We wanted to get the facts straight and dug into the data in order to identify the most racist cities in Illinois. West Garfield park . Its represented on all major sports fronts. Decatur is along Highway 72 (between Champaign and Springfield) in the middle of the Prairie State. This area is often viewed as one of Chicagos most impoverished suburbs, and at one point, was the poorest suburb in the country. Theft is rampant in several pockets of this small town. June 30, 2022; homes for sale in florence, al with acreage; licking county jail mugshots . Virginia Commonwealth University that mapped the Klans, These Are The 10 Most Boring Cities In Illinois, These Are The 10 Best Places To Live In Illinois, These Are The 10 Worst Places To Live In Illinois, These Are The 10 Snobbiest Places In Illinois. Its home to Illinois State University and the headquarters of State Farm Insurance and Country Financial. Swipe left for slideshow. Decatur is located in the center of Illinois. This number doesnt reflect the high number of mullets (is it a mullet, a perm, or merm Rockford? We all watch the news with horror when we hear about a hate crime that happens not that far away from us. He originally worked for Movoto Real Estate as the director of marketing before founding HomeSnacks. Not surprisingly, Galena has been named one of the coolest small towns in the U.S. If you live in Macon County, theres a good chance youre makin meth. Like other towns in this part of the state, crime rates have slowly risen. More babies = more $$. We have proof that there's a lot of 'noise' in Illinois in terms of its most dangerous cities. Swipe left for slideshow. Find out about a city before walking the streets alone. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If youre curious enough, here are the happiest cities in {state}, according to science:For more Illinois reading , check out: Nick Johnson earned his masters in Business Administration from the Drucker School At Claremont Graduate University. For rural Illinois, that's a crime wave. Like our previous entry, the rates have been increasing in recent years, particularly with assaults that reached an all-time high of 414. 10 most ghetto cities in illinois - oilsnfoods.com It is the rapid decline of the town and the rapidly increasing cost of living, combined with the crime rate (mostly due to drugs), that makes Dubuque one of the worst places to live in Iowa. The north side all the way up to Evanston is virtually ghetto-free except for a few pockets. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Population: 5,517Estimated Trashy: 1,225Assaults: 7th for small cities in ILPayday Loan Outlets: 9. Chasing Chains, LLC. Clinton. For both good and bad, Illinois has a reputation in the country and the world and hosts many high-profile concerts and events. Drive down a big road in Johnston City, and itll be bar, church, bar, church, bar. No. A former mayor once called Marion "the hub of the universe." According to a Harris Poll taken in October of 2015, only a third of Americans say they are truly happy. It has brought opportunities and funding as well as crime. Aurora 6. Not only are there a lot of dropouts in Robbins, it has a high concentration of drug stores (a staple of inner city life). You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website. The neighborhoods and shopping centers in these Illinois cities are not ALL bad. One of the most popular cities in Central Illinois, this town is home to about 155,000 residents and sees about 760 cases of violent crime per 100,000 people each year. Nick's the creator of the HomeSnacks YouTube channel that now has over 260,000 subscribers and is an excellent source to learn about different parts of the country. There was also a larger number of assaults at 356. The property crime rate in the ranks 316th highest in the United States -- 72.98% better than US average property crime rate. If youre thinking about making a move anytime soon, maybe think twice before considering one of the worst cities in Illinois, according to FBI crime data. AN ELITE CAFEMEDIA LIFESTYLE PUBLISHER. While the cost of living is less here, the poverty rate exceeds Illinois average. Yet, it may never shed its gangster history culminated with the rise and fall of Al Capone and his band of outlaws. 11 Baltimore, MD In the city of Baltimore, where the population is over 600,000, the number of violent crimes in 2016 was just over 11,000, making your chances of being a victim 1 in 56. 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Illinois (2023 Update) | House Grail If you're looking to be that diamond in the rough, or you're just curious to see if your city made the list, take a look at our list below. The Illinois cities on our most dangerous list could definitely use some TLC. When you click through real estate links on our site, we earn an affiliate commission. No, Illinois is not a dangerous state as it ranks as the #24 safest state in the United States based on our analysis of the latest FBI Crime Data. Like any place, it has its high and low-risk areas. Each one has its unique character. How East St Louis Ghetto became one of World's Most Dangerous Place Additionally, high school graduation rates are determined by looking at the total number of people who live in a city, not the current graduation rate of an areas high schools. It gets its name from a manufacturing tradition that goes back to the late 1800s, when the company's main employer was a company that made kitchen utensils that looked like granite. In addition to the most dangerous towns in Illinois, youll likely want to avoid the creepiest town in Illinois, which, according to many, is Alton. We threw a lot of criteria at this one in order to get the best, most complete results possible. According to FBI data, the most dangerous city in Illinois is Mount Vernon, which has a violent crime rate that is more than three times the national average and more than twice the state average. Just make sure you have a valid license and a working automobile before exiting cuz aint nobody got time for that! So what criteria did we use? ), shag haircuts, bangs teased out like its 1990, and the number of people who wear pajamas to Walmart. Despite the uptick in murders, it's nothing like you'd see in Tijuana or Caracas where the murder rate is 2x any American city. You may have been surprised to see that Chicago didnt make the list of the most dangerous towns in Illinois. And if you don't see your city there, head to the bottom. And the crime here hasnt improved in the last 3 years, either. The state with the most miserable cities is California, with 10. But among the cornfields of southern Illinois, it serves as a key urban outpost. Youre a true gem, Decatur. Education and healthcare are the primary industries in the city. Theres no doubt that East St. Louis is the most ghetto city in Illinois when you look at the data. Figures for violent and non-violent crime far exceed the state averages. When it comes to theft, property crime, and aggravated assault, you're likely to find a lot of that taking place in various pockets of this southern Illinois town. getty 10 Most Dangerous Cities in the US (#1 is the highest cost of crime) St. Louis, Missouri; Jackson, Mississippi; Detroit, Michigan We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Most residents here earn far below the poverty line, and its one of the more dangerous cities in the state as well. June 10, 2021. No wonder it serves as the headquarters of agriculture giant Archer Daniels Midland. Most Dangerous Cities in the United States 2023 - worldpopulationreview.com The adage of safety in numbers applies when traveling through any populated area. Population: 8,196Estimated Trashy: 7,983Welfare population: 20%Payday Loan Outlets: 8. 10 most ghetto cities in illinois. Article continues below. Statistics for all major violent and non-violent crimes well exceed the state averages. Weve discussed the sobering history of the Prohibition era. Sadly, crime is fast becoming a daily occurrence. These Are The 10 Best Cities For Hippies In Illinois - HomeSnacks With a population of just about 14,000, it's incredible that burglary, property crime, and larceny also have exceptionally high rates in this town. We started by making a list of every place in Illinois with more than 2,500 people based on the 2013 American Community Survey. It is in the heart of the farm country, hence, its nickname as the Soybean Capital of the World. You may or may not be aware that Harvey is statistically, the most dangerous city in Illinois, according to FBI numbers, which take into account the number of violent and property crimes that happen here every year. Centralia also has the unfortunate distinction of having the third highest rape cases per capita in the state. Note: This articles statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website. Its fitting when you consider the world-class University of Illinois and the many Fortune 500 companies that have a presence in this city. We use data, analytics, and a sense of humor to determine the dirt on places across the country. While he wasnt born here, he lived in the state before going to the White House. Most violent and non-violent crime exceeds state averages. For drug use and violence, we used FBI data, and for Cash Advance Outlets, we used Google Maps. Its worth noting that this town is home to two correctional facilities, the Illinois Youth Center Joliet and the Joliet State Prison. The violent crime rate in illinois ranks 18th highest in the United States -- 9.83% worse than US average violent crime rate. These Are The 10 Cities In Illinois With The Most KKK Members What are the circumstances that make these Illinois cities this way? Its worth noting that the problems Illinois faces arent strictly a matter of big-city influence. Also known as Sansevieria. We used science and data to determine which places in Illinois are the unhappiest of all. In fact, it's one of the top, This town of 12,000 people may not see many murders but violent crime is still three times the state average and nearly four times the national average. Well, that's a long way from here. We did the work for you. Its not only hurting the environment, you have the 2nd highest dropout rate in the state. We want to point out again that there's still safes places in Rockford and that this isn't a comment on the people that live there. Dont laugh, Benton. But, we were curious which Illinois cities might be the most miserable? With a robbery and five aggravated assaults happening just about every day, it's safe to say that you're not paranoid looking over your shoulder in Rockford. At the same time, you probably want to invest in some good home security if you're living in Cahokia, because the village experienced the third highest burglary rate in Illinois for 2020, with a burglary happening every other day on average. What other locales do you think are among the worst towns in Illinois? The 20 Worst Places to Live in Illinois - Money Inc 10 most ghetto cities in illinois. In the end, West Frankfort ended up being the the most trashy city in the Land of LincolnLincolns probably drinkin right about now.#HandHimABuschLIght. Breeds like the German Shepherd excel at this job. In a population of just 17,551 residents, Marion suffered 80 stolen cars during a year. michael fishman yankees salary . But where is the actual ghetto in Illinois? We're counting down the 10 most dangerous places in Illinois in which to live, based on FBI crime statistics: 1. While those might be a little harsh, it appears as if the general public agrees with the data Sauk Village is one of the more ghetto cities in the state of Illinois. Several factors may explain the increase in crime in the Land of Lincoln. According To Safewise, These Are The 10 Safest Cities To Live In Illinois In 2021, Here Are The 10 Richest Counties In Illinois, The Adults-Only Resort In Illinois Where You Can Enjoy Some Much-Needed Peace And Quiet, Here Are The 10 Most Dangerous Towns In Illinois To Live In, Exploring The Abandoned Town Of Cairo, Illinois Is The Closest Thing Youll Get To Time Travel, Discover The True History Of Nauvoo, The Town In Illinois That Used To Be A Swamp, Here Are The 13 Most Dangerous Places In Illinois After Dark, people from the Windy City arent that bad.