions for Process Server (Vulnerable Adult), Reissuance of Temporary Protection Order and Notice of Hearing, Motion to Transfer Case to Superior Court, Order Transferring Case and Setting Hearing, Declaration of Protected Person about Weapons Surrender, Motion for Surrender and Prohibition of Weapons, Order Re Motion for Surrender and Prohibition of Weapons, Motion and Declaration for Order to Release Weapons, Order Setting Hearing on Renewal and Extending Order until Hearing, Motion to Modify or Terminate Protection Order, Finding of Adequate Cause & Order for Hearing, Order Modifying or Terminating Protection Order, Notification to Court of Respondent's New School, Order for Service of Summons by Publication, Petition for [ ] Relief from the Duty to Register [ ] Exemption from Community Notification (PT), Order Granting Relief from Duty to Register_Exemption from Community Notification_Denying Petition (ORGRDR, ORGECN, ORDRDR), Order on Relief from Duty to Register Post-SSODA (ORGRDR, ORDRDR), Small Claims/Order of Dismissal/Continuance, Motion and Declaration for an Order Vacating Conviction Treaty Indian Fishing Rights, Order on Motion Re: Vacating Conviction Treaty Indian Fishing Rights, Motion and Declaration for Order Vacating Record of Felony Conviction (MTAF), Order on Motion Re: Vacating Record of Felony Conviction, Vacation of Record of Felony Conviction - Information, Petition re: Legal Financial Obligations (MTAF).