Ensure that you're landing as many critical hits as possible with the right runes slotted into your weapons, and this is a very effective set. North Old Gravesham Bridge. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. You should find a breakable wooden floor in the centre of the graveyard. Head to the southeast of Crawleah and you will reach this statue. Location: A reward for reaching Dublin Reputation Rank 4. Location: Anderitum Hideout Head on over to the Anderitum Hideout and you'll find some ruins. Usefulness: It looks super cool, but Thor's Armor set isn't all that impressive in actual combat. Find the staircase icon near the edge of the fortress and head down into the dock area. Lugh's Armor set empowers Eivor when fighting against groups of enemies. Clearing all enemy camps in Vinland and opening every camp chest should give you enough resources for all of the armor pieces. The chest is heavily guarded and requires a nearby key to access. This explosion deals huge damage; it can kill lesser foes outright, and deal big damage to bosses or elite enemies. This will give them access to Uriconium Ruins and place them directly against the Beast of the Hills. Once you reach the location, look for a square hole in the ground and make your way to the bottom. Instead, you'll have to trade iron ore, leather, and ingots. Open the door and turn to the right where the chest with the Mentor's robes is waiting. Usefulness: The Vinland Armor set has two pretty good perks the health regeneration is unique but its usefulness is limited since you can't take it with you back to England (more information on that below). Getting a score of over 1000 points nets you 30 Yule Tokens. Check out the full individual stats for each armor piece below, along with the set bonuses that you will receive for wearing either two or five pieces of the armor set. The same frustrating drawbacks as Thor's armor set, but at least the bonuses here are better. There will be a guard who you will have to assassinate, then grab an exploding red pot off the ground. Also given Sisterhood Scheme (Back) in chest. Suthsexe Wealth - Assassin's Creed Valhalla Wiki Guide - IGN And yeah, weight generally doesn't make a huge difference to stamina consumption, but it can be quite noticeable if you go from a heavier set to a light one. Against groups of foes, each kill grants you a noticeable stun and speed boost, which isn't bad. You will find the chest in the Anderitum hideout. It's unlocked automatically upon finishing the game's final main story quests, which were added via the aforementioned update. Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Anderitum Hideout (Wealth Locations, Suthsexe) InFlame 15.2K subscribers Subscribe 357 45K views 2 years ago A video guide showing how to complete the side wealth. The chest is under the town's longhouse. The Hidden Ones armor set is designed to enhance a stealthy style of play. The Fallen Hero Armor set was added to Assassin's Creed Valhalla via update 1.4.0. Learn more about AC Valhalla Anderitum Hideout here. Situational at best. Inside the house to the South is Oil Jars. Destroy the boxes so you can pull the movable object out of the way. Destroy wooden floor, jump down. Rats are also an issue in the dungeon. Next, break open the door and fight the Sleekit. Turn left down this hallway and on the right, there is a breakable rock wall. Once you're up there, find the breakable wooden wall and smash through. For the latter, shoot the rubble down and descend through the hole into the Bureau. RELATED: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Where To Find All Of The Codex Pages. Location: The Old Minster in Wincestre (Suggested Power 250). The Crawleah Chest Key is on the person hanging from the tree in front of the building. Many players want to learn more about AC Valhalla Anderitum Hideout. Break the wall barrier for a shortcut out. This chest is at the centre of the ruins, behind a large boulder that you'll have to move. Blow the rubble apart and just head down the tunnel until you find the chest. Usefulness: The Egyptian Armor set is essentially an inverted version of the Magister's Armor set but its attack boost is bigger. Nickel. Leave the room and climb back up to the platform that overlooks the flooded corridor. By the Secret Entrance is a boat with an oil jar, shoot it to open the way. First, you'll need the key to the underground tunnels from a nearby elite enemy. Combining the right armor with the right skills and abilities can make you a Viking warrior to be feared. You can only enter the warehouse through the front door. There are 19 fish locations in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Head to that same door, open it, and you'll find the chest. Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Where To Find All Of The Pieces Of The @Max2574 To be fair, you can upgrade the appearance of these armour sets and they tend to look much better. Otta, Son of Slugga Quest . From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. The chest is in the right-hand-side corner of the room. Landing just three hits on one enemy is easy (especially with a fast weapon, like daggers, bearded axes, or one handed swords), and the health regeneration is quite generous. AC Valhalla has many legendary beasts that players can hunt to collect special bonuses. Its pieces can be purchased using a currency called 'Dreams', which can only be found by playing through The Forgotten Saga a rogue-lite-inspired adventure in which Odin must fight his way through the reams of the Norse dead. When he's not practising combos, he's usually getting lost in the latest 100-hour RPG, or, y'know, replaying The Witcher 3. Tombs of the Fallen are not shown on the map, so if you're having trouble finding them, be sure to check out the following guide: The Fallen Hero Armor boosts Eivor's combat skills, and grants a powerful ability. Pieces of the set are scattered all across Ireland, and require you to complete certain tasks in order to collect them. AC Valhalla Anderitum Hideout: Here's where to find the Mentor's Location: You can buy this armor piece from Vagn (the River Raid chief in your settlement) for 450 foreign supplies. You'll be able to shoot the lock through the metal grating on the ground. Note: The Vinland Armor set is removed from your inventory when you leave Vinland. Anderitum Hideout Ingot Location | Assassin's Creed Valhalla Go SW and shoot the wooden floor. I just wanna have fun or be challenged not going on and one just for the sake of it. Go inside and grab the key. The cloak is in the Loch Clunbre Hideout, located on the banks of the Maun River in Snotinghamscire. My female Eivor runs around practically naked because I despise the armor system, weapons, and not to mention skill trees in this game. There's a rubble wall, with some oil jars in the room before. Stand back and throw a torch into the gas to ignite it, allowing for safe passage. AC Valhalla Mentor's Armor Set Locations Guide - VULKK.com Obviously this won't mean much to offensively-minded players and offence is sometimes the best defence in Valhalla but it certainly shouldn't be overlooked if you want to add more survivability to your build. To find the entrance to this bureau, look for a graveyard in Jorvik's South-East corner. With every critical hit, you'll get a boost to both attack and defence and with a fast weapon, you can keep those critical hits coming. Loch Clunbre Hideout: Mentor's Cloak: Defeat enemy with key, unlock chest. Shoot wooden wall. You need 15 Clothing, 15 Texts, and 20 Delicacies. Climb the bookshelf to the left and collect the key. Assassin's Creed Valhalla: The Siege of Paris is the game's second expansion, released on the 12th August, 2021. Shoot down the construction rock to reach the chest below. Specialised, but effective. As such, the Celtic Armor set isn't too bad. All Yakuza / Like a Dragon Games Ranked: Which Yakuza Gam What Time Is the Next State of Play Livestream? Go through the opening and swim under and up. The Mentor of Alamut Armor set would be a great choice for stealthy players if Assassin's Creed Valhalla actually encouraged stealth gameplay. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The chest itself is behind a breakable wooden wall. Anderitum Hideout AC Valhalla Wealth Armor Gear Suthsexe Location How The AC Valhalla beast of the hills location is a little tricky as there is a hidden way that leads the player to the Legendary Bear. Thor's armor set is built for aggression, battering your enemies with stun damage. Robert's been a dedicated PlayStation fan since the days of Tekken 2, and he still loves a good dust up. This will direct the beam downwards outside. You'll then need to track down three keys in order to open it. I know its viking themed but still they are ugly and boring. Once you're down there, you'll find a rubble wall in the direction of the chest. Do the same in the next larger room, before locating the breakable wooden floor. It's one of Azar's imported armor sets, and must be traded for at her shop in Dublin. Its pieces can be found by exploring Tombs of the Fallen locations where Eivor must delve into trap-ridden caves. Once they reach the end of this hideout, they will find a chest. The only one that you may not pick up on is hidden in near the top of the building's tallest tower, right underneath the synchronisation point. Grab an oil jar from the S at the higher level and jump across horizontal poles. Grab the Codex III note. If you just want an extra chunk of melee attack power, it's a good set. Defeat enemy for Tungsten Ingot and key for the Inner Camp door to the gear. Vinland is a location that opens up to you later on in the game, and all pieces of the armor set can be bought from any of the merchants dotted around the map. All you have to do is run inside, loot the chest, and run away with your prize instead of fighting with your best weapon. They can do that by either hitting the Anderitum Camp and stealing the key to the front door, or they can sneak inside the camp and use the large hole in the center of the camp to reach the hideout. Hi I've had a problem with the mastery challenge trial of the raven. But while some various weapons and armor have been added to the mix, the Mentor's Set remains a go-to classic for many; particularly those who favor a sneakier, swifter style of play more in line with the series' roots. Location: Suthsexe - Anderitum Hideout (Underground, Restricted Area). Go to main room and climb up for 3rd key. However, the boulder is surrounded by lava, so if you want to move it without taking damage, you'll need to use the lava-walking power. This chest is underground, inside a maze-like series of caverns. This room is a dead end, but you can shoot one of the barred doors open through the metal fencing. Reach the roof of the tower at the back of the stronghold. Assassin's Creed Valhalla How to get Armor Gear in Anderitum Hideout Blow up the rubble with the nearby oil cart, and then follow the tunnels inside. The Reaper's armor set is built for stealthy styles of play. You need 60 Clothing, 60 Texts, and 20 Delicacies. Assassins Creed Valhalla: Flying Paper - Lincolnscire secrets Look through the second window on the first floor and shoot the lock off the door on the other side with your bow. It includes a range of new (and exotic) armor sets. The boosts themselves are noticeable, making Eivor even more deadly when not engaged in direct combat. Jump down into the hole and break the lock off the door, then look to your left where you will see a movable object blocked by boxes. Find the key to the church and head inside. What I am so confused about with ubisoft AC approach in the last few games, is why the hell do they add all of this nonsensical content post launch that is all useless once you beaten the game fully. Location: Ravensthorpe during the Yule Festival seasonal event. Outside the area by the grave is an oil jar and go North, drop down and turn around, break the wall. This is a heavily guarded location, but you'll need to find time to angle an arrow shot through a window opposite the barred door in order to get inside the room with the chest. Check the cave in the back of the camp. Kill him, grab it, and head down the only staircase . And, in order to upgrade your armor, you'll need to collect Carbon, Nickel, and Tungsten (Gold) Ingots. Location: Suthsexe - Guildford - Saint Lewinnas Church. (Quest: Tilting the Balance). During a River Raid, open a large chest in a military encampment to be in with a chance of finding Saint George's Trousers. Drop down this hole and assassinate the enemy at the bottom. Exit the chamber on the other side of the room after burning through the gas, and notice the oil jar on the floor. Inside the building, clmib up and over, Through the wooden door. Slide under and grab a 4th oil jar. These quests are only available once you've completed the game's main campaign, and you've fully upgraded your settlement of Ravensthorpe. Usefulness: Armor sets that are built to boost your ranged abilities are quite rare in Valhalla, but given just how powerful ranged combat can be, this is an excellent armor set for those who live by the bow. Once you're safe, you can find the key in the room at the back of the dungeon. Climb up it and drop down. Blow up the rubble, break the wooden wall, and the chest is yours. - One of the best armor sets in the game. You can find these resources throughout Vinland, with ingots specifically showing up in enemy camps. Oil jar is right in front of the breakable wall. East of Jorvik Theatre. AC Valhalla has become one of the biggest game releases for 2020, it is also one of the most played installments in the Assassins Creed Franchise. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment Hogwarts Legacy: All Field Guide Pages Locations, The Response to Rocksteady's Suicide Squad Has Been Abysmal, PS Plus Essential Games for March 2023 Confirmed, PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot, New PS5, PS4 Games This Week (27th February to 5th March), PS4 to PS5: All Games with Confirmed Free Upgrades. You can shoot the door's lock through the grate. From the South side, climb the wooden attachment. Note, however, that this locked door is also surrounded by lava so the lava-walking power is once again needed if you want to avoid damage. Another very tricky chest to reach. Defeat the enemy group located here and you'll loot these trousers. You'll need the lava-walking power to move the boulder without taking damage, which you can then climb to access the ladder that leads to the upper floor. Swim South, then East. To get to it you have to destroy all the obstacles that stand in your way. The Jotun Mantle armor set is all about buffing your stats after using an ability. The players will have to look for a door built into the cliff. Location: Loch Clunbre Hideout in Snotinghamscire (Suggested Power 250). The chest is in the deepest room. The chest is on an elevated platform. Mentor's Robes The torso piece is in Seint Lewinna's Church in Guildford, Suthsexe. As such, this set's usefulness is ultimately situational, but it is effective if you're sticking to the shadows. You can buy this armor piece from Norvid for 60 Yule Tokens. Enter from the East side and go left. Players need to open this chest to loot the Mentors Vambrace from the Anderitum Hideout in AC Valhalla. AC Valhalla: Complete Guide and Walkthrough - msn.com The exit may be easier to find since it is a small square pond. Slide through the doorway 2x. Simply complete the tour's initial set of quests (this takes roughly 10 to 20 minutes), and you'll obtain the armor automatically when you next load your save in the main game. Read on to discover just where and how each piece of this tantalizing armor set can be located. You can find foreign supplies during River Raids, inside of treasure chests. I, for one, am really enjoying my time in AC:Valhalla, yes, it's nothing new, but so damn pretty on the new gen consoles. Defeat the guard standing next to the chest, loot the key and unlock it. Move the object you moved previously out so you can climb up and over. I miss the old loot system with massive variety made grinding in game worth it. Location: The witch's lair South of Britannia's Watch in East Anglia (Suggested Power for fighting the witch: 250). Location: Suthsexe - Briggworth (Restricted Area). Just move it, open the door and then turn right. Make your way to the right side of the room and follow the path. Then, you'll need the lava-walking power to climb back down the lava without taking damage. It's found in the later parts of the game, in very high level areas. You can then move the objects to make way to the next room. The chest is down near the prisoner cells, in a locked room. Location: Ravensburg in Grantebridgescire (Suggested Power 20). In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about Utbech Ingot Location | Assassin's Creed Valhalla with us! The critical chance increase is nice enough, but the critical damage increase can be huge, letting you deal a number of crushing blows in quick succession, if you're lucky. Briggsworth. If you bought this shield from the merchant, it will not count as a Wealth collect point. Location: A trade reward at Azar's trading store, once you reach Dublin Reputation Rank 2. Usefulness: As mentioned earlier in this guide, stealth isn't always viable in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, but the flat damage boost that the Wayland's Armor set provides is arguably worth it. The chest is located in the hideout's only hut. You can, however, use the Vinland Armor design when changing your armor's appearance at the blacksmith. Enter the church through the opening at the top of the tower. The chest is in a large house near the centre of town. Each piece of the armor set costs 1200 tokens, so you'll need a total of 6000 tokens in order to buy everything. Against multiple enemies, or a boss that has a lot of health, you can easily activate the perks by finishing your weapon combos. Grab the key to the South and unlock the nearby door. Go S at intersection, grab an oil jar. Usefulness: Although the damage and resistance bonuses are decent, the perk activation is obviously situational. Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.The copyrights of videos of games used in our content and other intellectual property rights belong to the provider of the game.The contents we provide on this site were created personally by members of the Game8 editorial department.We refuse the right to reuse or repost content taken without our permission such as data or images to other sites. Enter the tower and climb to the second floor. Around the back of the building is a ledge. The beast of the hills in AC Valhalla is a Legendary bear. Collect key and open the door behind the icon's door. The slowdown lasts a lot longer when you're wearing this set, giving you ample time to go for a headshot with your bow, or close in for an assassination. You'll find a flooded tunnel that you can swim through. First off, you'll need to find an ice floor that leads down into this cavern, which is filled with lava and teleportation spots. Back to room with breakable wall, go W. Defeat enemy, loot key. Still, it's a decent set while it lasts. The additional assassination damage should be enough to kill just about any enemy from the shadows, but Valhalla often forces you into situations where stealth isn't very effective. The Galloglach armor set is meant for brawling at close range. Location: You will find the paper in Lincoln city. Its pieces are offered as Rebel Mission rewards, and can be bought with silver deniers. Last updated on: 04/22/2021 11:26 PM. During a River Raid, open a large chest in a military encampment to be in with a chance of finding Saint George's Great Helm. Shoot the barred door (light bow works best). Once you're inside, the chest is all yours. Inside one of the houses, smash the jars to reveal a wall you can crawl under. But if you enjoy using those weapon types, then this is a great set. https://gaming.amazon.com/loot/acv?ingress=amzn&ref_=SM_ACV01_P1_CRWN. Usefulness: The Galloglach armor set is a very solid option for aggressive styles of play. Enter through the Multangular Tower, South of the icons. Basically, this armor set is fit for a true assassin. Be warned, though: the gas comes back after a short amount of time. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Fight or Flyte Quest Answers (Flyting Duel With Ake) Old Wounds Traitor Guide. Climb up there and dive off into the wooden structure. Enter through the Secret Entrance. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Location: Suthsexe - Chertsey Abbey Ruins. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Odin the All-Father's armor set is designed to bolster your effectiveness in ranged combat. The chest itself is right in the middle of the cave, and the key for the lock can be found directly behind it, up a height behind a lava waterfall but you can't just climb up there. During a River Raid, open a large chest in a military encampment to be in with a chance of finding Saint George's Bracers. Use our maps to find the locations of . The Mentor's Armor Set is a raven-aligned set of melee focused gear. Head to the fort's northernmost building, which sits on an island out in the river. The Mentor of Alamut Armor set was added to Assassin's Creed Valhalla with update 1.6.2 (The Last Chapter update). Grab the Codex IV note. It takes two keys to get to this chest. The Arenhare'ko:wa Armor set, also known as the Vinland Armor set, can only be obtained in Vinland. Assassin's Creed Valhalla Mastery Challenge Map Locations and You have forgotten to add the Valkyria armor set! This will get you to the top. The explosion radius is also large, meaning that multiple opponents can be caught in the blast. The Huntsman armor set is built to enhance your ranged combat abilities. Climb on the ledge and shoot the oil jars. You come here during the World Event, Skal to Your Wealth. Instead, look up to the sky to see a tree that hangs out from the very top of the city wall. The Jarl of the Raven Clan Armor set was added to Assassin's Creed Valhalla with update 1.6.2 (The Last Chapter update). This will point the beam at a seal above a now opened door on the ground floor of the main building. Location: Ratae Bureau in Ledecestrescire (Suggested Power 20). Go underwater and swim NW, destroy the wooden wall. It's hard to say no to this set, even with the low health caveat. Head straight into the temple's main entrance and break the objects to your right to find a hole that you can slide through. Location: A reward that can be bought from Pierre or one of his rebel allies. You literally become so overpowered in this game that armor stats mean nothing. RELATED: The 10 Best Armors In Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Especially when it is updated to mythical it looks very cool! Dodging can exhaust your stamina very quickly if you're not careful, but with the right timing, you can make full use of this set's attack boosting perks. Through the door, move the obstruction and go through the door. The increase to melee attack damage is sizeable, making a noticeable difference to even the weakest damage-per-hit weapons, like daggers or one-handed swords. Destroy the wooden wall and grab the key. Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok is the game's third expansion, which released on the 10th March, 2022. However, some of the chests with gear are hidden inside buildings, tunnels, underground, or are locked. Firing the Arrow Quest Guide. The pieces of Saint George's armor set are scattered across these three maps, in randomised locations. The chest is behind a destructible wall. Follow the tunnel until you come to a large, open room with water and suspended platforms. This is a guide to the location of ingots in Anderitum Hideout of the Suthsexe region in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Where do you find different armor sets in Assassin's Creed Valhalla? Assassin's Creed Valhalla Mentor's Armor Set Locations It's in its own cave, on the eastern side of Uldar, inside the cliffs. Climb the stairs and go South. On the top floor, you will find a shelf that prevents you from proceeding. SW of the building is barred door building with the Oil Jars. You need 90 Texts, 50 Delicacies, and 25 Luxuries. This chest is underground, and getting to it is tricky. The chest is inside. Swim Ne and there's an opening above the statue. Snotinghamscire: Sherwood Hideout: Mentor's Mask: Suthsexe: Anderitum Hideout: Mentor's Vambrace: Defeat the nearby enemy for the key. Location: Serpent's Landing in East Anglia (Suggested Power 55). Location: Eboracum Bureau in Jorvik (Suggested Power 190). After you get on top, destroy the cargo that obstructs the way to the window. Fortunately, no keys are required to open it. It's actually a decent set, but again, the activation is a pain, and when you're fighting through a cave, you can't tell what time of day it is. Youll need a key to unlock the chest inside the warehouse. Shoot the wooden roof and climb up. You can't complete this task until the end of the main story. The Mentor's armor set is built for speed and aggression. It increases your battle prowess when your weapon is coated in flames. The perks themselves are straightforward, and you can have Eivor meditate until it's night in order to take constant advantage of the set. Updated August 18th, 2021 by Stephen LaGioia: Spurred in part by the release of Wrath of the Druids and The Seige of Paris DLC content and a trickling of other updates, AC Valhalla continues to power ahead with a large and quite active userbase. Location: Pruvinis in Melunois (Suggested Power 200). The chest is found in a locked hut near the centre of the camp. It costs 750 silver deniers, and only becomes available once you reach Infamy Rank 4. Because stealth can be so difficult in this game, the harsh truth is that this set simply isn't very useful. Pass into the tunnels and you'll come to a flooded corridor with a barred door at the end of it. Dive underwater, and come up on the other side of the Northern wall. You'll need to dive down into these caverns part of a nearby side quest, and the chest is in a large room full of rats. Teleport to the middle of the room via the decoration, and then move the wooden shelves so you can jump through the gap in the icicles. The chest is easy to see, inside the main stone circle. Shoot them both to access the top floor and get the book. Raiding every encampment is the only way to get every piece of Saint George's armor set, including this cape. AC Valhalla Beast of the Hills locations is Sciropescire and it can be found in the Uriconium Ruins of this region. Grab a 3rd oil jar in the next room on the right. The Druidic Armor Set is built to keep Eivor alive in combat, while providing an additional attack boost. Look up at the perch, you can shoot the glass window and climb inside, look up and shoot the wooden flooring. To get inside, look for a rubble-sealed cave entrance near the river shore. Usefulness: Obviously, taking damage is something that you want to avoid, but sometimes, even the most skilled players will take a hit here and there. From the east side, climb the wooden banister and enter through the window. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions the problem occurred under and what kind of effects it had. Location: Beamasfield in Cent (Suggested Power 130). Once you're inside, look up to find a breakable wooden floor. Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides Wealth Top Page Wealth Types Break the boxes in front of iron fencing and you'll be able to slip through to the key. For much more information on skills, including our own ratings for each skill that you can unlock, check out our in-depth guide: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Best Skills. Go through the Secret Entrance, down the stairs and through the water. You'll need to use the raven flight power to fly up and land on top of the platform. You can achieve this either with a rune that adds a flame effect (on critical hits or successful parries), or with the Fire Strike ability. On the hardest difficulty, this repetitive bloated slog was still a breeze. This is one of the trickiest locations to explore as there are quite a few passageways and hallways. Swim down, through the short path, and back up. It's one of Azar's imported armor sets, and must be traded for at her shop in Dublin. @ShogunRok I wanted something stealthy and cool but even the cloaks are bulky as are all the armour sets.